2009 |
134 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
S. Keshav,
Nick McKeown:
Viewpoint: Scaling the academic publication process to internet scale.
Commun. ACM 52(1): 27-30 (2009) |
2008 |
133 | | Pietro Liò,
Eiko Yoneki,
Jon Crowcroft,
Dinesh C. Verma:
Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication, First Workshop on Bio-Inspired Design of Networks, BIOWIRE 2007, Cambridge, UK, April 2-5, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2008 |
132 | | Jon Crowcroft,
Michael Dahlin:
5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation, NSDI 2008, April 16-18, 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA, Proceedings
USENIX Association 2008 |
131 | EE | Meeyoung Cha,
Pablo Rodriguez,
Jon Crowcroft,
Sue B. Moon,
Xavier Amatriain:
Watching television over an IP network.
Internet Measurement Comference 2008: 71-84 |
130 | EE | Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft,
Eiko Yoneki:
Bubble rap: social-based forwarding in delay tolerant networks.
MobiHoc 2008: 241-250 |
129 | EE | Chi-Kin Chau,
Jon Crowcroft,
Kang-Won Lee,
Starsky H. Y. Wong:
How to Enable Policy-Based Interactions in Dynamic Wireless Networks?
POLICY 2008: 219-222 |
128 | EE | Thomas Silverston,
Olivier Fourmaux,
Jon Crowcroft:
Towards an Incentive Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Live Streaming Systems.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2008: 125-128 |
127 | EE | Ruichuan Chen,
Eng Keong Lua,
Jon Crowcroft,
Wenjia Guo,
Liyong Tang,
Zhong Chen:
Securing Peer-to-Peer Content Sharing Service from Poisoning Attacks.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2008: 22-29 |
126 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
S. Keshav,
Nick McKeown:
Scaling Internet Research Publication Processes to Internet Scale.
WOWCS 2008 |
125 | EE | Mirco Musolesi,
Pan Hui,
Cecilia Mascolo,
Jon Crowcroft:
Writing on the clean slate: Implementing a socially-aware protocol in Haggle.
WOWMOM 2008: 1-6 |
124 | EE | Manuel Costa,
Jon Crowcroft,
Miguel Castro,
Antony I. T. Rowstron,
Lidong Zhou,
Lintao Zhang,
Paul Barham:
Vigilante: End-to-end containment of Internet worm epidemics.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 26(4): (2008) |
123 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
Toward a network architecture that does everything.
Commun. ACM 51(1): 74-77 (2008) |
122 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
Cold topics in networking.
Computer Communication Review 38(1): 45-47 (2008) |
121 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
New directions in mobile communications, or how to learn to stop hating the cellular telephone industry.
Computer Communication Review 38(2): 51-53 (2008) |
120 | EE | Eng Keong Lua,
Xiaoming Zhou,
Jon Crowcroft,
Piet Van Mieghem:
Scalable multicasting with network-aware geometric overlay.
Computer Communications 31(3): 464-488 (2008) |
119 | EE | Sachin Katti,
Hariharan Rahul,
Wenjun Hu,
Dina Katabi,
Muriel Médard,
Jon Crowcroft:
XORs in the air: practical wireless network coding.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 16(3): 497-510 (2008) |
2007 |
118 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication.
BIOWIRE 2007: 1-8 |
117 | | Eiko Yoneki,
Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft:
Wireless Epidemic Spread in Dynamic Human Networks.
BIOWIRE 2007: 116-132 |
116 | EE | Eiko Yoneki,
Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft:
Visualizing community detection in opportunistic networks.
Challenged Networks 2007: 93-96 |
115 | EE | Björn Scheuermann,
Wenjun Hu,
Jon Crowcroft:
Near-optimal co-ordinated coding in wireless multihop networks.
CoNEXT 2007: 9 |
114 | EE | Edson dos Santos Moreira,
David N. Cottingham,
Jon Crowcroft,
Pan Hui,
Glenford E. Mapp,
Renata M. P. Vanni:
Exploiting contextual handover information for versatile services in NGN environments.
ICDIM 2007: 506-512 |
113 | EE | Qunfeng Dong,
Jianming Wu,
Wenjun Hu,
Jon Crowcroft:
Practical network coding in wireless networks.
MOBICOM 2007: 306-309 |
112 | EE | Eiko Yoneki,
Pan Hui,
ShuYan Chan,
Jon Crowcroft:
A socio-aware overlay for publish/subscribe communication in delay tolerant networks.
MSWiM 2007: 225-234 |
111 | EE | Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft:
How Small Labels Create Big Improvements.
PerCom Workshops 2007: 65-70 |
110 | EE | Jing Su,
James Scott,
Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft,
Eyal de Lara,
Christophe Diot,
Ashvin Goel,
Menghow Lim,
Eben Upton:
Haggle: Seamless Networking for Mobile Applications.
Ubicomp 2007: 391-408 |
109 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
Net neutrality: the technical side of the debate: a white paper.
Computer Communication Review 37(1): 49-56 (2007) |
108 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Peter B. Key:
Report from the clean slate network research post-sigcomm 2006 workshop.
Computer Communication Review 37(1): 75-78 (2007) |
107 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Craig Partridge,
Geoffrey M. Voelker,
Ellen W. Zegura:
Report from the 2006 SIGCOMM nomination committee.
Computer Communication Review 37(1): 87 (2007) |
106 | EE | Pablo Vidales,
Carlos Jesus Bernardos,
Ignacio Soto,
David N. Cottingham,
Javier Baliosian,
Jon Crowcroft:
MIPv6 experimental evaluation using overlay networks.
Computer Networks 51(10): 2892-2915 (2007) |
105 | EE | Augustin Chaintreau,
Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft,
Christophe Diot,
Richard Gass,
James Scott:
Impact of Human Mobility on Opportunistic Forwarding Algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 6(6): 606-620 (2007) |
104 | EE | Chieh-Yih Wan,
Shane B. Eisenman,
Andrew T. Campbell,
Jon Crowcroft:
Overload traffic management for sensor networks.
TOSN 3(4): (2007) |
2006 |
103 | EE | Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft:
How small labels create big improvements.
CoNEXT 2006: 34 |
102 | EE | Wenjun Hu,
Miguel Castro,
Jon Crowcroft,
Greg O'Shea,
Antony I. T. Rowstron:
Network coding with traffic engineering.
CoNEXT 2006: 40 |
101 | EE | Augustin Chaintreau,
Pan Hui,
Jon Crowcroft,
Christophe Diot,
Richard Gass,
James Scott:
Impact of Human Mobility on the Design of Opportunistic Forwarding Algorithms.
INFOCOM 2006 |
100 | EE | Antonio Di Ferdinando,
Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Michael Dales,
Jon Crowcroft:
A QoS-Negotiable Middleware System for Reliably Multicasting Messages of Arbitrary Size.
ISORC 2006: 253-260 |
99 | EE | Christian Kreibich,
Jon Crowcroft:
Efficient sequence alignment of network traffic.
Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 307-312 |
98 | EE | Rashid Mehmood,
Jon Crowcroft,
Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani:
A Parallel Implicit Method for the Steady-State Solution of CTMCs.
MASCOTS 2006: 293-302 |
97 | EE | Xiaoming Fu,
Jon Crowcroft:
GONE: an infrastructure overlay for resilient, DoS-limiting networking.
NOSSDAV 2006: 18 |
96 | EE | Sachin Katti,
Hariharan Rahul,
Wenjun Hu,
Dina Katabi,
Muriel Médard,
Jon Crowcroft:
XORs in the air: practical wireless network coding.
SIGCOMM 2006: 243-254 |
95 | | Marco Conti,
Jon Crowcroft,
Andrea Passarella:
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 2(4): (2006) |
94 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
The privacy and safety impact of technology choices for command, communications and control of the public highway.
Computer Communication Review 36(1): 53-58 (2006) |
93 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
10 networking papers: recommended reading.
Computer Communication Review 36(2): 31-32 (2006) |
92 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Christian Kreibich:
Only 365 days left until the Sigcomm deadline.
Computer Communication Review 36(5): 57-62 (2006) |
91 | EE | Theodoros Pagtzis,
Jon Crowcroft,
Keith Clark:
On the performance of proactive mobile IPv6 for context-aware all-IP wireless access networks.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 559-583 (2006) |
2005 |
90 | EE | David Spence,
Jon Crowcroft,
Steven Hand,
Tim Harris:
Location based placement of whole distributed systems.
CoNEXT 2005: 124-134 |
89 | EE | Karl Jeacle,
Jon Crowcroft,
Marinho P. Barcellos,
Stefano Pettini:
Hybrid reliable multicast with TCP-XM.
CoNEXT 2005: 177-187 |
88 | EE | Rashid Mehmood,
Jon Crowcroft,
Steven Hand,
Steven Smith:
Grid-level computing needs pervasive debugging.
GRID 2005: 186-193 |
87 | EE | Menghow Lim,
Adam Chesterfield,
Jon Crowcroft,
Julian Chesterfield:
Landmark Guided Forwarding.
ICNP 2005: 169-178 |
86 | EE | Eng Keong Lua,
Timothy G. Griffin,
Marcelo Pias,
Han Zheng,
Jon Crowcroft:
On the Accuracy of Embeddings for Internet Coordinate Systems.
Internet Measurment Conference 2005: 125-138 |
85 | EE | Elgan Huang,
Wenjun Hu,
Jon Crowcroft,
Ian J. Wassell:
Towards commercial mobile ad hoc network applications: a radio dispatch system.
MobiHoc 2005: 355-365 |
84 | EE | Manuel Costa,
Jon Crowcroft,
Miguel Castro,
Antony I. T. Rowstron,
Lidong Zhou,
Lintao Zhang,
Paul Barham:
Vigilante: end-to-end containment of internet worms.
SOSP 2005: 133-147 |
83 | EE | Chieh-Yih Wan,
Shane B. Eisenman,
Andrew T. Campbell,
Jon Crowcroft:
Siphon: overload traffic management using multi-radio virtual sinks in sensor networks.
SenSys 2005: 116-129 |
82 | EE | Pablo Vidales,
Glenford E. Mapp,
Frank Stajano,
Jon Crowcroft,
Carlos Jesus Bernardos:
A Practical Approach for 4G Systems: Deployment of Overlay Networks.
TRIDENTCOM 2005: 172-181 |
81 | EE | Pan Hui,
Augustin Chaintreau,
Richard Gass,
James Scott,
Jon Crowcroft,
Christophe Diot:
Pocket Switched Networking: Challenges, Feasibility and Implementation Issues.
WAC 2005: 1-12 |
80 | EE | Karl Jeacle,
Jon Crowcroft:
A Multicast Transport Driver for Globus XIO.
WETICE 2005: 284-289 |
79 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
On the nature of computing.
Commun. ACM 48(2): 19-20 (2005) |
78 | EE | Tim Deegan,
Jon Crowcroft,
Andrew Warfield:
The main name system: an exercise in centralized computing.
Computer Communication Review 35(5): 5-14 (2005) |
77 | EE | Rajiv Chakravorty,
Sachin Katti,
Ian Pratt,
Jon Crowcroft:
Using TCP flow-aggregation to enhance data experience of cellular wireless users.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(6): 1190-1204 (2005) |
2004 |
76 | EE | Boris Dragovic,
Jon Crowcroft:
Information exposure control through data manipulation for ubiquitous computing.
NSPW 2004: 57-64 |
75 | EE | Eng Keong Lua,
Jon Crowcroft,
Marcelo Pias:
Highways: Proximity Clustering for Scalable Peer-to-Peer Network.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2004: 266-267 |
74 | EE | Rajiv Chakravorty,
Pablo Vidales,
Kavitha Subramanian,
Ian Pratt,
Jon Crowcroft:
Performance Issues with Vertical Handovers - Experiences from GPRS Cellular and WLAN Hot-spots Integration.
PerCom 2004: 155-164 |
73 | EE | Eng Keong Lua,
Alex Lin,
Jon Crowcroft,
Valerie Tan:
BarterRoam: A Novel Mobile and Wireless Roaming Settlement Model.
QofIS 2004: 348-357 |
72 | EE | Chieh-Yih Wan,
Andrew T. Campbell,
Jon Crowcroft:
A case for all-wireless, dual-radio virtual sinks.
SenSys 2004: 267-268 |
71 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Julian Chesterfield,
Richard J. Gibbens,
Frank P. Kelly,
Sven Östring:
Providing incentives in providerless networks.
Ad Hoc Networks 2(3): 283-289 (2004) |
70 | EE | Christian Kreibich,
Jon Crowcroft:
Honeycomb: creating intrusion detection signatures using honeypots.
Computer Communication Review 34(1): 51-56 (2004) |
69 | EE | Panos Gevros,
Jon Crowcroft:
Distributed resource management with heterogeneous linear controls.
Computer Networks 45(6): 835-858 (2004) |
68 | EE | Sven Östring,
Konstantin Avrachenkov,
Jon Crowcroft,
Anthony Ephremides:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
MONET 9(6): 555-556 (2004) |
67 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Richard J. Gibbens,
Frank P. Kelly,
Sven Östring:
Modelling incentives for collaboration in mobile ad hoc networks.
Perform. Eval. 57(4): 427-439 (2004) |
2003 |
66 | | Anja Feldmann,
Martina Zitterbart,
Jon Crowcroft,
David Wetherall:
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2003 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication, August 25-29, 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany
ACM 2003 |
65 | EE | Manuel M. Oliveira,
Mel Slater,
Jon Crowcroft:
How to Build Virtual Environment Systems with Component Frameworks.
CW 2003: 181-188 |
64 | EE | Rajiv Chakravorty,
Sachin Katti,
Ian Pratt,
Jon Crowcroft:
Flow Aggregation for Enhanced TCP over Wide Area Wireless.
INFOCOM 2003 |
63 | EE | Marcelo Pias,
Jon Crowcroft,
Steve R. Wilbur,
Tim Harris,
Saleem N. Bhatti:
Lighthouses for Scalable Distributed Location.
IPTPS 2003: 278-291 |
62 | EE | Manuel M. Oliveira,
Jon Crowcroft:
Perceptual Network Metaphors: Breaking the Network Transparency Paradigm.
MIPS 2003: 207-221 |
61 | EE | Michael Smirnov,
Jon Crowcroft:
QoS Roadmap for Future Internet Services.
QofIS Final Report 2003: 1-9 |
60 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Steven Hand,
Richard Mortier,
Timothy Roscoe,
Andrew Warfield:
Plutarch: an argument for network pluralism.
Computer Communication Review 33(4): 258-266 (2003) |
59 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Saleem N. Bhatti:
J. Grid Comput. 1(4): 327-327 (2003) |
58 | EE | Rajiv Chakravorty,
Pablo Vidales,
Kavitha Subramanian,
Ian Pratt,
Jon Crowcroft:
Practical experience with wireless networks integration using Mobile IPv6.
Mobile Computing and Communications Review 7(4): 47-49 (2003) |
2002 |
57 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
Channel Islands in a Reflective Ocean: Large Scale Event Distribution in Heterogeneous Networks.
NETWORKING 2002: 1-9 |
56 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Ian Pratt:
Peer to Peer: Peering into the Future.
NETWORKING Tutorials 2002: 1-19 |
55 | EE | Jing Shen,
Jiaoying Shi,
Jon Crowcroft:
Proactive Multi-path Routing.
QofIS 2002: 145-156 |
54 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Derek McAuley:
ATM: a retrospective on systems legacy or "a technology with a fabulous future behind it?".
Computer Communication Review 32(5): 11-12 (2002) |
2001 |
53 | | Mikhail I. Smirnov,
Jon Crowcroft,
James Roberts,
Fernando Boavida:
Quality of Future Internet Services, Second COST 263 International Workshop, Qofis 2001, Coimbra, Portugal, September 24-26, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
52 | | Jon Crowcroft,
Markus Hofmann:
Networked Group Communication, Third International COST264 Workshop, NGC 2001, London, UK, November 7-9, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
51 | EE | Konstantina Papagiannaki,
Patrick Thiran,
Jon Crowcroft,
Christophe Diot:
Preferential Treatment of Acknowledgment Packets in a Differentiated Services Network.
IWQoS 2001: 187-201 |
50 | EE | Jon Crowcroft:
Never lost, never forgotten.
Commun. ACM 44(3): 81 (2001) |
49 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Michael Fry,
David Hutchison,
Ian Marshall,
Morris Sloman,
Ian Wakeman:
Active networks and services.
Computer Networks 36(1): 1-3 (2001) |
48 | EE | Tristan Henderson,
Jon Crowcroft,
Saleem N. Bhatti:
Congestion Pricing: Paying Your Way in Communication Networks.
IEEE Internet Computing 5(5): 85-89 (2001) |
47 | | Manuel M. Oliveira,
Jon Crowcroft,
Mel Slater:
Components for Distributed Virtual Environments.
Presence 10(1): 51-61 (2001) |
2000 |
46 | | Jon Crowcroft,
James Roberts,
Mikhail I. Smirnov:
Quality of Future Internet Services, First COST 263 International Workshop, QofIS 2000, Berlin, Germany, September 25-26, 2000, Proceedings
Springer 2000 |
45 | EE | Colin Perkins,
Jon Crowcroft:
Effects of Interleaving on RTP Header Compression.
INFOCOM 2000: 111-117 |
44 | EE | Brian Neil Levine,
Jon Crowcroft,
Christophe Diot,
J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,
James F. Kurose:
Consideration of Receiver Interest for IP Multicast Delivery.
INFOCOM 2000: 470-479 |
43 | EE | Atanu Ghosh,
Michael Fry,
Jon Crowcroft:
An Architecture for Application Layer Routing.
IWAN 2000: 71-86 |
42 | | Manuel M. Oliveira,
Jon Crowcroft,
Christophe Diot:
Router level filtering for receiver interest delivery.
Networked Group Communication 2000: 141-150 |
41 | | Jon Crowcroft:
Multicast reliability (panel session).
Networked Group Communication 2000: 3 |
40 | EE | Saleem N. Bhatti,
Jon Crowcroft:
QoS-Sensitive Flows: Issues in IP Packet Handling.
IEEE Internet Computing 4(4): 48-57 (2000) |
1999 |
39 | EE | Nadia Kausar,
Bob Briscoe,
Jon Crowcroft:
A Charging Model for Sessions on the Internet.
ECMAST 1999: 246-261 |
38 | EE | Nadia Kausar,
Bob Briscoe,
Jon Crowcroft:
A Charging Model for Sessions on the Internet.
ISCC 1999: 32-38 |
37 | | Ian Brown,
Colin Perkins,
Jon Crowcroft:
Watercasting: Distributed Watermarking of Multicast Media.
Networked Group Communication 1999: 286-300 |
36 | EE | Manuel M. Oliveira,
Jon Crowcroft,
Donald P. Brutzman,
Mel Slater:
Components for distributed virtual environments.
VRST 1999: 176-177 |
35 | EE | Mark Handley,
Jon Crowcroft,
Carsten Bormann,
Jörg Ott:
Very Large Conferences on the Internet: The Internet Multimedia Conferencing Architecture.
Computer Networks 31(3): 191-204 (1999) |
34 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Christophe Diot:
High Performance Protocol Architectures.
Computer Networks 31(7): 653-654 (1999) |
33 | | Sridhar Komandur,
Jon Crowcroft,
Daniel Mossé:
CRAM: Cell Re-labeling At Merge-points for ATM multicast.
Telecommunication Systems 11(3-4): 267-274 (1999) |
1998 |
32 | | P. P. White,
Jon Crowcroft:
A Dynamic Sender-Initiated Reservation Protocol for the Internet.
HPN 1998: 327-349 |
31 | | Nadia Kausar,
Jon Crowcroft:
End-to-End Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol Adaptation for Floor Control and Other Conference Control Functions Requirements.
HPN 1998: 65-78 |
30 | EE | Sridhar Komandur,
Daniel Mossé,
Jon Crowcroft:
Performance Comparison of CRAM, SEAM and SPAM Multipoint VC Schemes for ATM Networks.
ICCCN 1998: 60-67 |
29 | | Lorenzo Vicisano,
Luigi Rizzo,
Jon Crowcroft:
TCP-Like Congestion Control for Layered Multicast Data Transfer.
INFOCOM 1998: 996-1003 |
28 | | Nadia Kauser,
Jon Crowcroft:
End to End Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol Requirements for Collaborative Multimedia Systems.
SRDS 1998: 425-430 |
27 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Philippe Oechslin:
Differentiated End-to-End Internet Services using a Weighted Proportional Fair Sharing TCP
CoRR cs.NI/9808004: (1998) |
1997 |
26 | EE | Bhrat Patel,
Jon Crowcroft:
Ticket Based Service Access for the Mobile User.
MOBICOM 1997: 223-233 |
25 | EE | Mark Handley,
Jon Crowcroft:
Network Text Editor (NTE): A Scalable Shared Text Editor for the MBone.
SIGCOMM 1997: 197-208 |
24 | EE | Brian E. Carpenter,
Jon Crowcroft:
Prospects for Internet technology.
Distributed Systems Engineering 4(2): 78-86 (1997) |
23 | | Christophe Diot,
Walid Dabbous,
Jon Crowcroft:
Multipoint Communication: A Survey of Protocols, Functions, and Mechanisms.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(3): 277-290 (1997) |
1996 |
22 | | Atanu Ghosh,
Jon Crowcroft:
Some Lessons Learned from Various ALF and ILP Applications.
Australian Computer Journal 28(2): 42-47 (1996) |
21 | | Zheng Wang,
Jon Crowcroft:
Quality-of-Service Routing for Supporting Multimedia Applications.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(7): 1228-1234 (1996) |
1995 |
20 | EE | Mark Handley,
Ian Wakeman,
Jon Crowcroft:
The Conference Control Channel Protocol (CCCP): A Scalable Base for Building Conference Control Applications.
SIGCOMM 1995: 275-287 |
19 | | Ian Wakeman,
Atanu Ghosh,
Jon Crowcroft,
Van Jacobson,
Sally Floyd:
Implementing Real Time Packet Forwarding Policies Using Streams.
USENIX Winter 1995: 71-82 |
1994 |
18 | | Sylvia Wilbur,
Garry Beirne,
Jon Crowcroft,
J. Robert Ensor,
John C. Tang:
Getting the Model Right for Video-Mediated Communication (Panel Abstract).
ACM Multimedia 1994: 389-390 |
17 | EE | Zheng Wang,
Jon Crowcroft:
A dual-window model for flow and congestion control.
Distributed Systems Engineering 1(3): 162-172 (1994) |
16 | EE | Ian Wakeman,
Jon Crowcroft:
A combined admission and congestion control scheme for variable bit rate video.
Distributed Systems Engineering 1(4): 242- (1994) |
1993 |
15 | | David Lewis,
Jon Crowcroft:
Multimedia Applications and Services in the PREPARE Testbed.
Broadband Islands 1993: 327-330 |
14 | | Zheng Wang,
Jon Crowcroft:
A Unified Framework for Multicast Forwarding.
NOSSDAV 1993: 252-258 |
13 | EE | Zheng Wang,
Jon Crowcroft:
Analysis of Burstiness and Jitter in Real-Time Communications.
SIGCOMM 1993: 13-19 |
12 | EE | Tony Ballardie,
Paul Francis,
Jon Crowcroft:
Core Based Trees (CBT).
SIGCOMM 1993: 85-95 |
11 | EE | Ian Wakeman,
David Lewis,
Jon Crowcroft:
Traffic analysis of trans-Atlantic traffic.
Computer Communications 16(6): 376-388 (1993) |
1992 |
10 | | Jon Crowcroft,
Stephen Hailes,
Mark Handley,
Ajit K. Jena,
David Lewis,
Ian Wakeman:
Some Multimedia Traffic Characterization and Measurement Results.
NETWORKS 1992: 3-14 |
9 | | George Pavlou,
J. Cowan,
Jon Crowcroft:
A Generic Management Information Base Browser.
ULPAA 1992: 221-232 |
1991 |
8 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Jon Crowcroft:
Specification, Design and Implementation of an Interactive Conferencing System.
INFOCOM 1991: 1114-1126 |
7 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
P. T. Kirsten,
D. Timm:
Multimedia teleconferencing over international PSDNs.
Computer Communications 14(7): 433-437 (1991) |
6 | | Peter T. Kirstein,
Jon Crowcroft:
International Links for Research Collaboration.
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 21(4): 261-273 (1991) |
5 | | Jon Crowcroft,
R. Bradshaw:
TCP / IP Internet Protocols and JANET.
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 23(1-3): 177-184 (1991) |
1990 |
4 | EE | Zheng Wang,
Jon Crowcroft:
Shortest Path First with Emergency Exits.
SIGCOMM 1990: 166-176 |
1989 |
3 | | Steve R. Wilbur,
Jon Crowcroft,
Yuko Murayama:
MAC Layer Security Measures in Local Area Networks.
LANSEC 1989: 53-65 |
1988 |
2 | EE | Karen Seo,
Jon Crowcroft,
Pål Spilling,
John Laws,
John Leddy:
Distributed testing and measurement across the Atlantic packet satellite network(SATNET).
SIGCOMM 1988: 235-246 |
1 | EE | Jon Crowcroft,
Karen Paliwoda:
A multicast transport protocol.
SIGCOMM 1988: 247-256 |