2009 |
84 | EE | Eytan Adar,
Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais:
Resonance on the web: web dynamics and revisitation patterns.
CHI 2009: 1381-1390 |
83 | EE | Paul André,
Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais:
From x-rays to silly putty via Uranus: serendipity and its role in web search.
CHI 2009: 2033-2036 |
82 | EE | Ryen W. White,
Susan T. Dumais,
Jaime Teevan:
Characterizing the influence of domain expertise on web search behavior.
WSDM 2009: 132-141 |
81 | EE | Eytan Adar,
Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais,
Jonathan L. Elsas:
The web changes everything: understanding the dynamics of web content.
WSDM 2009: 282-291 |
2008 |
80 | EE | Eytan Adar,
Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais:
Large scale analysis of web revisitation patterns.
CHI 2008: 1197-1206 |
79 | EE | Doug Downey,
Susan T. Dumais,
Daniel J. Liebling,
Eric Horvitz:
Understanding the relationship between searchers' queries and information goals.
CIKM 2008: 449-458 |
78 | EE | Ben Carterette,
Paul N. Bennett,
David Maxwell Chickering,
Susan T. Dumais:
Here or There.
ECIR 2008: 16-27 |
77 | EE | Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais,
Daniel J. Liebling:
To personalize or not to personalize: modeling queries with variation in user intent.
SIGIR 2008: 163-170 |
76 | EE | Ryen W. White,
Susan T. Dumais,
Jaime Teevan:
How medical expertise influences web search interaction.
SIGIR 2008: 791-792 |
75 | EE | Marti A. Hearst,
Matthew Hurst,
Susan T. Dumais:
What should blog search look like?
SSM 2008: 95-98 |
74 | EE | Deborah Barreau,
Robert Capra,
Susan T. Dumais,
William Jones,
Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones:
Introduction to keeping, refinding and sharing personal information.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 26(4): (2008) |
2007 |
73 | EE | Donald Metzler,
Susan T. Dumais,
Christopher Meek:
Similarity Measures for Short Segments of Text.
ECIR 2007: 16-27 |
72 | EE | Mark Sanderson,
Susan T. Dumais:
Examining Repetition in User Search Behavior.
ECIR 2007: 597-604 |
71 | EE | Doug Downey,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Models of Searching and Browsing: Languages, Studies, and Application.
IJCAI 2007: 2740-2747 |
70 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Information retrieval in context.
IUI 2007: 2 |
69 | EE | Charles L. A. Clarke,
Eugene Agichtein,
Susan T. Dumais,
Ryen W. White:
The influence of caption features on clickthrough patterns in web search.
SIGIR 2007: 135-142 |
68 | EE | Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Characterizing the value of personalizing search.
SIGIR 2007: 757-758 |
67 | EE | Doug Downey,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Heads and tails: studies of web search with common and rare queries.
SIGIR 2007: 847-848 |
66 | EE | Jure Leskovec,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Web projections: learning from contextual subgraphs of the web.
WWW 2007: 471-480 |
65 | EE | Jamie Callan,
James Allan,
Charles L. A. Clarke,
Susan T. Dumais,
David A. Evans,
Mark Sanderson,
ChengXiang Zhai:
Meeting of the MINDS: an information retrieval research agenda.
SIGIR Forum 41(2): 25-34 (2007) |
2006 |
64 | | Efthimis N. Efthimiadis,
Susan T. Dumais,
David Hawking,
Kalervo Järvelin:
SIGIR 2006: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 6-11, 2006
ACM 2006 |
63 | EE | Edward Cutrell,
Daniel C. Robbins,
Susan T. Dumais,
Raman Sarin:
Fast, flexible filtering with phlat.
CHI 2006: 261-270 |
62 | EE | Eugene Agichtein,
Eric Brill,
Susan T. Dumais:
Improving web search ranking by incorporating user behavior information.
SIGIR 2006: 19-26 |
61 | EE | Eugene Agichtein,
Eric Brill,
Susan T. Dumais,
Robert Ragno:
Learning user interaction models for predicting web search result preferences.
SIGIR 2006: 3-10 |
60 | EE | Filip Radlinski,
Susan T. Dumais:
Improving personalized web search using result diversification.
SIGIR 2006: 691-692 |
59 | EE | Edward Cutrell,
Susan T. Dumais,
Jaime Teevan:
Searching to eliminate personal information management.
Commun. ACM 49(1): 58-64 (2006) |
58 | EE | Edward Cutrell,
Susan T. Dumais:
Exploring personal information.
Commun. ACM 49(4): 50-51 (2006) |
2005 |
57 | EE | Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Personalizing search via automated analysis of interests and activities.
SIGIR 2005: 449-456 |
56 | EE | Xuehua Shen,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Analysis of topic dynamics in web search.
WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1102-1103 |
55 | EE | Andrei Z. Broder,
Yoëlle S. Maarek,
Krishna Bharat,
Susan T. Dumais,
Steve Papa,
Jan O. Pedersen,
Prabhakar Raghavan:
Current trends in the integration of searching and browsing.
WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 793 |
54 | EE | Steve Fox,
Kuldeep Karnawat,
Mark Mydland,
Susan T. Dumais,
Thomas White:
Evaluating implicit measures to improve web search.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 23(2): 147-168 (2005) |
53 | EE | Paul N. Bennett,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
The Combination of Text Classifiers Using Reliability Indicators.
Inf. Retr. 8(1): 67-100 (2005) |
2004 |
52 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Personal Information Management: Stuff I've Seen and Beyond.
ADCS 2004: 1 |
51 | EE | Tim Paek,
Susan T. Dumais,
Ron Logan:
WaveLens: a new view onto Internet search results.
CHI 2004: 727-734 |
50 | EE | Nicholas J. Belkin,
Susan T. Dumais,
Jean Scholtz,
Ross Wilkinson:
Evaluating interactive information retrieval systems: opportunities and challenges.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1594-1595 |
49 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
Edward Cutrell,
Raman Sarin,
Eric Horvitz:
Implicit queries (IQ) for contextualized search.
SIGIR 2004: 594 |
48 | EE | Evgeniy Gabrilovich,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Newsjunkie: providing personalized newsfeeds via analysis of information novelty.
WWW 2004: 482-490 |
47 | EE | David Azari,
Eric Horvitz,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Brill:
Actions, answers, and uncertainty: a decision-making perspective on Web-based question answering.
Inf. Process. Manage. 40(5): 849-868 (2004) |
46 | EE | Harry Bruce,
William P. Jones,
Susan T. Dumais:
Information behaviour that keeps found things found.
Inf. Res. 10(1): (2004) |
2003 |
45 | EE | Steven E. Poltrock,
Jonathan Grudin,
Susan T. Dumais,
Raya Fidel,
Harry Bruce,
Annelise Mark Pejtersen:
Information seeking and sharing in design teams.
GROUP 2003: 239-247 |
44 | | William P. Jones,
Harry Bruce,
Susan T. Dumais:
How Do People Get Back to Information on the Web? How Can They Do It Better?
43 | | Meredith Ringel,
Edward Cutrell,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Milestones in Time: The Value of Landmarks in Retrieving Information from Personal Stores.
42 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
Edward Cutrell,
Jonathan J. Cadiz,
Gavin Jancke,
Raman Sarin,
Daniel C. Robbins:
Stuff I've seen: a system for personal information retrieval and re-use.
SIGIR 2003: 72-79 |
41 | | David Azari,
Eric Horvitz,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Brill:
Web-Based Question Answering: A Decision-Making Perspective.
UAI 2003: 11-19 |
40 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Data-driven approaches to information access.
Cognitive Science 27(3): 491-524 (2003) |
39 | EE | James Allan,
Jay Aslam,
Nicholas J. Belkin,
Chris Buckley,
James P. Callan,
W. Bruce Croft,
Susan T. Dumais,
Norbert Fuhr,
Donna Harman,
David J. Harper,
Djoerd Hiemstra,
Thomas Hofmann,
Eduard H. Hovy,
Wessel Kraaij,
John D. Lafferty,
Victor Lavrenko,
David D. Lewis,
Liz Liddy,
R. Manmatha,
Andrew McCallum,
Jay M. Ponte,
John M. Prager,
Dragomir R. Radev,
Philip Resnik,
Stephen E. Robertson,
Ronald Rosenfeld,
Salim Roukos,
Mark Sanderson,
Richard M. Schwartz,
Amit Singhal,
Alan F. Smeaton,
Howard R. Turtle,
Ellen M. Voorhees,
Ralph M. Weischedel,
Jinxi Xu,
ChengXiang Zhai:
Challenges in information retrieval and language modeling: report of a workshop held at the center for intelligent information retrieval, University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 2002.
SIGIR Forum 37(1): 31-47 (2003) |
38 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
Thorsten Joachims,
Krishna Bharat,
Andreas S. Weigend:
SIGIR 2003 workshop report: implicit measures of user interests and preferences.
SIGIR Forum 37(2): 50-54 (2003) |
2002 |
37 | EE | Paul N. Bennett,
Susan T. Dumais,
Eric Horvitz:
Probabilistic combination of text classifiers using reliability indicators: models and results.
SIGIR 2002: 207-214 |
36 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
Michele Banko,
Eric Brill,
Jimmy J. Lin,
Andrew Y. Ng:
Web question answering: is more always better?.
SIGIR 2002: 291-298 |
35 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Annual report for SIGIR, July 2001 - June 2002.
SIGIR Forum 36(1): 2-4 (2002) |
34 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
David D. Lewis,
Fabrizio Sebastiani:
Report on the workshop on Operational Text Classification Systems (OTC-02).
SIGIR Forum 36(2): 68-71 (2002) |
2001 |
33 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
Edward Cutrell,
Hao Chen:
Optimizing search by showing results in context.
CHI 2001: 277-284 |
32 | | William P. Jones,
Harry Bruce,
Susan T. Dumais:
Keeping Found Things Found on the Web.
CIKM 2001: 119-126 |
31 | | Kevyn Collins-Thompson,
Charles Schweizer,
Susan T. Dumais:
Improved String Matching Under Noisy Channel Conditions.
CIKM 2001: 357-364 |
30 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
When do you want to go ``where everybody knows your name'' (and mailing address, and preferences, and last 50 web pages visited)?: A framework for personalization (Keynote Speech).
DELOS Workshop: Personalisation and Recommender Systems in Digital Libraries 2001 |
29 | | Susan T. Dumais,
Rong Jin:
Probabilistic Combination of Content and Links.
SIGIR 2001: 402-403 |
28 | EE | Eric Brill,
Jimmy J. Lin,
Michele Banko,
Susan T. Dumais,
Andrew Y. Ng:
Data-Intensive Question Answering.
TREC 2001 |
2000 |
27 | EE | Hao Chen,
Susan T. Dumais:
Bringing order to the Web: automatically categorizing search results.
CHI 2000: 145-152 |
26 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
Hao Chen:
Hierarchical classification of Web content.
SIGIR 2000: 256-263 |
25 | | Susan T. Dumais:
Annual Report for SIGIR, July 1999 - June 2000.
SIGIR Forum 34(1): 11-14 (2000) |
1999 |
24 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Beyond Content-Based Retrieval: Modeling Domains, Users and Interaction.
ADL 1999: 144-145 |
23 | EE | Mary Czerwinski,
Susan T. Dumais,
George G. Robertson,
Susan Dziadosz,
Scott Lee Tiernan,
Maarten van Dantzich:
Visualizing Implicit Queries for Information Management and Retrieval.
CHI 1999: 560-567 |
22 | EE | Nicholas J. Belkin,
Susan T. Dumais:
Annual Report for SIGIR, July 1998 - June 1999.
SIGIR Forum 33(2): 1-3 (1999) |
1998 |
21 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
John C. Platt,
David Hecherman,
Mehran Sahami:
Inductive Learning Algorithms and Representations for Text Categorization.
CIKM 1998: 148-155 |
20 | | Michael D. Gordon,
Susan T. Dumais:
Using Latent Semantic Indexing for Literature Based Discovery.
JASIS 49(8): 674-685 (1998) |
1997 |
19 | EE | Bob Rehder,
Michael L. Littman,
Susan T. Dumais,
Thomas K. Landauer:
Automatic 3-Language Cross-Language Information Retrieval with Latent Semantic Indexing.
TREC 1997: 233-239 |
1995 |
18 | | Michael W. Berry,
Susan T. Dumais,
Gavin W. O'Brien:
The Computationel Complexity of Alternative Updating Approaches for an SVD-Encoded Indexing Scheme.
PPSC 1995: 39-44 |
17 | EE | Michael W. Berry,
Susan T. Dumais,
Todd A. Letsche:
Computational Methods for Intelligent Information Access.
SC 1995 |
16 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Finding What You Want: New Tools And Tricks.
IEEE Software 12(5): 79-81, 86 (1995) |
15 | | William R. Caid,
Susan T. Dumais,
Stephen I. Gallant:
Learned Vector-Space Models for Document Retrieval.
Inf. Process. Manage. 31(3): 419-429 (1995) |
1994 |
14 | | Beth Adelson,
Susan T. Dumais,
Judith S. Olson:
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 1994, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, April 24-28, 1994, Proceedings
ACM 1994 |
13 | EE | Nicholas J. Belkin,
Christine L. Borgman,
Susan T. Dumais,
Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu:
Evaluating Interactive Retrieval Systems.
SIGIR 1994: 361 |
12 | | Susan T. Dumais:
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI): TREC-3 Report.
TREC 1994: 105-115 |
1993 |
11 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and TREC-2.
TREC 1993: 105-116 |
1992 |
10 | EE | Susan T. Dumais,
Jakob Nielsen:
Automating the Assignment of Submitted Manuscripts to Reviewers.
SIGIR 1992: 233-244 |
9 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
LSI meets TREC: A Status Report.
TREC 1992: 137-152 |
8 | EE | Susan T. Dumais:
Automatically Generating Adhoc and Routing Queries.
TREC 1992: 367-368 |
7 | | Peter W. Foltz,
Susan T. Dumais:
Personalized Information Delivery: An Analysis of Information Filtering Methods.
Commun. ACM 35(12): 51-60 (1992) |
1990 |
6 | | Susan T. Dumais:
Panel: User Modeling and User Interfaces.
AAAI 1990: 1135-1136 |
5 | | Scott C. Deerwester,
Susan T. Dumais,
Thomas K. Landauer,
George W. Furnas,
Richard A. Harshman:
Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis.
JASIS 41(6): 391-407 (1990) |
1989 |
4 | | Robert E. Kraut,
Susan T. Dumais,
Susan Koch:
Computerization, Productivity, and Quality of Work-Life.
Commun. ACM 32(2): 220-238 (1989) |
1988 |
3 | EE | George W. Furnas,
Scott C. Deerwester,
Susan T. Dumais,
Thomas K. Landauer,
Richard A. Harshman,
Lynn A. Streeter,
Karen E. Lochbaum:
Information Retrieval using a Singular Value Decomposition Model of Latent Semantic Structure.
SIGIR 1988: 465-480 |
1987 |
2 | | George W. Furnas,
Thomas K. Landauer,
Louis M. Gomez,
Susan T. Dumais:
The Vocabulary Problem in Human-System Communication.
Commun. ACM 30(11): 964-971 (1987) |
1986 |
1 | EE | William P. Jones,
Susan T. Dumais:
The Spatial Metaphor for User Interfaces: Experimental Tests of Reference by Location versus Name.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 4(1): 42-63 (1986) |