
Eugene Agichtein

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40EEAzin Ashkan, Charles L. A. Clarke, Eugene Agichtein, Qi Guo: Classifying and Characterizing Query Intent. ECIR 2009: 578-586
39EEJiang Bian, Yandong Liu, Ding Zhou, Eugene Agichtein, Hongyuan Zha: Learning to recognize reliable users and content in social media with coupled mutual reinforcement. WWW 2009: 51-60
38EEEugene Agichtein, Yandong Liu, Jiang Bian: Modeling information-seeker satisfaction in community question answering. TKDD 3(2): (2009)
37 Ian Soboroff, Eugene Agichtein, Ravi Kumar: Proceeding of the 2008 ACM Workshop on Search in Social Media, SSM 2008, Napa Valley, California, USA, October 30, 2008 ACM 2008
36EEJiang Bian, Yandong Liu, Eugene Agichtein, Hongyuan Zha: A few bad votes too many?: towards robust ranking in social media. AIRWeb 2008: 53-60
35EEBaoli Li, Yandong Liu, Eugene Agichtein: CoCQA: Co-Training over Questions and Answers with an Application to Predicting Question Subjectivity Orientation. EMNLP 2008: 937-946
34EEYandong Liu, Jiang Bian, Eugene Agichtein: Predicting information seeker satisfaction in community question answering. SIGIR 2008: 483-490
33EEQi Guo, Eugene Agichtein: Exploring mouse movements for inferring query intent. SIGIR 2008: 707-708
32EEBaoli Li, Yandong Liu, Ashwin Ram, Ernest V. Garcia, Eugene Agichtein: Exploring question subjectivity prediction in community QA. SIGIR 2008: 735-736
31EEYandong Liu, Eugene Agichtein: On the evolution of the yahoo! answers QA community. SIGIR 2008: 737-738
30EEEugene Agichtein, Carlos Castillo, Debora Donato, Aristides Gionis, Gilad Mishne: Finding high-quality content in social media. WSDM 2008: 183-194
29EEJiang Bian, Yandong Liu, Eugene Agichtein, Hongyuan Zha: Finding the right facts in the crowd: factoid question answering over social media. WWW 2008: 467-476
28EESaurav Sahay, Sougata Mukherjea, Eugene Agichtein, Ernest V. Garcia, Shamkant B. Navathe, Ashwin Ram: Discovering semantic biomedical relations utilizing the Web. TKDD 2(1): (2008)
27EEPawel Jurczyk, Eugene Agichtein: Discovering authorities in question answer communities by using link analysis. CIKM 2007: 919-922
26 Saurav Sahay, Baoli Li, Ernest V. Garcia, Eugene Agichtein, Ashwin Ram: Domain Ontology Construction from Biomedical Text. IC-AI 2007: 28-34
25EECharles L. A. Clarke, Eugene Agichtein, Susan T. Dumais, Ryen W. White: The influence of caption features on clickthrough patterns in web search. SIGIR 2007: 135-142
24EEPawel Jurczyk, Eugene Agichtein: Hits on question answer portals: exploration of link analysis for author ranking. SIGIR 2007: 845-846
23EEEugene Agichtein, Chris Burges, Eric Brill: Question Answering over Implicitly Structured Web Content. Web Intelligence 2007: 18-25
22EEPanagiotis G. Ipeirotis, Eugene Agichtein, Pranay Jain, Luis Gravano: Towards a query optimizer for text-centric tasks. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 32(4): (2007)
21EEEugene Agichtein, Zijian Zheng: Identifying "best bet" web search results by mining past user behavior. KDD 2006: 902-908
20EEEugene Agichtein: Confidence Estimation Methods for Partially Supervised Information Extraction. SDM 2006
19EEEugene Agichtein, Eric Brill, Susan T. Dumais: Improving web search ranking by incorporating user behavior information. SIGIR 2006: 19-26
18EEEugene Agichtein, Eric Brill, Susan T. Dumais, Robert Ragno: Learning user interaction models for predicting web search result preferences. SIGIR 2006: 3-10
17EEPanagiotis G. Ipeirotis, Eugene Agichtein, Pranay Jain, Luis Gravano: To search or to crawl?: towards a query optimizer for text-centric tasks. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 265-276
16EEEugene Agichtein: Web Information Extraction and User Modeling: Towards Closing the Gap. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 29(4): 37-44 (2006)
15EEEugene Agichtein, Silviu Cucerzan: Predicting accuracy of extracting information from unstructured text collections. CIKM 2005: 413-420
14EEEugene Agichtein, Silviu Cucerzan, Eric Brill: Analysis of factoid questions for effective relation extraction. SIGIR 2005: 567-568
13EEEugene Agichtein: Scaling Information Extraction to Large Document Collections. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 28(4): 3-10 (2005)
12EEEugene Agichtein, Venkatesh Ganti: Mining reference tables for automatic text segmentation. KDD 2004: 20-29
11EEEleazar Eskin, Eugene Agichtein: Combining Text Mining and Sequence Analysis to Discover Protein Functional Regions. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2004: 288-299
10EEEugene Agichtein, Steve Lawrence, Luis Gravano: Learning to find answers to questions on the Web. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 4(2): 129-162 (2004)
9EEEugene Agichtein, C. T. Howard Ho, Vanja Josifovski, Joerg Gerhardt: Extracting Relations from XML Documents. ER (Workshops) 2003: 390-401
8EEEugene Agichtein, Luis Gravano: Querying Text Databases for Efficient Information Extraction. ICDE 2003: 113-124
7EEHong Yu, Eugene Agichtein: Extracting synonymous gene and protein terms from biological literature. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2003: 340-349
6EEEugene Agichtein, Luis Gravano: QXtract: A Building Block for Efficient Information Extraction from Plain-Text Databases. SIGMOD Conference 2003: 663
5EEEugene Agichtein, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, Luis Gravano: Modeling Query-Based Access to Text Databases. WebDB 2003: 87-92
4EEEugene Agichtein, Luis Gravano, Jeff Pavel, Viktoriya Sokolova, Aleksandr Voskoboynik: Snowball: A Prototype System for Extracting Relations from Large Text Collections. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 612
3EEEugene Agichtein, Steve Lawrence, Luis Gravano: Learning search engine specific query transformations for question answering. WWW 2001: 169-178
2EEEugene Agichtein, Luis Gravano: Snowball: extracting relations from large plain-text collections. ACM DL 2000: 85-94
1 Eugene Agichtein, Eleazar Eskin, Luis Gravano: Combining Strategies for Extracting Relations from Text Collections. ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2000: 86-95

Coauthor Index

1Azin Ashkan [40]
2Jiang Bian [29] [34] [36] [38] [39]
3Eric Brill [14] [18] [19] [23]
4Christopher J. C. Burges (Chris Burges) [23]
5Carlos Castillo [30]
6Charles L. A. Clarke [25] [40]
7Silviu Cucerzan [14] [15]
8Debora Donato [30]
9Susan T. Dumais [18] [19] [25]
10Eleazar Eskin [1] [11]
11Venkatesh Ganti [12]
12Ernest V. Garcia [26] [28] [32]
13Joerg Gerhardt [9]
14Aristides Gionis [30]
15Luis Gravano [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [10] [17] [22]
16Qi Guo [33] [40]
17C. T. Howard Ho (Howard Ho, Ching-Tien Ho) [9]
18Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis [5] [17] [22]
19Pranay Jain [17] [22]
20Vanja Josifovski [9]
21Pawel Jurczyk [24] [27]
22Ravi Kumar (S. Ravi Kumar) [37]
23Steve Lawrence [3] [10]
24Baoli Li [26] [32] [35]
25Yandong Liu [29] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [38] [39]
26Gilad Mishne [30]
27Sougata Mukherjea [28]
28Shamkant B. Navathe [28]
29Jeff Pavel [4]
30Robert Ragno [18]
31Ashwin Ram [26] [28] [32]
32Saurav Sahay [26] [28]
33Ian Soboroff [37]
34Viktoriya Sokolova [4]
35Aleksandr Voskoboynik [4]
36Ryen W. White (Ryen White) [25]
37Hong Yu [7]
38Hongyuan Zha [29] [36] [39]
39Zijian Zheng [21]
40Ding Zhou [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)