
Hoda A. ElMaraghy

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21EEA. I. Shabaka, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: A model for generating optimal process plans in RMS. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 21(2): 180-194 (2008)
20EEA. I. Shabaka, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Generation of machine configurations based on product features. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 20(4): 355-369 (2007)
19EEYang Cao, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Ahmed Azab: Reconfigurable Control Structure for Robots in Assembly. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 50(4): 419-439 (2007)
18EETarek Y. ElMekkawy, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Efficient search of Petri Nets for deadlock-free scheduling in FMSs using heuristic functions. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 16(1): 14-24 (2003)
17EEElSayed M. ElBeheiry, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Robotic Manipulators State Observation Via One-Time Gain Switching. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 38(3-4): 313-344 (2003)
16EEHoda A. ElMaraghy, Tarek Lahdhiri, Frank Ciuca: Robust Linear Control of Flexible Joint Robot Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 34(4): 335-356 (2002)
15EEPamela Renton, Michael Greenspan, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Hassen Zghal: Plan-N-Scan: A Robotic System for Collision-Free Autonomous Exploration and Workspace Mapping. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 24(3): 207-234 (1999)
14EEAtef T. Massoud, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Tarek Lahdhiri: On the Robust Nonlinear Motion Position and Force Control of Flexible Joints Robot Manipulators. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 25(3): 227-254 (1999)
13EEKrzysztof P. Jankowski, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Robust hybrid position/force control of redundant robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 27(3): 111-127 (1999)
12 Imed Ben Abdallah, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Tarek Y. ElMekkawy: An Efficient Search Algorithm for Deadlock-Free Scheduling in FMS Using Petri Nets. ICRA 1998: 1793-1798
11 Abbas Vafaeesefa, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Accessibility Analysis in 5-Axis Machining of Sculptured Surfaces. ICRA 1998: 2464-2469
10 Annis Limaiem, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Automatic Path Planning for Coordinate Measuring Machines. ICRA 1998: 887-892
9 Tarek Lahdhiri, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Optimal Nonlinear Position Tracking Control of a Two-Link Flexible-Joint Robot Manipulator. ISER 1997: 503-514
8 Atef T. Massoud, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Model-Based Motion and Force Control for Flexible-Joint Robot Manipulators. I. J. Robotic Res. 16(4): 529-544 (1997)
7EEKrzysztof P. Jankowski, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Task space decomposition for invariant control of constrained robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 16(3): 209-227 (1996)
6 F. Liang, Hoda A. ElMaraghy: Direct Adaptive Neurocontrol of Flexible Joint Robots Using Localized Polynomial Networks. ICRA 1994: 3186-3191
5 A. Syed, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, N. Chagneux: Real-Time Monitoring and Diagnosing of Robotic Assembly with Self-Organizing Neural Maps. ICRA (2) 1993: 188-195
4 Krzysztof P. Jankowski, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Waguih H. ElMaraghy: Inverse Dynamics Control of Multiple Robot Arms with Flexible Joints. ICRA (3) 1993: 996-1003
3 Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Atef T. Massoud: Adaptive Dynamic Hybrid Position and Force Control of Flexible Joint Robot Manipulators. ISER 1993: 87-102
2EEA. Syed, Hoda A. ElMaraghy, N. Chagneux: Real-time monitoring and diagnosing of robotic assembly with self-organizing neural maps. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1992: 271-274
1EEHoda A. ElMaraghy, Luc Laperrière: Modelling and sequence generation for robotized mechanical assembly. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 9(3): 137-147 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Imed Ben Abdallah [12]
2Ahmed Azab [19]
3Yang Cao [19]
4N. Chagneux [2] [5]
5Frank Ciuca [16]
6ElSayed M. ElBeheiry [17]
7Waguih H. ElMaraghy [4]
8Tarek Y. ElMekkawy [12] [18]
9Michael Greenspan [15]
10Krzysztof P. Jankowski [4] [7] [13]
11Tarek Lahdhiri [9] [14] [16]
12Luc Laperrière [1]
13F. Liang [6]
14Annis Limaiem [10]
15Atef T. Massoud [3] [8] [14]
16Pamela Renton [15]
17A. I. Shabaka [20] [21]
18A. Syed [2] [5]
19Abbas Vafaeesefa [11]
20Hassen Zghal [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)