
Stephen I. Gallant

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12 Stephen I. Gallant: Context Vectors: A Step Toward a "Grand Unified Representation". Hybrid Neural Systems 1998: 204-210
11 Stephen I. Gallant, Michael F. Johnston: Image Retrieval Using Image Context Vectors: First Results. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1995: 82-94
10 William R. Caid, Susan T. Dumais, Stephen I. Gallant: Learned Vector-Space Models for Document Retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 31(3): 419-429 (1995)
9EEStephen I. Gallant, William R. Caid, Joel Carleton, T. Gutschow, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Kent Pu Qing, David Sudbeck: Feedback and Mixing Experiments with MatchPlus. TREC 1993: 101-104
8EEStephen I. Gallant, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, William R. Caid, Kent Pu Qing, Joel Carleton, David Sudbeck: TIPSTER Panel - HNC's MatchPlus System. TREC 1992: 107-111
7EEStephen I. Gallant, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, William R. Caid, Kent Pu Qing, Joel Carleton, David Sudbeck: HNC's MatchPlus System. SIGIR Forum 26(2): 34-38 (1992)
6 Stephen I. Gallant, Yoichi Hayashi: A Neural Network Expert System with Confidence Measurements. IPMU 1990: 562-567
5EEStephen I. Gallant: A connectionist learning algorithm with provable generalization and scaling bounds. Neural Networks 3(2): 191-201 (1990)
4 Stephen I. Gallant: Connectionist Expert Systems. Commun. ACM 31(2): 152-169 (1988)
3 Stephen I. Gallant: Automated generation of connectionist expert systems for problems involving noise and redundancy. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 2(3): 334 (1988)
2 Mark Frydenberg, Stephen I. Gallant: Fuzziness and expert system generation. IPMU 1986: 137-143
1 Stephen I. Gallant: Automatic Generation of Expert Systems from Examples. CAIA 1985: 313-319

Coauthor Index

1William R. Caid [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Joel Carleton [7] [8] [9]
3Susan T. Dumais [10]
4Mark Frydenberg [2]
5T. Gutschow [9]
6Yoichi Hayashi [6]
7Robert Hecht-Nielsen [7] [8] [9]
8Michael F. Johnston [11]
9Kent Pu Qing [7] [8] [9]
10David Sudbeck [7] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)