
Michael W. Berry

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40EEBrett W. Bader, Andrey A. Puretskiy, Michael W. Berry: Scenario Discovery Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization. CIARP 2008: 791-805
39EEManjula A. Iyer, Morgan M. Harris, Layne T. Watson, Michael W. Berry: A performance comparison of piecewise linear estimation methods. SpringSim 2008: 273-278
38EEBarry L. Britt, Michael W. Berry, Murray Browne, Mary Ann Merrell, James Kolpack: Document classification techniques for automated technology readiness level analysis. JASIST 59(4): 675-680 (2008)
37 Dali Wang, Michael W. Berry, Eric A. Carr, Jane Comiskey, Louis J. Gross: A Parallel Simulation Framework for Integrated Regional Ecosytem Modeling. PDPTA 2007: 115-121
36EEMichael W. Berry, Murray Browne, Amy Nicole Langville, V. Paul Pauca, Robert J. Plemmons: Algorithms and applications for approximate nonnegative matrix factorization. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(1): 155-173 (2007)
35EEManjula A. Iyer, Layne T. Watson, Michael W. Berry: SHEPPACK: a Fortran 95 package for interpolation using the modified Shepard algorithm. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 476-481
34EEFarial Shahnaz, Michael W. Berry, V. Paul Pauca, Robert J. Plemmons: Document clustering using nonnegative matrix factorization. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(2): 373-386 (2006)
33EEMichael W. Berry, Shakhina A. Pulatova, G. W. Stewart: Algorithm 844: Computing sparse reduced-rank approximations to sparse matrices. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 31(2): 252-269 (2005)
32EERamin Homayouni, Kevin Heinrich, Lai Wei, Michael W. Berry: Gene clustering by Latent Semantic Indexing of MEDLINE abstracts. Bioinformatics 21(1): 104-115 (2005)
31EEDali Wang, Eric A. Carr, Mark R. Palmer, Michael W. Berry, Louis J. Gross: A Grid Service Module for Natural-Resource Managers. IEEE Internet Computing 9(1): 35-41 (2005)
30EEAlphons Immanuel, Michael W. Berry, Louis J. Gross, Mark Palmer, Dali Wang: A parallel implementation of ALFISH: simulating hydrological compartmentalization effects on fish dynamics in the Florida Everglades. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13(1): 55-76 (2005)
29 Michael W. Berry, Umeshwar Dayal, Chandrika Kamath, David B. Skillicorn: Proceedings of the Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, April 22-24, 2004 SIAM 2004
28EEDali Wang, Eric A. Carr, Louis J. Gross, Michael W. Berry: Design and Implementation of a Parallel Fish Model for South Florida. HICSS 2004
27EEV. Paul Pauca, Farial Shahnaz, Michael W. Berry, Robert J. Plemmons: Text Mining Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations. SDM 2004
26EEGary W. Stuart, Michael W. Berry: An SVD-based comparison of nine whole eukaryotic genomes supports a coelomate rather than ecdysozoan lineage. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 204 (2004)
25 David Guo, Michael W. Berry, Bryan B. Thompson, Sidney C. Bailin: Knowledge-Enhanced Latent Semantic Indexing. Inf. Retr. 6(2): 225-250 (2003)
24EEGary W. Stuart, Michael W. Berry: A Comprehensive Whole Genome Bacterial Phylogeny Using Correlated Peptide Motifs Defined in a High Dimensional Vector Space. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 1(3): 475-494 (2003)
23EEPeiling Wang, Michael W. Berry, Yiheng Yang: Mining longitudinal web queries: Trends and patterns. JASIST 54(8): 743-758 (2003)
22EEJesse L. Barlow, Michael W. Berry, Axel Ruhe, Hongyuan Zha: Preface. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 41(1): 1-2 (2002)
21 Xiaoyan Zhang, Michael W. Berry, Padma Raghavan: Level search schemes for information filtering and retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 37(2): 313-334 (2001)
20 Fionn Murtagh, Jean-Luc Starck, Michael W. Berry: Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality in Clustering by Means of the Wavelet Transform. Comput. J. 43(2): 107-120 (2000)
19 M. K. Hughey, Michael W. Berry: Improved Query Matching Using kd-Trees: A Latent Semantic Indexing Enhancement. Inf. Retr. 2(4): 287-302 (2000)
18EEMichael W. Berry, Karen S. Minser: Algorithm 798: high-dimensional interpolation using the modified Shepard method. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 25(3): 353-366 (1999)
17EEJingqian Jiang, Michael W. Berry, June M. Donato, George Ostrouchov, Nancy W. Grady: Mining consumer product data via latent semantic indexing. Intell. Data Anal. 3(5): 377-398 (1999)
16EELinda E. Mellott, Michael W. Berry, Jane Comiskey, Louis J. Gross: The design and implementation of an individual-based predator-prey model for a distributed computing environment. Simul. Pr. Theory 7(1): 47-70 (1999)
15 Eric P. Jiang, Michael W. Berry: Information Filtering Using the Riemannian SVD (R-SVD). IRREGULAR 1998: 386-395
14 Dian I. Witter, Michael W. Berry: Downdating the Latent Semantic Indexing Model for Conceptual Information Retrieval. Comput. J. 41(8): 589-601 (1998)
13EEMichael W. Berry, Karen S. Minser: Distributed Land-Cover Change Simulation. ACM-GIS 1997: 67-70
12 Todd A. Letsche, Michael W. Berry: Large-Scale Information Retrieval with Latent Semantic Indexing. Inf. Sci. 100(1-4): 105-137 (1997)
11EEBrett C. Hazen, Michael W. Berry: The simulation of land-cover change using a distributed computing environment. Simul. Pr. Theory 5(6): 489-514 (1997)
10 Michael W. Berry, Susan T. Dumais, Gavin W. O'Brien: The Computationel Complexity of Alternative Updating Approaches for an SVD-Encoded Indexing Scheme. PPSC 1995: 39-44
9EEMichael W. Berry, Susan T. Dumais, Todd A. Letsche: Computational Methods for Intelligent Information Access. SC 1995
8 Cathy H. Wu, Michael W. Berry, Sailaja Shivakumar: Neural Networks for Full-Scale Protein Sequence Classification: Sequence Encoding with Singular Value Decomposition. Machine Learning 21(1-2): 177-193 (1995)
7 Michael W. Berry, Jack Dongarra, Youngbae Kim: A Parallel Algorithm for the Reduction of a Nonsymmetric Matrix to Block Upper-Hessenberg Form. Parallel Computing 21(8): 1189-1211 (1995)
6EEMichael W. Berry, Jack Dongarra, Brian H. Larose, Todd A. Letsche: PDS: A Performance Database Server. Scientific Programming 3(2): 147-156 (1994)
5 Cathy H. Wu, Michael W. Berry, Yuk-Shing Fung, Jerry McLarty: Neural Networks for Molecular Sequence Classification. ISMB 1993: 429-437
4 Michael W. Berry, Jane Comiskey, Karen S. Minser: Parallel Map Analysis on 2-D Grids. PPSC 1993: 312-319
3 Michael W. Berry, Theresa Do, Andrew Ogielski: Massively-Parallel Implementations of Lanczos Algorithms for Computing the SVD of Large Sparse Matrices. PPSC 1993: 437-444
2 Michael W. Berry: Scientific Workload Characterization By Loop-Based Analyses. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 19(3): 17-29 (1992)
1EESanjay Sharma, Allen D. Malony, Michael W. Berry, Priyamvada Sinvhal-Sharma: Run-time monitoring of concurrent programs on the Cedar multiprocessor. SC 1990: 784-793

Coauthor Index

1Brett W. Bader [40]
2Sidney C. Bailin [25]
3Jesse L. Barlow [22]
4Barry L. Britt [38]
5Murray Browne [36] [38]
6Eric A. Carr [28] [31] [37]
7Jane Comiskey [4] [16] [37]
8Umeshwar Dayal [29]
9Theresa Do [3]
10June M. Donato [17]
11Jack Dongarra [6] [7]
12Susan T. Dumais [9] [10]
13Yuk-Shing Fung [5]
14Nancy W. Grady [17]
15Louis J. Gross [16] [28] [30] [31] [37]
16David Guo [25]
17Morgan M. Harris [39]
18Brett C. Hazen [11]
19Kevin Heinrich [32]
20Ramin Homayouni [32]
21M. K. Hughey [19]
22Alphons Immanuel [30]
23Manjula A. Iyer [35] [39]
24Eric P. Jiang [15]
25Jingqian Jiang [17]
26Chandrika Kamath [29]
27Youngbae Kim [7]
28James Kolpack [38]
29Amy Nicole Langville [36]
30Brian H. Larose [6]
31Todd A. Letsche [6] [9] [12]
32Allen D. Malony [1]
33Jerry McLarty [5]
34Linda E. Mellott [16]
35Mary Ann Merrell [38]
36Karen S. Minser [4] [13] [18]
37Fionn Murtagh [20]
38Gavin W. O'Brien [10]
39Andrew Ogielski [3]
40George Ostrouchov [17]
41Mark Palmer [30]
42Mark R. Palmer [31]
43V. Paul Pauca [27] [34] [36]
44Robert J. Plemmons [27] [34] [36]
45Shakhina A. Pulatova [33]
46Andrey A. Puretskiy [40]
47Padma Raghavan [21]
48Axel Ruhe [22]
49Farial Shahnaz [27] [34]
50Sanjay Sharma [1]
51Sailaja Shivakumar [8]
52Priyamvada Sinvhal-Sharma [1]
53David B. Skillicorn [29]
54Jean-Luc Starck [20]
55G. W. Stewart [33]
56Gary W. Stuart [24] [26]
57Bryan B. Thompson [25]
58Dali Wang [28] [30] [31] [37]
59Peiling Wang [23]
60Layne T. Watson [35] [39]
61Lai Wei [32]
62Dian I. Witter [14]
63Cathy H. Wu [5] [8]
64Yiheng Yang [23]
65Hongyuan Zha [22]
66Xiaoyan Zhang [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)