
George W. Furnas

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29EEDaniel M. Russell, Peter Pirolli, George W. Furnas, Stuart K. Card, Mark Stefik: Sensemaking workshop CHI 2009. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4751-4754
28EEDaniel M. Russell, George W. Furnas, Mark Stefik, Stuart K. Card, Peter Pirolli: Sensemaking. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3981-3984
27EEYan Qu, George W. Furnas: Model-driven formative evaluation of exploratory search: A study under a sensemaking framework. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(2): 534-555 (2008)
26EEGeorge W. Furnas: A fisheye follow-up: further reflections on focus + context. CHI 2006: 999-1008
25EEGeorge W. Furnas, Caterina Fake, Luis von Ahn, Joshua Schachter, Scott A. Golder, Kevin Fox, Marc Davis, Cameron Marlow, Mor Naaman: Why do tagging systems work? CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 36-39
24EEYan Qu, George W. Furnas: Sources of structure in sensemaking. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1989-1992
23EEGeorge W. Furnas, Daniel M. Russell: Making sense of sensemaking. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 2115-2116
22 Xiaolong Zhang, George W. Furnas: mCVEs: using Cross-Scale Collaboration to Support User Interaction with Multiscale Structures. Presence 14(1): 31-46 (2005)
21EEGeorge W. Furnas, Yan Qu: Using pixel rewrites for shape-rich interaction. CHI 2003: 369-376
20EEXiaolong Zhang, George W. Furnas: The effectiveness of multiscale collaboration in virtual environments. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 790-791
19EEXiaolong Zhang, George W. Furnas: Social interactions in multiscale CVEs. CVE 2002: 31-38
18EEGeorge W. Furnas, Yan Qu, Sanjeev Shrivastava, Gregory Peters: The Use of Intermediat Graphical Constructions in Problem Solving with Dynamic, Pixel-Level Diagrams. Diagrams 2000: 314-329
17EEGeorge W. Furnas, Xiaolong Zhang: Illusions of infinity: feedback for infinite worlds. UIST 2000: 237-238
16EEGeorge W. Furnas, Samuel J. Rauch: Considerations for Information Environments and the NaviQue Workspace. ACM DL 1998: 79-88
15EEGeorge W. Furnas, Xiaolong Zhang: MuSE: A Multiscale Editor. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 107-116
14EESusanne Jul, George W. Furnas: Critical Zones in Desert Fog: Aids to Multiscale Navigation. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 97-106
13 George W. Furnas: Effective View Navigation. CHI 1997: 367-374
12EEGeorge W. Furnas, Susanne Jul: Navigation in Electronic Worlds. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 230
11EEGary M. Olson, Judith S. Olson, George W. Furnas, Elliot Soloway, Daniel E. Atkins: HCI at the University of Michigan's School of Information. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 75-76
10 Benjamin B. Bederson, James D. Hollan, Ken Perlin, Jonathan Meyer, David Bacon, George W. Furnas: Pad++: A Zoomable Graphical Sketchpad For Exploring Alternate Interface Physics. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 7(1): 3-32 (1996)
9 William C. Hill, Larry Stead, Mark Rosenstein, George W. Furnas: Recommending and Evaluating Choices in a Virtual Community of Use. CHI 1995: 194-201
8 George W. Furnas, Benjamin B. Bederson: Space-Scale Diagrams: Understanding Multiscale Interfaces. CHI 1995: 234-241
7EEGeorge W. Furnas, Jeff Zacks: Multitrees: enriching and reusing hierarchical structure. CHI 1994: 330-336
6EEGeorge W. Furnas, Jeff Zacks: Multitrees: enriching and reusing hierarchical structure. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 223
5 George W. Furnas: Towards Radically Visual Computation. VL 1993: 2
4EELaurence Brothers, James D. Hollan, Jakob Neilsen, Scott Stornetta, Steven P. Abney, George W. Furnas, Michael L. Littman: Supporting Informal Communication via Ephemeral Interest Groups. CSCW 1992: 84-90
3 Scott C. Deerwester, Susan T. Dumais, Thomas K. Landauer, George W. Furnas, Richard A. Harshman: Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis. JASIS 41(6): 391-407 (1990)
2EEGeorge W. Furnas, Scott C. Deerwester, Susan T. Dumais, Thomas K. Landauer, Richard A. Harshman, Lynn A. Streeter, Karen E. Lochbaum: Information Retrieval using a Singular Value Decomposition Model of Latent Semantic Structure. SIGIR 1988: 465-480
1 George W. Furnas, Thomas K. Landauer, Louis M. Gomez, Susan T. Dumais: The Vocabulary Problem in Human-System Communication. Commun. ACM 30(11): 964-971 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Steven P. Abney [4]
2Luis von Ahn [25]
3Daniel E. Atkins [11]
4David Bacon [10]
5Benjamin B. Bederson (Ben Bederson) [8] [10]
6Laurence Brothers [4]
7Stuart K. Card [28] [29]
8Marc Davis [25]
9Scott C. Deerwester [2] [3]
10Susan T. Dumais [1] [2] [3]
11Caterina Fake [25]
12Kevin Fox [25]
13Scott A. Golder [25]
14Louis M. Gomez [1]
15Richard A. Harshman [2] [3]
16William C. Hill [9]
17James D. Hollan (Jim Hollan) [4] [10]
18Susanne Jul [12] [14]
19Thomas K. Landauer [1] [2] [3]
20Michael L. Littman [4]
21Karen E. Lochbaum [2]
22Cameron Marlow [25]
23Jonathan Meyer [10]
24Mor Naaman [25]
25Jakob Neilsen [4]
26Gary M. Olson [11]
27Judith S. Olson [11]
28Ken Perlin [10]
29Gregory Peters [18]
30Peter Pirolli [28] [29]
31Yan Qu [18] [21] [24] [27]
32Samuel J. Rauch [16]
33Mark Rosenstein [9]
34Daniel M. Russell [23] [28] [29]
35Joshua Schachter [25]
36Sanjeev Shrivastava [18]
37Elliot Soloway [11]
38Larry Stead [9]
39Mark Stefik [28] [29]
40Scott Stornetta [4]
41Lynn A. Streeter [2]
42Jeff Zacks [6] [7]
43Xiaolong Zhang [15] [17] [19] [20] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)