
Qunfeng Dong

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15 Carol Lushbough, Jon Duvick, Qunfeng Dong, Douglas Jennewein, Joe Reynoldson, Volker Brendel: TableMaker: An ad hoc Query Tool for Relational Databases. BIOCOMP 2008: 608-611
14EEQunfeng Dong, Yigal Bejerano: Building Robust Nomadic Wireless Mesh Networks Using Directional Antennas. INFOCOM 2008: 1624-1632
13EEQunfeng Dong, Ashutosh Shukla, Vivek Shrivastava, Dheeraj Agrawal, Suman Banerjee, Koushik Kar: Load balancing in large-scale RFID systems. Computer Networks 52(9): 1782-1796 (2008)
12EEQunfeng Dong, Ashutosh Shukla, Vivek Shrivastava, Dheeraj Agrawal, Suman Banerjee, Koushik Kar: Load Balancing in Large-Scale RFID Systems. INFOCOM 2007: 2281-2285
11EEQunfeng Dong, Jianming Wu, Wenjun Hu, Jon Crowcroft: Practical network coding in wireless networks. MOBICOM 2007: 306-309
10EEQunfeng Dong, Suman Banerjee, Jia Wang, Dheeraj Agrawal: Wire speed packet classification without tcams: a few more registers (and a bit of logic) are enough. SIGMETRICS 2007: 253-264
9EEQunfeng Dong, Suman Banerjee, Benyuan Liu: Throughput Optimization and Fair Bandwidth Allocation in Multi-Hop Wireless LANs. INFOCOM 2006
8EEQunfeng Dong, Suman Banerjee, Jia Wang, Dheeraj Agrawal, Ashutosh Shukla: Packet classifiers in ternary CAMs can be smaller. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006: 311-322
7EEQunfeng Dong, Suman Banerjee, Micah Adler, Kazu Hirata: Efficient Probabilistic Packet Marking. ICNP 2005: 368-377
6EEQunfeng Dong: Maximizing system lifetime in wireless sensor networks. IPSN 2005: 13-19
5EEQunfeng Dong, Suman Banerjee, Micah Adler, Archan Misra: Minimum energy reliable paths using unreliable wireless links. MobiHoc 2005: 449-459
4 Qunfeng Dong, Shannon D. Schlueter, Volker Brendel: PlantGDB, plant genome database and analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 354-359 (2004)
3 Carolyn J. Lawrence, Qunfeng Dong, Mary L. Polacco, Trent E. Seigfried, Volker Brendel: MaizeGDB, the community database for maize genetics and genomics. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 393-397 (2004)
2 Qunfeng Dong, Laura Roy, Michael Freeling, Virginia Walbot, Volker Brendel: ZmDB, an integrated database for maize genome research. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 244-247 (2003)
1 Shannon D. Schlueter, Qunfeng Dong, Volker Brendel: GeneSeqer add PlantGDB: gene structure prediction in plant genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3597-3600 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Micah Adler [5] [7]
2Dheeraj Agrawal [8] [10] [12] [13]
3Suman Banerjee [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
4Yigal Bejerano [14]
5Volker Brendel [1] [2] [3] [4] [15]
6Jon Crowcroft [11]
7Jon Duvick [15]
8Michael Freeling [2]
9Kazu Hirata [7]
10Wenjun Hu [11]
11Douglas Jennewein [15]
12Koushik Kar [12] [13]
13Carolyn J. Lawrence [3]
14Benyuan Liu [9]
15Carol Lushbough [15]
16Archan Misra [5]
17Mary L. Polacco [3]
18Joe Reynoldson [15]
19Laura Roy [2]
20Shannon D. Schlueter [1] [4]
21Trent E. Seigfried [3]
22Vivek Shrivastava [12] [13]
23Ashutosh Shukla [8] [12] [13]
24Virginia Walbot [2]
25Jia Wang [8] [10]
26Jianming Wu [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)