
Amit Singhal

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42EEVidit Jain, Amit Singhal, Jiebo Luo: Selective hidden random fields: Exploiting domain-specific saliency for event classification. CVPR 2008
41EEAmit Singhal: Web Search: Challenges and Directions. ECIR 2008: 2
40EEAmit Singhal: Challenges in running a commercial search engine. SIGIR 2005: 432
39EECarl Lagoze, Amit Singhal: Guest Editors' Introduction: Information Discovery--Needles and Haystacks. IEEE Internet Computing 9(3): 16-18 (2005)
38EEJiebo Luo, Andreas E. Savakis, Amit Singhal: A Bayesian network-based framework for semantic image understanding. Pattern Recognition 38(6): 919-934 (2005)
37EEJiebo Luo, Amit Singhal, Stephen P. Etz, Robert T. Gray: A computational approach to determination of main subject regions in photographic images. Image Vision Comput. 22(3): 227-241 (2004)
36EEAmit Singhal, Jiebo Luo, Weiyu Zhu: Probabilistic Spatial Context Models for Scene Content Understanding. CVPR (1) 2003: 235-241
35EEJiebo Luo, Amit Singhal, Andreas E. Savakis: Efficient Mobile Imaging Using Emphasis Image Selection. PICS 2003: 355
34EEAmit Singhal, Jiebo Luo, Christophe Papin, Nicolas Touchard: Spatially Adaptive Rendering of Images for Display on Mobile Devices. PICS 2003: 360-365
33EEJames Allan, Jay Aslam, Nicholas J. Belkin, Chris Buckley, James P. Callan, W. Bruce Croft, Susan T. Dumais, Norbert Fuhr, Donna Harman, David J. Harper, Djoerd Hiemstra, Thomas Hofmann, Eduard H. Hovy, Wessel Kraaij, John D. Lafferty, Victor Lavrenko, David D. Lewis, Liz Liddy, R. Manmatha, Andrew McCallum, Jay M. Ponte, John M. Prager, Dragomir R. Radev, Philip Resnik, Stephen E. Robertson, Ronald Rosenfeld, Salim Roukos, Mark Sanderson, Richard M. Schwartz, Amit Singhal, Alan F. Smeaton, Howard R. Turtle, Ellen M. Voorhees, Ralph M. Weischedel, Jinxi Xu, ChengXiang Zhai: Challenges in information retrieval and language modeling: report of a workshop held at the center for intelligent information retrieval, University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 2002. SIGIR Forum 37(1): 31-47 (2003)
32 Amit Singhal, Jiebo Luo, Gustav J. Braun, Robert T. Gray, Nicolas Touchard: Displaying images on mobile devices: capabilities, issues, and solutions. ICIP (1) 2002: 13-16
31EEAmit Singhal, Raj Jain: Terabit switching: a survey of techniques and current products. Computer Communications 25(6): 547-556 (2002)
30EEJiebo Luo, Amit Singhal, Gustav J. Braun, Robert T. Gray, Nicolas Touchard, Olivier Seignol: Displaying images on mobile devices: capabilities, issues, and solutions. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2(6): 585-594 (2002)
29 Amit Singhal, Mohammad Banikazemi, P. Sadayappan, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: Efficient Multicast Algorithms for Heterogeneous Switch-based Irregular Networks of Workstations. IPDPS 2001: 71
28EEAmit Singhal, Marcin Kaszkiel: A case study in web search using TREC algorithms. WWW 2001: 708-716
27EEAmit Singhal: Modern Information Retrieval: A Brief Overview. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(4): 35-43 (2001)
26 Jiebo Luo, Amit Singhal: On measuring low-level self and relative saliency in photographic images. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(2): 157-169 (2001)
25EESteven P. Abney, Michael Collins, Amit Singhal: Answer Extraction. ANLP 2000: 296-301
24EERaj D. Iyer, David D. Lewis, Robert E. Schapire, Yoram Singer, Amit Singhal: Boosting for Document Routing. CIKM 2000: 70-77
23EEJiebo Luo, Amit Singhal: On Measuring Low-Level Saliency in Photographic Images. CVPR 2000: 1084-1089
22 Jiebo Luo, Andreas E. Savakis, Stephen P. Etz, Amit Singhal: On the Application of Bayes Networks to Semantic Understanding of Consumer Photographs. ICIP 2000
21 Stephen P. Etz, Jiebo Luo, Robert T. Gray, Amit Singhal: Quantitative Evaluation of Rank-Order Similarity of Images. ICIP 2000
20EEAmit Singhal, Marcin Kaszkiel: AT&T at TREC-9. TREC 2000
19EESteve Whittaker, Julia Hirschberg, John Choi, Donald Hindle, Fernando C. N. Pereira, Amit Singhal: SCAN: Designing and Evaluating User Interfaces to Support Retrieval From Speech Archives. SIGIR 1999: 26-33
18EEDavid D. Lewis, Daniel L. Stern, Amit Singhal: ATTICS: A Software Platform for Online Text Classification (poster abstract). SIGIR 1999: 267-268
17EEAmit Singhal, Fernando C. N. Pereira: Document Expansion for Speech Retrieval. SIGIR 1999: 34-41
16EEAmit Singhal, Steven P. Abney, Michiel Bacchiani, Michael Collins, Donald Hindle, Fernando C. N. Pereira: AT&T at TREC-8. TREC 1999
15EEMandar Mitra, Amit Singhal, Chris Buckley: Improving Automatic Query Expansion. SIGIR 1998: 206-214
14EERobert E. Schapire, Yoram Singer, Amit Singhal: Boosting and Rocchio Applied to Text Filtering. SIGIR 1998: 215-223
13 Amit Singhal, John Choi, Donald Hindle, David D. Lewis, Fernando C. N. Pereira: AT&T at TREC-7. TREC 1998: 186-198
12 Mandar Mitra, Chris Buckley, Amit Singhal, Claire Cardie: An Analysis of Statistical and Syntactic Phrases. RIAO 1997: 200-217
11EEAmit Singhal, Mandar Mitra, Chris Buckley: Learning Routing Queries in a Query Zone. SIGIR 1997: 25-32
10EEAmit Singhal: AT&T at TREC-6. TREC 1997: 215-225
9EEAmit Singhal, John Choi, Donald Hindle, Fernando C. N. Pereira: AT&T at TREC-6: SDR Track. TREC 1997: 227-232
8 Gerard Salton, Amit Singhal, Mandar Mitra, Chris Buckley: Automatic Text Structuring and Summarization. Inf. Process. Manage. 33(2): 193-207 (1997)
7EEGerard Salton, Amit Singhal, Chris Buckley, Mandar Mitra: Automatic Text Decomposition Using Text Segments and Text Themes. Hypertext 1996: 53-65
6EEAmit Singhal, Chris Buckley, Mandar Mitra: Pivoted Document Length Normalization. SIGIR 1996: 21-29
5EEChris Buckley, Amit Singhal, Mandar Mitra: Using Query Zoning and Correlation Within SMART: TREC 5. TREC 1996
4 Gerard Salton, James Allan, Amit Singhal: Automatic Text Decomposition and Structuring. Inf. Process. Manage. 32(2): 127-138 (1996)
3 Amit Singhal, Gerard Salton, Mandar Mitra, Chris Buckley: Document Length Normalization. Inf. Process. Manage. 32(5): 619-633 (1996)
2EEChris Buckley, Amit Singhal, Mandar Mitra: New Retrieval Approaches Using SMART: TREC 4. TREC 1995
1 Chris Buckley, Gerard Salton, James Allan, Amit Singhal: Automatic Query Expansion Using SMART: TREC 3. TREC 1994: 0-

Coauthor Index

1Steven P. Abney [16] [25]
2James Allan [1] [4] [33]
3Jay Aslam [33]
4Michiel Bacchiani [16]
5Mohammad Banikazemi [29]
6Nicholas J. Belkin [33]
7Gustav J. Braun [30] [32]
8Chris Buckley [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [15] [33]
9James P. Callan (Jamie Callan) [33]
10Claire Cardie [12]
11John Choi [9] [13] [19]
12Michael Collins [16] [25]
13W. Bruce Croft [33]
14Susan T. Dumais [33]
15Stephen P. Etz [21] [22] [37]
16Norbert Fuhr [33]
17Robert T. Gray [21] [30] [32] [37]
18Donna Harman [33]
19David J. Harper [33]
20Djoerd Hiemstra [33]
21Donald Hindle [9] [13] [16] [19]
22Julia Hirschberg [19]
23Thomas Hofmann [33]
24Eduard H. Hovy [33]
25Raj D. Iyer [24]
26Raj Jain [31]
27Vidit Jain [42]
28Marcin Kaszkiel [20] [28]
29Wessel Kraaij [33]
30John D. Lafferty [33]
31Carl Lagoze [39]
32Victor Lavrenko [33]
33David D. Lewis [13] [18] [24] [33]
34Elizabeth D. Liddy (Liz Liddy) [33]
35Jiebo Luo [21] [22] [23] [26] [30] [32] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [42]
36Raghavan Manmatha (R. Manmatha) [33]
37Andrew McCallum [33]
38Mandar Mitra [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [15]
39Dhabaleswar K. Panda [29]
40Christophe Papin [34]
41Fernando C. N. Pereira [9] [13] [16] [17] [19]
42Jay M. Ponte [33]
43John M. Prager [33]
44Dragomir R. Radev [33]
45Philip Resnik [33]
46Stephen E. Robertson (Stephen Robertson) [33]
47Ronald Rosenfeld (Roni Rosenfeld) [33]
48Salim Roukos [33]
49P. Sadayappan [29]
50Gerard Salton [1] [3] [4] [7] [8]
51Mark Sanderson [33]
52Andreas E. Savakis [22] [35] [38]
53Robert E. Schapire [14] [24]
54Richard M. Schwartz [33]
55Olivier Seignol [30]
56Yoram Singer [14] [24]
57Alan F. Smeaton [33]
58Daniel L. Stern [18]
59Nicolas Touchard [30] [32] [34]
60Howard R. Turtle [33]
61Ellen M. Voorhees [33]
62Ralph M. Weischedel [33]
63Steve Whittaker [19]
64Jinxi Xu [33]
65ChengXiang Zhai (Chengxiang Zhai) [33]
66Weiyu Zhu [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)