
Michael Spranger

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5EEHeinrich Mellmann, Matthias Jüngel, Michael Spranger: Using reference objects to improve vision-based bearing measurements. IROS 2008: 3939-3945
4EELuc Steels, Michael Spranger: The robot in the mirror. Connect. Sci. 20(4): 337-358 (2008)
3EEMatthias Jüngel, Heinrich Mellmann, Michael Spranger: Improving Vision-Based Distance Measurements Using Reference Objects. RoboCup 2007: 89-100
2 Jan Hoffmann, Michael Spranger, Daniel Göhring, Matthias Jüngel, Hans-Dieter Burkhard: Further Studies on the Use of Negative Information in Mobile Robot Localization. ICRA 2006: 62-67
1EEJan Hoffmann, Michael Spranger, Daniel Göhring, Matthias Jüngel: Exploiting the Unexpected: Negative Evidence Modeling and Proprioceptive Motion Modeling for Improved Markov Localization. RoboCup 2005: 24-35

Coauthor Index

1Hans-Dieter Burkhard [2]
2Daniel Göhring [1] [2]
3Jan Hoffmann [1] [2]
4Matthias Jüngel [1] [2] [3] [5]
5Heinrich Mellmann [3] [5]
6Luc Steels [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)