
Ryen W. White

Ryen White

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59EEm. c. schraefel, Paul André, Ryen White, Desney Tan, Tim Berners-Lee, Sunny Consolvo, Robert Jacobs, Isaac S. Kohane, Christopher A. Le Dantec, Lena Mamykina, Gary Marsden, Ben Shneiderman, Peter Szolovits, Daniel J. Weitzner: Interacting with eHealth: towards grand challenges for HCI. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3309-3312
58EEm. c. schraefel, Ryen W. White, Paul André, Desney Tan: Investigating web search strategies and forum use to support diet and weight loss. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3829-3834
57EEMaryam Karimzadehgan, Ryen W. White, Matthew Richardson: Enhancing Expert Finding Using Organizational Hierarchies. ECIR 2009: 177-188
56EERyen W. White, Susan T. Dumais, Jaime Teevan: Characterizing the influence of domain expertise on web search behavior. WSDM 2009: 132-141
55 Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis, Vassilis Plachouras, Ian Ruthven, Ryen W. White: Advances in Information Retrieval , 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008, Glasgow, UK, March 30-April 3, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
54EESrivatsan Laxman, Vikram Tankasali, Ryen W. White: Stream prediction using a generative model based on frequent episodes in event sequences. KDD 2008: 453-461
53EERyen W. White, Matthew Richardson, Mikhail Bilenko, Allison P. Heath: Enhancing web search by promoting multiple search engine use. SIGIR 2008: 43-50
52EEMikhail Bilenko, Ryen W. White, Matthew Richardson, G. Craig Murray: Talking the talk vs. walking the walk: salience of information needs in querying vs. browsing. SIGIR 2008: 705-706
51EERyen W. White, Susan T. Dumais, Jaime Teevan: How medical expertise influences web search interaction. SIGIR 2008: 791-792
50EEAllison P. Heath, Ryen W. White: Defection detection: predicting search engine switching. WWW 2008: 1173-1174
49EEMikhail Bilenko, Ryen W. White: Mining the search trails of surfing crowds: identifying relevant websites from user activity. WWW 2008: 51-60
48EERyen W. White, Gary Marchionini, Gheorghe Muresan: Evaluating exploratory search systems: Introduction to special topic issue of information processing and management. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(2): 433-436 (2008)
47EERyen W. White, Mikhail Bilenko, Silviu Cucerzan: Leveraging popular destinations to enhance Web search interaction. TWEB 2(3): (2008)
46EERyen W. White, Steven M. Drucker, Gary Marchionini, Marti Hearst, m. c. schraefel: Exploratory search and HCI: designing and evaluating interfaces to support exploratory search interaction. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2877-2880
45EEMassimo Melucci, Ryen W. White: Utilizing a geometry of context for enhanced implicit feedback. CIKM 2007: 273-282
44EEMassimo Melucci, Ryen W. White: Discovering Hidden Contextual Factors for Implicit Feedback. CIR 2007
43EECharles L. A. Clarke, Eugene Agichtein, Susan T. Dumais, Ryen W. White: The influence of caption features on clickthrough patterns in web search. SIGIR 2007: 135-142
42EERyen W. White, Mikhail Bilenko, Silviu Cucerzan: Studying the use of popular destinations to enhance web search interaction. SIGIR 2007: 159-166
41EERyen W. White, Dan Morris: Investigating the querying and browsing behavior of advanced search engine users. SIGIR 2007: 255-262
40EERyen W. White, Charles L. A. Clarke, Silviu Cucerzan: Comparing query logs and pseudo-relevance feedbackfor web-search query refinement. SIGIR 2007: 831-832
39EESilviu Cucerzan, Ryen W. White: Query suggestion based on user landing pages. SIGIR 2007: 875-876
38EEPavel Ircing, Pavel Pecina, Douglas W. Oard, Jianqiang Wang, Ryen W. White, Jan Hoidekr: Information Retrieval Test Collection for Searching Spontaneous Czech Speech. TSD 2007: 439-446
37EERyen W. White, Steven M. Drucker: Investigating behavioral variability in web search. WWW 2007: 21-30
36EERyen W. White, Gary Marchionini: Examining the effectiveness of real-time query expansion. Inf. Process. Manage. 43(3): 685-704 (2007)
35EEKerry Rodden, Ian Ruthven, Ryen W. White: Workshop on web information seeking and interaction. SIGIR Forum 41(2): 63-67 (2007)
34EEZvi Band, Ryen W. White: PygmyBrowse: a small screen tree browser. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 514-519
33EERyen W. White, Diane Kelly: A study on the effects of personalization and task information on implicit feedback performance. CIKM 2006: 297-306
32EEDouglas W. Oard, Jianqiang Wang, Gareth J. F. Jones, Ryen W. White, Pavel Pecina, Dagobert Soergel, Xiaoli Huang, Izhak Shafran: Overview of the CLEF-2006 Cross-Language Speech Retrieval Track. CLEF 2006: 744-758
31EERyen W. White, Hyunyoung Song, Jay Liu: Concept maps to support oral history search and use. JCDL 2006: 192-193
30EERyen W. White, Gary Marchionini: A study of real-time query expansion effectiveness. SIGIR 2006: 715-716
29EERyen W. White, Bill Kules, Steven M. Drucker, Monica M. C. Schraefel: Introduction. Commun. ACM 49(4): 36-39 (2006)
28EERyen W. White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: An implicit feedback approach for interactive information retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(1): 166-190 (2006)
27EERyen W. White: Using searcher simulations to redesign a polyrepresentative implicit feedback interface. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(5): 1185-1202 (2006)
26EERyen W. White: Information retrieval design: Principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes. JASIST 57(10): 1412-1413 (2006)
25EERyen W. White, Ian Ruthven: A study of interface support mechanisms for interactive information retrieval. JASIST 57(7): 933-948 (2006)
24EERyen W. White, Gheorghe Muresan, Gary Marchionini: Report on ACM SIGIR 2006 workshop on evaluating exploratory search systems. SIGIR Forum 40(2): 52-60 (2006)
23EERyen W. White, Douglas W. Oard, Gareth J. F. Jones, Dagobert Soergel, Xiaoli Huang: Overview of the CLEF-2005 Cross-Language Speech Retrieval Track. CLEF 2005: 744-759
22EERyen W. White, Ian Ruthven, Joemon M. Jose: A study of factors affecting the utility of implicit relevance feedback. SIGIR 2005: 35-42
21EEWilma Bainbridge, Ryen W. White, Douglas W. Oard: An interface to search human movements based on geographic and chronological metadata. SIGIR 2005: 579-580
20EERyen W. White, Ian Ruthven, Joemon M. Jose, C. J. van Rijsbergen: Evaluating implicit feedback models using searcher simulations. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 23(3): 325-361 (2005)
19EERyen W. White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: Using top-ranking sentences to facilitate effective information access. JASIST 56(10): 1113-1125 (2005)
18EERyen W. White: Implicit feedback for interactive information retrieval. SIGIR Forum 39(1): 70 (2005)
17EERyen W. White, Bill Kules, Benjamin B. Bederson: Exploratory search interfaces: categorization, clustering and beyond: report on the XSI 2005 workshop at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland. SIGIR Forum 39(2): 52-56 (2005)
16EERyen W. White, Joemon M. Jose, C. J. van Rijsbergen, Ian Ruthven: A Simulated Study of Implicit Feedback Models. ECIR 2004: 311-326
15EERyen W. White, Joemon M. Jose: A study of topic similarity measures. SIGIR 2004: 520-521
14EERyen W. White, Joemon M. Jose: An implicit system for predicting interests. SIGIR 2004: 595
13EEAlan Haggerty, Ryen W. White, Joemon M. Jose: NewsFlash: Adaptive TV News Delivery on the Web. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2003: 72-86
12EERyen White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: An approach for implicitly detecting information needs. CIKM 2003: 504-507
11 Ryen W. White: A Granular Approach to Web Search Result Presentation. INTERACT 2003
10 Anastasios Tombros, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven, Ryen W. White: Clustering the Information Space Using Top-Ranking Sentences: A Study of User Interaction. INTERACT 2003
9EERyen W. White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: Using Top-Ranking Sentences for Web Search Result Presentation. WWW (Posters) 2003
8EERyen White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: A task-oriented study on the influencing effects of query-biased summarisation in web searching. Inf. Process. Manage. 39(5): 707-733 (2003)
7EERyen White, Ian Ruthven, Joemon M. Jose: The Use of Implicit Evidence for Relevance Feedback in Web Retrieval. ECIR 2002: 93-109
6EERyen White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: A system using implicit feedback and top ranking sentences to help users find relevant web documents. SIGIR 2002: 446
5EERyen White, Ian Ruthven, Joemon M. Jose: Finding relevant documents using top ranking sentences: an evaluation of two alternative schemes. SIGIR 2002: 57-64
4EERichard Osdin, Iadh Ounis, Ryen W. White: Using Hierarchical Clustering and Summarisation Approaches for Web Retrieval: Glasgow at the TREC 2002 Interactive Track. TREC 2002
3 Ryen White, Ian Ruthven, Joemon M. Jose: Web Document Summarisation: A Task-oriented Evaluation. DEXA Workshop 2001: 951-955
2 Ryen White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: Query-Based Web Page Summarisation: A Task-Oriented Evaluation. SIGIR 2001: 412-413
1EERyen White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven: Comparing Explicit and Implicit Feedback Techniques for Web Retrieval: TREC-10 Interactive Track Report. TREC 2001

Coauthor Index

1Eugene Agichtein [43]
2Paul André [58] [59]
3Wilma Bainbridge [21]
4Zvi Band [34]
5Benjamin B. Bederson (Ben Bederson) [17]
6Tim Berners-Lee [59]
7Mikhail Bilenko [42] [47] [49] [52] [53]
8Charles L. A. Clarke [40] [43]
9Sunny Consolvo [59]
10Silviu Cucerzan [39] [40] [42] [47]
11Christopher A. Le Dantec [59]
12Steven M. Drucker [29] [37] [46]
13Susan T. Dumais [43] [51] [56]
14Alan Haggerty [13]
15Marti Hearst [46]
16Allison P. Heath [50] [53]
17Jan Hoidekr [38]
18Xiaoli Huang [23] [32]
19Pavel Ircing [38]
20Robert Jacobs [59]
21Gareth J. F. Jones [23] [32]
22Joemon M. Jose [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [19] [20] [22] [28]
23Maryam Karimzadehgan [57]
24Diane Kelly [33]
25Isaac S. Kohane [59]
26Bill Kules [17] [29]
27Srivatsan Laxman [54]
28Jay Liu [31]
29Craig Macdonald [55]
30Lena Mamykina [59]
31Gary Marchionini [24] [30] [36] [46] [48]
32Gary Marsden [59]
33Massimo Melucci [44] [45]
34Dan Morris [41]
35Gheorghe Muresan [24] [48]
36G. Craig Murray [52]
37Douglas W. Oard [21] [23] [32] [38]
38Richard Osdin [4]
39Iadh Ounis [4] [55]
40Pavel Pecina [32] [38]
41Vassilis Plachouras [55]
42Matthew Richardson [52] [53] [57]
43C. J. van Rijsbergen (Cornelis Joost van Rijsbergen, Keith van Rijsbergen) [16] [20]
44Kerry Rodden [35]
45Ian Ruthven [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [16] [19] [20] [22] [25] [28] [35] [55]
46Monica M. C. Schraefel (m. c. schraefel) [29] [46] [58] [59]
47Izhak Shafran [32]
48Ben Shneiderman [59]
49Dagobert Soergel [23] [32]
50Hyunyoung Song [31]
51Peter Szolovits [59]
52Desney Tan [58] [59]
53Vikram Tankasali [54]
54Jaime Teevan [51] [56]
55Anastasios Tombros [10]
56Jianqiang Wang [32] [38]
57Daniel J. Weitzner [59]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)