
Ralph M. Weischedel

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57EESameer S. Pradhan, Lance A. Ramshaw, Ralph M. Weischedel, Jessica MacBride, Linnea Micciulla: Unrestricted Coreference: Identifying Entities and Events in OntoNotes. ICSC 2007: 446-453
56EESameer S. Pradhan, Eduard H. Hovy, Mitchell P. Marcus, Martha Palmer, Lance A. Ramshaw, Ralph M. Weischedel: OntoNotes: A Unified Relational Semantic Representation. ICSC 2007: 517-526
55EESameer S. Pradhan, Eduard H. Hovy, Mitchell P. Marcus, Martha Palmer, Lance A. Ramshaw, Ralph M. Weischedel: Ontonotes: a Unified Relational Semantic Representation. Int. J. Semantic Computing 1(4): 405-419 (2007)
54EEEduard H. Hovy, Mitchell P. Marcus, Martha Palmer, Lance A. Ramshaw, Ralph M. Weischedel: OntoNotes: The 90% Solution. HLT-NAACL 2006
53EERalph M. Weischedel: Natural-Language Understanding at BBN. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 28(1): 46-55 (2006)
52EEMichael Crystal, Alex Baron, Katherine Godfrey, Linnea Micciulla, Yvette J. Tenney, Ralph M. Weischedel: A Methodology for Extrinsically Evaluating Information Extraction Performance. HLT/EMNLP 2005
51EEFuchun Peng, Ralph M. Weischedel, Ana Licuanan, Jinxi Xu: Combining Deep Linguistics Analysis and Surface Pattern Learning: A Hybrid Approach to Chinese Definitional Question Answering. HLT/EMNLP 2005
50EEJinxi Xu, Ralph M. Weischedel: Empirical studies on the impact of lexical resources on CLIR performance. Inf. Process. Manage. 41(3): 475-487 (2005)
49 Ralph M. Weischedel, Jinxi Xu, Ana Licuanan: A Hybrid Approach to Answering Biographical Questions. New Directions in Question Answering 2004: 59-70
48EEJinxi Xu, Ralph M. Weischedel, Ana Licuanan: Evaluation of an extraction-based approach to answering definitional questions. SIGIR 2004: 418-424
47 Jinxi Xu, Ana Licuanan, Jonathan May, Scott Miller, Ralph M. Weischedel: Answer Selection and Confidence Estimation. New Directions in Question Answering 2003: 134-137
46EEJinxi Xu, Ana Licuanan, Ralph M. Weischedel: TREC 2003 QA at BBN: Answering Definitional Questions. TREC 2003: 98-106
45EEJinxi Xu, Ralph M. Weischedel: Cross-lingual retrieval for Hindi. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 2(2): 164-168 (2003)
44EEJonathan May, Ada Brunstein, Premkumar Natarajan, Ralph M. Weischedel: Surprise! What's in a Cebuano or Hindi Name? ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 2(3): 169-180 (2003)
43EEJames Allan, Jay Aslam, Nicholas J. Belkin, Chris Buckley, James P. Callan, W. Bruce Croft, Susan T. Dumais, Norbert Fuhr, Donna Harman, David J. Harper, Djoerd Hiemstra, Thomas Hofmann, Eduard H. Hovy, Wessel Kraaij, John D. Lafferty, Victor Lavrenko, David D. Lewis, Liz Liddy, R. Manmatha, Andrew McCallum, Jay M. Ponte, John M. Prager, Dragomir R. Radev, Philip Resnik, Stephen E. Robertson, Ronald Rosenfeld, Salim Roukos, Mark Sanderson, Richard M. Schwartz, Amit Singhal, Alan F. Smeaton, Howard R. Turtle, Ellen M. Voorhees, Ralph M. Weischedel, Jinxi Xu, ChengXiang Zhai: Challenges in information retrieval and language modeling: report of a workshop held at the center for intelligent information retrieval, University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 2002. SIGIR Forum 37(1): 31-47 (2003)
42EEJinxi Xu, Alexander Fraser, Ralph M. Weischedel: Empirical studies in strategies for Arabic retrieval. SIGIR 2002: 269-274
41EEAlexander Fraser, Jinxi Xu, Ralph M. Weischedel: TREC 2002 Cross-lingual Retrieval at BBN. TREC 2002
40EEJinxi Xu, Ana Licuanan, Jonathan May, Scott Miller, Ralph M. Weischedel: TREC 2002 QA at BBN: Answer Selection and Confidence Estimation. TREC 2002
39 Jinxi Xu, Ralph M. Weischedel, Chanh Nguyen: Evaluating a Probabilistic Model for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval. SIGIR 2001: 105-110
38EEJinxi Xu, Alexander Fraser, Ralph M. Weischedel: TREC 2001 Cross-lingual Retrieval at BBN. TREC 2001
37EEScott Miller, Heidi Fox, Lance A. Ramshaw, Ralph M. Weischedel: A Novel Use of Statistical Parsing to Extract Information from Text. ANLP 2000: 226-233
36EEDavid R. H. Miller, Sean Boisen, Richard M. Schwartz, Rebecca Stone, Ralph M. Weischedel: Named Entity Extraction from Noisy Input: Speech and OCR. ANLP 2000: 316-324
35EEJinxi Xu, Ralph M. Weischedel: TREC-9 Cross-lingual Retrieval at BBN. TREC 2000
34 Daniel M. Bikel, Richard M. Schwartz, Ralph M. Weischedel: An Algorithm that Learns What's in a Name. Machine Learning 34(1-3): 211-231 (1999)
33EEDaniel M. Bikel, Scott Miller, Richard M. Schwartz, Ralph M. Weischedel: Nymble: a High-Performance Learning Name-finder CoRR cmp-lg/9803003: (1998)
32EEDaniel M. Bikel, Scott Miller, Richard M. Schwartz, Ralph M. Weischedel: Nymble: a High-Performance Learning Name-finder. ANLP 1997: 194-201
31EERalph M. Weischedel: BEN: description of the PLUM system as used for MUC-6. MUC 1995: 55-69
30EERalph M. Weischedel: Robustness, Portability and Scalability Language Systems. HLT 1994
29EERalph M. Weischedel, Damaris M. Ayuso, Sean Boisen, Heidi Fox, Robert Ingria, Tomoyoshi Matsukawa, Constantine Papageorgiou, Dawn MacLaughlin, Masaichiro Kitagawa, Tsutomu Sakai, June Abe, Hiroto Hosihi, Yoichi Miyamoto, Scott Miller: BBN: description of the PLUM system as used for MUC-5. MUC 1993: 93-107
28 Ralph M. Weischedel, Marie Meteer, Richard M. Schwartz, Lance A. Ramshaw, Jeff Palmucci: Coping with Ambiguity and Unknown Words through Probabilistic Models. Computational Linguistics 19(2): 359-382 (1993)
27EEDamaris M. Ayuso, Sean Boisen, Heidi Fox, Herbert Gish, Robert Ingria, Ralph M. Weischedel: BBN: description of the PLUM system as used for MUC-4. MUC 1992: 169-176
26EERalph M. Weischedel, Damaris M. Ayuso, Sean Boisen, Heidi Fox, Herbert Gish, Robert Ingria: BBN PLUM: MUC-4 test results and analysis. MUC 1992: 87-93
25EERalph M. Weischedel: Adaptive Natural Language Processing. HLT 1991
24EERalph M. Weischedel, Damaris M. Ayuso, Robert J. Bobrow, Sean Boisen, Robert Ingria, Jeff Palmucci: Partial Parsing: A Report on Work in Progress. HLT 1991
23EEMarie Meteer, Richard M. Schwartz, Ralph M. Weischedel: Studies in Part of Speech Labelling. HLT 1991
22 Marie Meteer, Richard M. Schwartz, Ralph M. Weischedel: POST: Using Probabilities in Language Processing. IJCAI 1991: 960-965
21EERalph M. Weischedel, Damaris M. Ayuso, Sean Boisen, Robert Ingria, Jeff Palmucci: BBN: description of the PLUM system as used for MUC-3. MUC 1991: 137-143
20EERalph M. Weischedel, Damaris M. Ayuso, Sean Boisen, Robert Ingria, Jeff Palmucci: BBN PLUM: MUC-3 test results and analysis. MUC 1991: 54-59
19 Robert J. Bobrow, Philip Resnik, Ralph M. Weischedel: Multiple Underlying Systems: Translating User Requests into Programs to Produce Answers. ACL 1990: 227-234
18 Ralph M. Weischedel: A Hybrid Approach to Representation in the Janus Natural Language Processor. ACL 1989: 193-202
17EEAravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber, Ralph M. Weischedel: Living up to Expectations: Computing Expert Responses'. HLT 1986
16EERalph M. Weischedel, Edward Walker, Damaris M. Ayuso, Jos de Bruin, Kimberle Koile, Lance A. Ramshaw, Varda Shaked: Out of the Laboratory: A Case Study with the IRUS Natural Language Interface. HLT 1986
15EERalph M. Weischedel, Remko Scha, Edward Walker, Damaris M. Ayuso, Andrew R. Haas, Erhard W. Hinrichs, Robert Ingria, Lance A. Ramshaw, Varda Shaked, David Stallard: Research and Development in Natural Language Processing at BBN Laboratories in the Strategic Computing Program. HLT 1986
14 Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber, Ralph M. Weischedel: Living Up To Expectations: Computing Expert Responses. AAAI 1984: 169-175
13EENorman K. Sondheimer, Ralph M. Weischedel, Robert J. Bobrow: Semantic Interpretation Using KL-ONE. COLING 1984: 101-107
12EEAravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber, Ralph M. Weischedel: Preventing False Inferences. COLING 1984: 134-138
11EELance A. Ramshaw, Ralph M. Weischedel: Problem Localization Strategies For Pramatics Processing In Natural-Language Front Ends. COLING 1984: 139-143
10 Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber, Ralph M. Weischedel: Default Reasoning in Interaction. NMR 1984: 144-150
9 Ralph M. Weischedel: Mapping Between Semantic Representations Using Horn Clauses. AAAI 1983: 424-428
8EERalph M. Weischedel: Handling Ill-Formed Input: Session Introduction. ANLP 1983: 89-92
7 Ralph M. Weischedel, Norman K. Sondheimer: Meta-Rules as a Basis for Processing III-Formed Input. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 9(3-4): 161-177 (1983)
6EERalph M. Weischedel, John E. Black: If the Parser Fails. ACL 1980
5EENorman K. Sondheimer, Ralph M. Weischedel: A Rule-Based Approach To Ill-Formed Input. COLING 1980: 46-53
4 Ralph M. Weischedel, John E. Black: Responding Intelligently to Unparsable Inputs. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 6(2): 97-109 (1980)
3 Ralph M. Weischedel, Wilfried M. Voge, Mark James: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Language Instruction. Artif. Intell. 10(3): 225-240 (1978)
2 Aravind K. Joshi, Ralph M. Weischedel: Some Frills for Modal Tic-Tac-Toe: Semantics of Predicate Complement Constructions. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(4): 374-389 (1976)
1 Aravind K. Joshi, Ralph M. Weischedel: Some Frills for the Modal Tic-Tac-Toe of Davies and Isard: Semantics of Predicate Complement Constructions. IJCAI 1973: 352-355

Coauthor Index

1June Abe [29]
2James Allan [43]
3Jay Aslam [43]
4Damaris M. Ayuso [15] [16] [20] [21] [24] [26] [27] [29]
5Alex Baron [52]
6Nicholas J. Belkin [43]
7Daniel M. Bikel [32] [33] [34]
8John E. Black [4] [6]
9Robert J. Bobrow [13] [19] [24]
10Sean Boisen [20] [21] [24] [26] [27] [29] [36]
11Jos de Bruin [16]
12Ada Brunstein [44]
13Chris Buckley [43]
14James P. Callan (Jamie Callan) [43]
15W. Bruce Croft [43]
16Michael Crystal [52]
17Susan T. Dumais [43]
18Heidi Fox [26] [27] [29] [37]
19Alexander Fraser [38] [41] [42]
20Norbert Fuhr [43]
21Herbert Gish [26] [27]
22Katherine Godfrey [52]
23Andrew R. Haas [15]
24Donna Harman [43]
25David J. Harper [43]
26Djoerd Hiemstra [43]
27Erhard W. Hinrichs [15]
28Thomas Hofmann [43]
29Hiroto Hosihi [29]
30Eduard H. Hovy [43] [54] [55] [56]
31Robert Ingria [15] [20] [21] [24] [26] [27] [29]
32Mark James [3]
33Aravind K. Joshi [1] [2] [10] [12] [14] [17]
34Masaichiro Kitagawa [29]
35Kimberle Koile [16]
36Wessel Kraaij [43]
37John D. Lafferty [43]
38Victor Lavrenko [43]
39David D. Lewis [43]
40Ana Licuanan [40] [46] [47] [48] [49] [51]
41Elizabeth D. Liddy (Liz Liddy) [43]
42Jessica MacBride [57]
43Dawn MacLaughlin [29]
44Raghavan Manmatha (R. Manmatha) [43]
45Mitchell P. Marcus [54] [55] [56]
46Tomoyoshi Matsukawa [29]
47Jonathan May [40] [44] [47]
48Andrew McCallum [43]
49Marie Meteer [22] [23] [28]
50Linnea Micciulla [52] [57]
51David R. H. Miller [36]
52Scott Miller [29] [32] [33] [37] [40] [47]
53Yoichi Miyamoto [29]
54Premkumar Natarajan [44]
55Chanh Nguyen [39]
56Martha Palmer (Martha Stone Palmer) [54] [55] [56]
57Jeff Palmucci [20] [21] [24] [28]
58Constantine Papageorgiou [29]
59Fuchun Peng [51]
60Jay M. Ponte [43]
61Sameer S. Pradhan [55] [56] [57]
62John M. Prager [43]
63Dragomir R. Radev [43]
64Lance A. Ramshaw [11] [15] [16] [28] [37] [54] [55] [56] [57]
65Philip Resnik [19] [43]
66Stephen E. Robertson (Stephen Robertson) [43]
67Ronald Rosenfeld (Roni Rosenfeld) [43]
68Salim Roukos [43]
69Tsutomu Sakai [29]
70Mark Sanderson [43]
71Remko Scha [15]
72Richard M. Schwartz [22] [23] [28] [32] [33] [34] [36] [43]
73Varda Shaked [15] [16]
74Amit Singhal [43]
75Alan F. Smeaton [43]
76Norman K. Sondheimer [5] [7] [13]
77David Stallard [15]
78Rebecca Stone [36]
79Yvette J. Tenney [52]
80Howard R. Turtle [43]
81Wilfried M. Voge [3]
82Ellen M. Voorhees [43]
83Edward Walker [15] [16]
84Bonnie L. Webber [10] [12] [14] [17]
85Jinxi Xu [35] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]
86ChengXiang Zhai (Chengxiang Zhai) [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)