
Masato Kitakami

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16EEMasato Kitakami, Bochuan Cai, Hideo Ito: A Checkpointing Method with Small Checkpoint Latency. IEICE Transactions 91-D(3): 857-861 (2008)
15EEMasato Kitakami, Yuta Noguchi: Error Recovery Method for Multiple-Dictionary Compression Method. PRDC 2007: 11-18
14EEMasato Kitakami, Manabu Sueishi: Fault-Tolerant Wormhole Switching with Backtracking Capability. DFT 2005: 505-513
13EEMasato Kitakami, Junpei Sano: Code Design and Decoding Methods for Burst Error Locating Codes. PRDC 2005: 125-132
12EEMasato Kitakami, Satoshi Nakamura: Burst Error Recovery for Huffman Coding. IEICE Transactions 88-D(9): 2197-2200 (2005)
11EEManabu Sueishi, Masato Kitakami, Hideo Ito: Fault-Tolerant Message Switching Based on Wormhole Switching and Backtracking. PRDC 2004: 183-190
10 Toshinori Takabatake, Masato Kitakami, Hideo Ito: A Fault-tolerant Routing Strategy for Generalized Hierarchical Completely-connected Networks. IASTED PDCS 2002: 619-624
9EEToshinori Takabatake, Masato Kitakami, Hideo Ito: Fault-Tolerant Properties of Generalized Hierarchical Completely-Connected Networks. PRDC 2002: 137-144
8EEToshinori Takabatake, Masato Kitakami, Hideo Ito: Escape and Restoration Routing: Suspensive Deadlock Recovery in Interconnection Networks. PRDC 2001: 127-136
7EEMasato Kitakami, Shunji Kubota, Hideo Ito: Fault-Tolerance of Functional Programs Based on the Parallel Graph Reduction. PRDC 2001: 319-324
6EEMasato Kitakami, Hongyuan Chen, Eiji Fujiwara: Evaluations of Burst Error Recovery for VF Arithmetic Coding. DFT 2000: 183-191
5 Eiji Fujiwara, Tepparit Ritthongpitak, Masato Kitakami: Optimal Two-Level Unequal Error Control Codes for Computer Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(12): 1313-1325 (1998)
4 Tepparit Ritthongpitak, Masato Kitakami, Eiji Fujiwara: Optimal Two-Level Unequal Error Control Codes for Computer Systems. FTCS 1996: 190-199
3 Eiji Fujiwara, Masato Kitakami: A Class of Optimal Fixed-Byte Error Protection Codes for Computer Systems. FTCS 1995: 310-319
2 Eiji Fujiwara, Masato Kitakami: A class of error-correcting codes for byte-organized memory systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(6): 1857-1865 (1994)
1 Eiji Fujiwara, Masato Kitakami: A Class of Error Locating Codes for Byte-Organized Memory Systems. FTCS 1993: 110-119

Coauthor Index

1Bochuan Cai [16]
2Hongyuan Chen [6]
3Eiji Fujiwara [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Hideo Ito [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [16]
5Shunji Kubota [7]
6Satoshi Nakamura [12]
7Yuta Noguchi [15]
8Tepparit Ritthongpitak [4] [5]
9Junpei Sano [13]
10Manabu Sueishi [11] [14]
11Toshinori Takabatake [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)