
J. Robert Ensor

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20EERobert M. Arlein, Stéphane Betgé-Brezetz, J. Robert Ensor: Adaptive notification framework for converged environments. Bell Labs Technical Journal 13(2): 155-159 (2008)
19EEAndre Beck, Sem Borst, J. Robert Ensor, Jairo O. Esteban, Volker Hilt, Ivica Rimac, Anwar Walid: New challenges in content dissemination networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 13(3): 5-11 (2008)
18EEAndre Beck, Robert E. Daugherty, J. Robert Ensor, Jairo O. Esteban, F. Theodore Freuler, Sugato Ganguly, Kristin F. Kocan, William D. Roome: Blending telephony and IPTV: Building the TV-link service package using the Alcatel-Lucent Service BrokerTM. Bell Labs Technical Journal 12(1): 23-39 (2007)
17EESudhir R. Ahuja, J. Robert Ensor: VoIP: What is it Good for? ACM Queue 2(6): 48-55 (2004)
16EEMauricio Cortes, J. Robert Ensor, Jairo O. Esteban: On SIP performance. Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(3): 155-172 (2004)
15EEMauricio Cortes, J. Robert Ensor: Narnia: A Virtual Machine for Multimedia Communication Services. ISMSE 2002: 246-254
14EEMauricio Cortes, J. Robert Ensor: Data to the People - It's a Matter of Control. IDMS 2001: 23-28
13EEMauricio Cortes, J. Robert Ensor: "Mix and Match" Media Servers. IDMS 2000: 279-284
12EEJ. Robert Ensor, Gianpaolo U. Carraro, John T. Edmark: Accommodating performance limitations in distributed virtual reality systems. Computer Communications 23(3): 199-204 (2000)
11EEJ. Robert Ensor, Gianpaolo U. Carraro, John T. Edmark: Visual Techniques to Accommodate Varying Network Performance in Virtual Environments. IDMS 1998: 41-46
10EEGianpaolo U. Carraro, John T. Edmark, J. Robert Ensor: Techniques for Handling Video in Virtual Environments. SIGGRAPH 1998: 353-360
9EEGianpaolo U. Carraro, Mauricio Cortes, John T. Edmark, J. Robert Ensor: The Peloton Bicycling Simulator. VRML 1998: 63-70
8EEGianpaolo U. Carraro, John T. Edmark, J. Robert Ensor: Pop-Out Videos. Virtual Worlds 1998: 123-128
7EEJ. Robert Ensor: Multimedia Communications Projects. IEEE MultiMedia 5(1): 97-101 (1998)
6 Sylvia Wilbur, Garry Beirne, Jon Crowcroft, J. Robert Ensor, John C. Tang: Getting the Model Right for Video-Mediated Communication (Panel Abstract). ACM Multimedia 1994: 389-390
5EEJ. Robert Ensor, Sudhir R. Ahuja, R. B. Connaghan, M. Pack, Dorée D. Seligmann: The Rapport Multimedia Communication System (demonstration). CHI 1992: 581-582
4 Galina Datskovsky Moerdler, Kathleen McKeown, J. Robert Ensor: Building Natural Language Interfaces for Rule-based Expert Systems. IJCAI 1987: 682-687
3EEJ. Robert Ensor, John D. Gabbe: Transactional blackboards. AI in Engineering 1(2): 80-84 (1986)
2 J. Robert Ensor, John D. Gabbe: Transactional Blackboards. IJCAI 1985: 340-344
1 Arthur J. Bernstein, J. Robert Ensor: A Modula Based Language Supporting Hierarchical Development and Verification. Softw., Pract. Exper. 11(3): 237-255 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Sudhir R. Ahuja [5] [17]
2Robert M. Arlein [20]
3Andre Beck [18] [19]
4Garry Beirne [6]
5Arthur J. Bernstein [1]
6Stéphane Betgé-Brezetz [20]
7Sem Borst [19]
8Gianpaolo U. Carraro [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
9R. B. Connaghan [5]
10Mauricio Cortes [9] [13] [14] [15] [16]
11Jon Crowcroft [6]
12Robert E. Daugherty [18]
13John T. Edmark [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
14Jairo O. Esteban [16] [18] [19]
15F. Theodore Freuler [18]
16John D. Gabbe [2] [3]
17Sugato Ganguly [18]
18Volker Hilt [19]
19Kristin F. Kocan [18]
20Kathleen McKeown [4]
21Galina Datskovsky Moerdler [4]
22M. Pack [5]
23Ivica Rimac [19]
24William D. Roome [18]
25Dorée D. Seligmann [5]
26John C. Tang [6]
27Anwar Walid [19]
28Sylvia Wilbur [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)