2009 |
110 | EE | Ben Carterette,
Virgiliu Pavlu,
Evangelos Kanoulas,
Javed A. Aslam,
James Allan:
If I Had a Million Queries.
ECIR 2009: 288-300 |
109 | EE | Xing Yi,
James Allan:
A Comparative Study of Utilizing Topic Models for Information Retrieval.
ECIR 2009: 29-41 |
108 | EE | Matthew Lease,
James Allan,
W. Bruce Croft:
Regression Rank: Learning to Meet the Opportunity of Descriptive Queries.
ECIR 2009: 90-101 |
2008 |
107 | EE | Elif Aktolga,
Marc-Allen Cartright,
James Allan:
Cross-document cross-lingual coreference retrieval.
CIKM 2008: 1359-1360 |
106 | EE | Xing Yi,
James Allan:
Evaluating topic models for information retrieval.
CIKM 2008: 1431-1432 |
105 | EE | Kristen Parton,
Kathleen R. McKeown,
James Allan,
Enrique Henestroza:
Simultaneous multilingual search for translingual information retrieval.
CIKM 2008: 719-728 |
104 | EE | Lisa Friedland,
James Allan:
Joke retrieval: recognizing the same joke told differently.
CIKM 2008: 883-892 |
103 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
Effective and efficient user interaction for long queries.
SIGIR 2008: 11-18 |
102 | EE | Kyung-Soon Lee,
W. Bruce Croft,
James Allan:
A cluster-based resampling method for pseudo-relevance feedback.
SIGIR 2008: 235-242 |
101 | EE | Ben Carterette,
Virgiliu Pavlu,
Evangelos Kanoulas,
Javed A. Aslam,
James Allan:
Evaluation over thousands of queries.
SIGIR 2008: 651-658 |
100 | EE | Ho Chung Wu,
K. F. Dang,
Robert Wing Pong Luk,
G. Ngai,
Yinghao Li,
James Allan,
Kui-Lam Kwok,
Kam-Fai Wong:
Evaluating a Novel Kind of Retrieval Models Based on Relevance Decision Making in a Relevance Feedback Environment.
TREC 2008 |
99 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
Adapting information retrieval systems to user queries.
Inf. Process. Manage. 44(6): 1838-1862 (2008) |
2007 |
98 | EE | Mark D. Smucker,
James Allan,
Ben Carterette:
A comparison of statistical significance tests for information retrieval evaluation.
CIKM 2007: 623-632 |
97 | EE | Ao Feng,
James Allan:
Finding and linking incidents in news.
CIKM 2007: 821-830 |
96 | EE | Ben Carterette,
James Allan:
Semiautomatic evaluation of retrieval systems using document similarities.
CIKM 2007: 873-876 |
95 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
Selective user interaction.
CIKM 2007: 923-926 |
94 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
A Case For Shorter Queries, and Helping Users Create Them.
HLT-NAACL 2007: 220-227 |
93 | EE | Barry Schiffman,
Kathleen McKeown,
Ralph Grishman,
James Allan:
Question Answering Using Integrated Information Retrieval and Information Extraction.
HLT-NAACL 2007: 532-539 |
92 | EE | Victor Lavrenko,
Xing Yi,
James Allan:
Information Retrieval On Empty Fields.
HLT-NAACL 2007: 89-96 |
91 | EE | Ron Bekkerman,
Shlomo Zilberstein,
James Allan:
Web Page Clustering Using Heuristic Search in the Web Graph.
IJCAI 2007: 2280-2285 |
90 | EE | Ron Bekkerman,
Hema Raghavan,
James Allan,
Koji Eguchi:
Interactive Clustering of Text Collections According to a User-Specified Criterion.
IJCAI 2007: 684-689 |
89 | | Xing Yi,
James Allan,
Victor Lavrenko:
Discovering Missing Values in Semi-Structured Databases.
RIAO 2007 |
88 | | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
Information Retrieval Techniques for Templated Queries.
RIAO 2007 |
87 | | Ben Carterette,
James Allan:
Research Methodology in Studies of Information Retrieval Evaluation.
RIAO 2007 |
86 | EE | Hema Raghavan,
James Allan:
An interactive algorithm for asking and incorporating feature feedback into support vector machines.
SIGIR 2007: 79-86 |
85 | EE | Xing Yi,
James Allan,
W. Bruce Croft:
Matching resumes and jobs based on relevance models.
SIGIR 2007: 809-810 |
84 | EE | Niranjan Balasubramanian,
James Allan,
W. Bruce Croft:
A comparison of sentence retrieval techniques.
SIGIR 2007: 813-814 |
83 | EE | Mark D. Smucker,
James Allan:
Using similarity links as shortcuts to relevant web pages.
SIGIR 2007: 863-864 |
82 | EE | Xing Yi,
James Allan:
Indri at TREC 2007: Million Query (1MQ) Track.
TREC 2007 |
81 | EE | James Allan,
Ben Carterette,
Blagovest Dachev,
Javed A. Aslam,
Virgiliu Pavlu,
Evangelos Kanoulas:
Million Query Track 2007 Overview.
TREC 2007 |
80 | EE | Mark D. Smucker,
James Allan,
Blagovest Dachev:
UMass Complex Interactive Question Answering (ciQA) 2007: Human Performance as Question Answerers.
TREC 2007 |
79 | EE | E. Micah Kornfield,
R. Manmatha,
James Allan:
Further explorations in text alignment with handwritten documents.
IJDAR 10(1): 39-52 (2007) |
78 | EE | Jamie Callan,
James Allan,
Charles L. A. Clarke,
Susan T. Dumais,
David A. Evans,
Mark Sanderson,
ChengXiang Zhai:
Meeting of the MINDS: an information retrieval research agenda.
SIGIR Forum 41(2): 25-34 (2007) |
2006 |
77 | EE | Ben Carterette,
James Allan,
Ramesh K. Sitaraman:
Minimal test collections for retrieval evaluation.
SIGIR 2006: 268-275 |
76 | EE | Mark D. Smucker,
James Allan:
Find-similar: similarity browsing as a search tool.
SIGIR 2006: 461-468 |
75 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
Simple questions to improve pseudo-relevance feedback results.
SIGIR 2006: 661-662 |
74 | EE | Mark D. Smucker,
James Allan:
Lightening the load of document smoothing for better language modeling retrieval.
SIGIR 2006: 699-700 |
73 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
UMass at TREC ciQA 2006.
TREC 2006 |
2005 |
72 | EE | Ben Carterette,
James Allan:
Incremental test collections.
CIKM 2005: 680-687 |
71 | EE | James Allan,
Stephen M. Harding,
David Fisher,
Alvaro Bolivar,
Sergio Guzman-Lara,
Peter Amstutz:
Taking Topic Detection From Evaluation to Practice.
HICSS 2005 |
70 | EE | Hema Raghavan,
James Allan:
Matching Inconsistently Spelled Names in Automatic Speech Recognizer Output for Information Retrieval.
HLT/EMNLP 2005 |
69 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
Using Names and Topics for New Event Detection.
HLT/EMNLP 2005 |
68 | EE | James Allan,
Ben Carterette,
Joshua Lewis:
When will information retrieval be "good enough"?
SIGIR 2005: 433-440 |
2004 |
67 | | Mark Sanderson,
Kalervo Järvelin,
James Allan,
Peter Bruza:
SIGIR 2004: Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Sheffield, UK, July 25-29, 2004
ACM 2004 |
66 | | Elisa H. Barney Smith,
Jianying Hu,
James Allan:
Document Recognition and Retrieval XI, 18-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA, Proceedings
SPIE 2004 |
65 | EE | Ramesh Nallapati,
Ao Feng,
Fuchun Peng,
James Allan:
Event threading within news topics.
CIKM 2004: 446-453 |
64 | EE | E. Micah Kornfield,
R. Manmatha,
James Allan:
Text Alignment with Handwritten Documents.
DIAL 2004: 195-211 |
63 | EE | Diane Kelly,
Fernando Diaz,
Nicholas J. Belkin,
James Allan:
A User-Centered Approach to Evaluating Topic Models.
ECIR 2004: 27-41 |
62 | EE | Chung Heong Gooi,
James Allan:
Cross-Document Coreference on a Large Scale Corpus.
HLT-NAACL 2004: 9-16 |
61 | EE | Giridhar Kumaran,
James Allan:
Text classification and named entities for new event detection.
SIGIR 2004: 297-304 |
60 | EE | Andrew Arnt,
Shlomo Zilberstein,
James Allan,
Abdel-Illah Mouaddib:
Dynamic Composition of Information Retrieval Techniques.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 23(1): 67-97 (2004) |
59 | EE | Anton Leuski,
James Allan:
Interactive Information Retrieval Using Clustering and Spatial Proximity.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 14(2-3): 259-288 (2004) |
2003 |
58 | EE | James Allan,
Ao Feng,
Alvaro Bolivar:
Flexible intrinsic evaluation of hierarchical clustering for TDT.
CIKM 2003: 263-270 |
57 | EE | Ramesh Nallapati,
W. Bruce Croft,
James Allan:
Relevant query feedback in statistical language modeling.
CIKM 2003: 560-563 |
56 | EE | James Allan,
Courtney Wade,
Alvaro Bolivar:
Retrieval and novelty detection at the sentence level.
SIGIR 2003: 314-321 |
55 | EE | James Allan,
Giridhar Kumaran:
Stemming in the language modeling framework.
SIGIR 2003: 455-456 |
54 | EE | James Allan:
HARD Track Overview in TREC 2003: High Accuracy Retrieval from Documents.
TREC 2003: 24-37 |
53 | EE | Nasreen Abdul Jaleel,
Andrés Corrada-Emmanuel,
Qi Li,
Xiaoyong Liu,
Courtney Wade,
James Allan:
UMass at TREC 2003: HARD and QA.
TREC 2003: 715-725 |
52 | EE | James Allan,
Victor Lavrenko,
Margaret E. Connell:
A month to topic detection and tracking in Hindi.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 2(2): 85-100 (2003) |
51 | EE | James Allan,
Jay Aslam,
Nicholas J. Belkin,
Chris Buckley,
James P. Callan,
W. Bruce Croft,
Susan T. Dumais,
Norbert Fuhr,
Donna Harman,
David J. Harper,
Djoerd Hiemstra,
Thomas Hofmann,
Eduard H. Hovy,
Wessel Kraaij,
John D. Lafferty,
Victor Lavrenko,
David D. Lewis,
Liz Liddy,
R. Manmatha,
Andrew McCallum,
Jay M. Ponte,
John M. Prager,
Dragomir R. Radev,
Philip Resnik,
Stephen E. Robertson,
Ronald Rosenfeld,
Salim Roukos,
Mark Sanderson,
Richard M. Schwartz,
Amit Singhal,
Alan F. Smeaton,
Howard R. Turtle,
Ellen M. Voorhees,
Ralph M. Weischedel,
Jinxi Xu,
ChengXiang Zhai:
Challenges in information retrieval and language modeling: report of a workshop held at the center for intelligent information retrieval, University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 2002.
SIGIR Forum 37(1): 31-47 (2003) |
2002 |
50 | EE | Ramesh Nallapati,
James Allan:
Capturing term dependencies using a language model based on sentence trees.
CIKM 2002: 383-390 |
49 | EE | Carl Lagoze,
William Y. Arms,
Stoney Gan,
Diane Hillmann,
Christopher Ingram,
Dean B. Krafft,
Richard J. Marisa,
Jon Phipps,
John Saylor,
Carol Terrizzi,
Walter Hoehn,
David Millman,
James Allan,
Sergio Guzman-Lara,
Tom Kalt:
Core services in the architecture of the national science digital library (NSDL).
JCDL 2002: 201-209 |
48 | EE | James Allan,
Hema Raghavan:
Using part-of-speech patterns to reduce query ambiguity.
SIGIR 2002: 307-314 |
47 | EE | R. Manmatha,
Ao Feng,
James Allan:
A critical examination of TDT's cost function.
SIGIR 2002: 403-404 |
46 | EE | Anton Leuski,
James Allan:
Improving realism of topic tracking evaluation.
SIGIR 2002: 89-96 |
45 | EE | Leah S. Larkey,
James Allan,
Margaret E. Connell,
Alvaro Bolivar,
Courtney Wade:
UMass at TREC 2002: Cross Language and Novelty Tracks.
TREC 2002 |
44 | EE | Carl Lagoze,
William Y. Arms,
Stoney Gan,
Diane Hillmann,
Christopher Ingram,
Dean B. Krafft,
Richard J. Marisa,
Jon Phipps,
John Saylor,
Carol Terrizzi,
Walter Hoehn,
David Millman,
James Allan,
Sergio Guzman-Lara,
Tom Kalt:
Core Services in the Architecture of the National Digital Library for Science Education (NSDL)
CoRR cs.DL/0201025: (2002) |
43 | | James Allan:
Detection As Multi-Topic Tracking.
Inf. Retr. 5(2-3): 139-157 (2002) |
42 | | Robert W. P. Luk,
Hong Va Leong,
Tharam S. Dillon,
Alvin T. S. Chan,
W. Bruce Croft,
James Allan:
A survey in indexing and searching XML documents.
JASIST 53(6): 415-437 (2002) |
2001 |
41 | | James Allan,
Rahul Gupta,
Vikas Khandelwal:
Temporal Summaries of News Topics.
SIGIR 2001: 10-18 |
40 | EE | James Allan:
Perspectives on Information Retrieval and Speech.
SIGIR Workshop: Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications 2001: 1-10 |
39 | | James Allan,
Anton Leuski,
Russell C. Swan,
Donald Byrd:
Evaluating combinations of ranked lists and visualizations of inter-document similarity.
Inf. Process. Manage. 37(3): 435-458 (2001) |
2000 |
38 | EE | James Allan,
Victor Lavrenko,
Hubert Jin:
First Story Detection In TDT Is Hard.
CIKM 2000: 374-381 |
37 | EE | Victor Lavrenko,
Matthew D. Schmill,
Dawn Lawrie,
Paul Ogilvie,
David Jensen,
James Allan:
Language Models for Financial News Recommendation.
CIKM 2000: 389-396 |
36 | EE | Anton Leuski,
James Allan:
Lighthouse: Showing the Way to Relevant Information.
INFOVIS 2000: 125-130 |
35 | | Anton Leuski,
James Allan:
Improving Interactive Retrieval by Combining Ranked List and Clustering.
RIAO 2000: 665-681 |
34 | EE | Russell C. Swan,
James Allan:
TimeMine: visualizing automatically constructed timelines.
SIGIR 2000: 393 |
33 | EE | Russell C. Swan,
James Allan:
Automatic generation of overview timelines.
SIGIR 2000: 49-56 |
32 | EE | James Allan,
Margaret E. Connell,
W. Bruce Croft,
Fangfang Feng,
David Fisher,
Xiaoyan Li:
TREC 2000 |
31 | EE | Anton Leuski,
James Allan:
Strategy-based interactive cluster visualization for information retrieval.
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 3(2): 170-184 (2000) |
1999 |
30 | EE | Russell C. Swan,
James Allan:
Extracting Significant Time Varying Features from Text.
CIKM 1999: 38-45 |
29 | EE | James Allan,
James P. Callan,
Fangfang Feng,
Daniella Malin:
TREC 1999 |
1998 |
28 | EE | Ron Papka,
James Allan:
Document Classification Using Multiword Features.
CIKM 1998: 124-131 |
27 | EE | Anton Leuski,
James Allan:
Evaluating a Visual Navigation System for a Digital Library.
ECDL 1998: 535-554 |
26 | EE | Russell C. Swan,
James Allan:
Aspect Windows, 3-D Visualizations, and Indirect Comparisons of Information Retrieval Systems.
SIGIR 1998: 173-181 |
25 | EE | Anton Leuski,
James Allan:
Visual Interactions with a Multidimensional Ranked List.
SIGIR 1998: 353-354 |
24 | EE | James Allan,
Ron Papka,
Victor Lavrenko:
On-Line New Event Detection and Tracking.
SIGIR 1998: 37-45 |
23 | | James Allan,
James P. Callan,
Mark Sanderson,
Jinxi Xu,
Steven Wegmann:
TREC 1998: 148-163 |
22 | | James Allan:
Book Review: Readings in Information Retrieval edited by K. Sparck Jones and P. Willett.
Inf. Process. Manage. 34(4): 489-490 (1998) |
21 | | Daniela Rus,
James Allan:
Structural Queries in Electronic Corpora.
Multimedia Tools Appl. 6(2): 153-169 (1998) |
1997 |
20 | EE | James Allan,
James P. Callan,
W. Bruce Croft,
Lisa Ballesteros,
Donald Byrd,
Russell C. Swan,
Jinxi Xu:
INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6.
TREC 1997: 169-206 |
19 | EE | Nicholas J. Belkin,
Jose Perez Carballo,
Colleen Cool,
Shin-jeng Lin,
Soyeon Park,
Soo Young Rieh,
Pamela A. Savage-Knepshield,
C. Sikora,
H. Xie,
James Allan:
Rutgers' TREC-6 Interactive Track Experience.
TREC 1997: 597-610 |
18 | | Maristella Agosti,
James Allan:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Methods and Tools for the Automatic Construction of Hypertext.
Inf. Process. Manage. 33(2): 129-131 (1997) |
17 | | James Allan:
Building Hypertext Using Information Retrieval.
Inf. Process. Manage. 33(2): 145-159 (1997) |
1996 |
16 | EE | James Allan:
Incremental Relevance Feedback for Information Filtering.
SIGIR 1996: 270-278 |
15 | EE | James Allan,
James P. Callan,
W. Bruce Croft,
Lisa Ballesteros,
John Broglio,
Jinxi Xu,
Hongming Shu:
TREC 1996 |
14 | | Gerard Salton,
James Allan,
Amit Singhal:
Automatic Text Decomposition and Structuring.
Inf. Process. Manage. 32(2): 127-138 (1996) |
1995 |
13 | EE | James Allan:
Relevance Feedback With Too Much Data.
SIGIR 1995: 337-343 |
12 | EE | James Allan,
Lisa Ballesteros,
James P. Callan,
W. Bruce Croft,
Zhihong Lu:
Recent Experiments with INQUERY.
TREC 1995 |
11 | | Chris Buckley,
James Allan,
Gerard Salton:
Automatic Routing and Retrieval Using Smart: TREC-2.
Inf. Process. Manage. 31(3): 315-326 (1995) |
10 | EE | Gerard Salton,
James Allan:
Selective text utilization and text traversal.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 43(3): 483-497 (1995) |
1994 |
9 | | Gerard Salton,
James Allan:
Automatic Text Decomposition and Structuring.
RIAO 1994: 6-21 |
8 | EE | Chris Buckley,
Gerard Salton,
James Allan:
The Effect of Adding Relevance Information in a Relevance Feedback Environment.
SIGIR 1994: 292-300 |
7 | | Chris Buckley,
Gerard Salton,
James Allan,
Amit Singhal:
Automatic Query Expansion Using SMART: TREC 3.
TREC 1994: 0- |
6 | | Gerard Salton,
James Allan,
Chris Buckley:
Automatic Structuring and Retrival of Large Text Files.
Commun. ACM 37(2): 97-108 (1994) |
1993 |
5 | EE | Gerard Salton,
James Allan:
Selective Text Utilization and Text Traversal.
Hypertext 1993: 131-144 |
4 | EE | Gerard Salton,
James Allan,
Chris Buckley:
Approaches to Passage Retrieval in Full Text Information Systems.
SIGIR 1993: 49-58 |
3 | EE | Chris Buckley,
James Allan,
Gerard Salton:
Automatic Routing and Ad-hoc Retrieval Using SMART: TREC 2.
TREC 1993: 45-56 |
1992 |
2 | EE | Chris Buckley,
Gerard Salton,
James Allan:
Automatic Retrieval With Locality Information Using SMART.
TREC 1992: 59-72 |
1 | | Gerard Salton,
Chris Buckley,
James Allan:
Automatic Structuring of Text Files.
Electronic Publishing 5(1): 1-17 (1992) |