
John C. Tang

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31EEJohn C. Tang, Eric Wilcox, Julian A. Cerruti, Hernan Badenes, Stefan Nusser, Jerald Schoudt: Tag-it, snag-it, or bag-it: combining tags, threads, and folders in e-mail. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2179-2194
30EEJohn C. Tang, James Lin, Jeffrey Pierce, Steve Whittaker, Clemens Drews: Recent shortcuts: using recent interactions to support shared activities. CHI 2007: 1263-1272
29EEJohn C. Tang, Clemens Drews, Mark Smith, Fei Wu, Alison E. Sue, Tessa A. Lau: Exploring patterns of social commonality among file directories at work. CHI 2007: 951-960
28EEJohn C. Tang: Approaching and leave-taking: Negotiating contact in computer-mediated communication. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 14(1): (2007)
27EEJohn C. Tang, Sophia B. Liu, Michael J. Muller, James Lin, Clemens Drews: Unobtrusive but invasive: using screen recording to collect field data on computer-mediated interaction. CSCW 2006: 479-482
26EEPaul Moody, Dan Gruen, Michael J. Muller, John C. Tang, Thomas P. Moran: Business activity patterns: A new model for collaborative business applications. IBM Systems Journal 45(4): 683-694 (2006)
25EEMichael J. Muller, Olga Kuchinskaya, Suzanne O. Minassian, John C. Tang, Catalina Danis, Chen Zhao, Beverly L. Harrison, Thomas P. Moran: Shared landmarks in complex coordination environments. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1681-1684
24EEJames Begole, Nicholas E. Matsakis, John C. Tang: Lilsys: Sensing Unavailability. CSCW 2004: 511-514
23EEJoshua R. Tyler, John C. Tang: When Can I Expect an Email Response? A Study of Rhythms in Email Usage. ECSCW 2003: 239-258
22EEJames Begole, John C. Tang, Rosco Hill: Rhythm modeling, visualizations and applications. UIST 2003: 11-20
21EEJohn C. Tang, James Begole: Beyond Instant Messaging. ACM Queue 1(8): 28-37 (2003)
20EEMark Bilezikjian, John C. Tang, James Bo Begole, Nicole Yankelovich: Exploring web browser history comparisons. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 828-829
19EEJames Begole, John C. Tang, Randall B. Smith, Nicole Yankelovich: Work rhythms: analyzing visualizations of awareness histories of distributed groups. CSCW 2002: 334-343
18EEJohn C. Tang, Nicole Yankelovich, James Begole, Max Van Kleek, Francis C. Li, Janak R. Bhalodia: ConNexus to awarenex: extending awareness to mobile users. CHI 2001: 221-228
17EENicole Yankelovich, James Begole, John C. Tang: Sun SharedShell tool. CSCW 2000: 351
16EEJohn C. Tang, Austina de Bonte, Mary Beth Raven, Ellen Isaacs: Instant messaging: products meet workplace users. CSCW 2000: 363
15 John C. Tang: Supporting Collaboration through Teleproximity. WWCA 1998: 349-363
14EEEllen Isaacs, John C. Tang, James D. Foley, Jeff A. Johnson, Allan Kuchinsky, Jean Scholtz, John Bennett: Technology Transfer: So Much Research, So Few Good Products. CHI Conference Companion 1996: 155-156
13EEEllen Isaacs, John C. Tang, Trevor Morris: Piazza: A Desktop Environment Supporting Impromptu and Planned Interactions. CSCW 1996: 315-324
12 Ellen Isaacs, John C. Tang: Technology Transfer: So Much Research, So Few Godd Producs (Introduction to the Special Section). Commun. ACM 39(9): 22-25 (1996)
11 Ellen Isaacs, Trevor Morris, Thomas K. Rodriguez, John C. Tang: Comparison of Face-To-Face and Distributed Presentations. CHI 1995: 354-361
10 Sylvia Wilbur, Garry Beirne, Jon Crowcroft, J. Robert Ensor, John C. Tang: Getting the Model Right for Video-Mediated Communication (Panel Abstract). ACM Multimedia 1994: 389-390
9EEJohn C. Tang, Monica Rua: Montage: providing teleproximity for distributed groups. CHI 1994: 37-43
8EEJohn C. Tang, Monica Rua: Montage: providing teleproximity for distributed groups. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 201
7EEJohn C. Tang, Ellen Isaacs, Monica Rua: Supporting Distributed Groups with a Montage of Lightweight Interactions. CSCW 1994: 23-34
6 Ellen Isaacs, John C. Tang: What Video Can and Cannot Do For Collaboration: A Case Study. Multimedia Syst. 2(2): 63-73 (1994)
5 Ellen Isaacs, John C. Tang: What Video Can and Can't Do for Collaboration: A Case Study. ACM Multimedia 1993: 199-206
4EEScott Elrod, Richard Bruce, Rich Gold, David Goldberg, Frank G. Halasz, William C. Janssen Jr., David Lee, Kim McCall, Elin Rønby Pedersen, Kenneth A. Pier, John C. Tang, Brent B. Welch: Liveboard: A Large Interactive Display Supporting Group Meetings, Presentations, and Remote Collaboration. CHI 1992: 599-607
3EEJohn C. Tang, Scott L. Minneman: VideoDraw: A Video Interface for Collaborative Drawing. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 9(2): 170-184 (1991)
2 John C. Tang: Findings from Observational Studies of Collaborative Work. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 34(2): 143-160 (1991)
1EEJohn C. Tang, Larry J. Leifer: A Framework for Understanding the Workspace Activity of Design Teams. CSCW 1988: 244-249

Coauthor Index

1Hernan Badenes [31]
2James Begole (James Bo Begole) [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [24]
3Garry Beirne [10]
4John Bennett [14]
5Janak R. Bhalodia [18]
6Mark Bilezikjian [20]
7Austina de Bonte [16]
8Richard Bruce [4]
9Julian A. Cerruti [31]
10Jon Crowcroft [10]
11Catalina Danis [25]
12Clemens Drews [27] [29] [30]
13Scott Elrod [4]
14J. Robert Ensor [10]
15James D. Foley [14]
16Rich Gold [4]
17David Goldberg [4]
18Dan Gruen (Daniel M. Gruen) [26]
19Frank G. Halasz [4]
20Beverly L. Harrison [25]
21Rosco Hill [22]
22Ellen Isaacs [5] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16]
23William C. Janssen Jr. [4]
24Jeff A. Johnson [14]
25Max Van Kleek [18]
26Olga Kuchinskaya [25]
27Allan Kuchinsky [14]
28Tessa A. Lau [29]
29David Lee [4]
30Larry J. Leifer [1]
31Francis C. Li [18]
32James Lin [27] [30]
33Sophia B. Liu [27]
34Nicholas E. Matsakis [24]
35Kim McCall [4]
36Suzanne O. Minassian [25]
37Scott L. Minneman [3]
38Paul Moody [26]
39Thomas P. Moran [25] [26]
40Trevor Morris [11] [13]
41Michael J. Muller [25] [26] [27]
42Stefan Nusser [31]
43Elin Rønby Pedersen [4]
44Kenneth A. Pier (Ken Pier) [4]
45Jeffrey Pierce [30]
46Mary Beth Raven [16]
47Thomas K. Rodriguez [11]
48Monica Rua [7] [8] [9]
49Jean Scholtz [14]
50Jerald Schoudt [31]
51Mark Smith [29]
52Randall B. Smith [19]
53Alison E. Sue [29]
54Joshua R. Tyler [23]
55Brent B. Welch [4]
56Steve Whittaker [30]
57Sylvia Wilbur [10]
58Eric Wilcox [31]
59Fei Wu [29]
60Nicole Yankelovich [17] [18] [19] [20]
61Chen Zhao [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)