2009 |
9 | EE | Jaime Teevan,
Edward Cutrell,
Danyel Fisher,
Steven M. Drucker,
Gonzalo Ramos,
Paul André,
Chang Hu:
Visual snippets: summarizing web pages for search and revisitation.
CHI 2009: 2023-2032 |
8 | EE | Paul André,
Jaime Teevan,
Susan T. Dumais:
From x-rays to silly putty via Uranus: serendipity and its role in web search.
CHI 2009: 2033-2036 |
7 | EE | m. c. schraefel,
Paul André,
Ryen White,
Desney Tan,
Tim Berners-Lee,
Sunny Consolvo,
Robert Jacobs,
Isaac S. Kohane,
Christopher A. Le Dantec,
Lena Mamykina,
Gary Marsden,
Ben Shneiderman,
Peter Szolovits,
Daniel J. Weitzner:
Interacting with eHealth: towards grand challenges for HCI.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3309-3312 |
6 | EE | Michael Bernstein,
Paul André,
Kurt Luther,
Erin Treacy Solovey,
Erika Shehan Poole,
Sharoda A. Paul,
Shaun K. Kane,
Jonathan Grudin:
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3493-3494 |
5 | EE | m. c. schraefel,
Ryen W. White,
Paul André,
Desney Tan:
Investigating web search strategies and forum use to support diet and weight loss.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3829-3834 |
2008 |
4 | EE | Max L. Wilson,
Paul André,
m. c. schraefel:
Backward highlighting: enhancing faceted search.
UIST 2008: 235-238 |
2007 |
3 | EE | Paul André,
Max Wilson,
Alisdair Owens,
Daniel A. Smith:
Journey planning based on user needs.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2025-2030 |
2 | EE | Daniel A. Smith,
Alisdair Owens,
m. c. schraefel,
Patrick A. S. Sinclair,
Paul André,
Max Wilson,
Alistair Russell,
Kirk Martinez,
Paul H. Lewis:
Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections.
SAMT 2007: 280-283 |
1 | EE | Paul André,
Max Wilson,
Alistair Russell,
Daniel A. Smith,
Alisdair Owens,
m. c. schraefel:
Continuum: designing timelines for hierarchies, relationships and scale.
UIST 2007: 101-110 |