2009 | ||
126 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Mario Di Francesco: An Analytical Study of Reliable and Energy-Efficient Data Collection in Sparse Sensor Networks with Mobile Relays. EWSN 2009: 199-215 |
125 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Mario Di Francesco, Andrea Passarella: Energy conservation in wireless sensor networks: A survey. Ad Hoc Networks 7(3): 537-568 (2009) |
2008 | ||
124 | EE | Chiara Boldrini, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: Modelling data dissemination in opportunistic networks. Challenged Networks 2008: 89-96 |
123 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Antonio Pinizzotto: Enhancing DHCP for Address Autoconfiguration in Multi-hop WLANs. ICDCN 2008: 528-539 |
122 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Mario Di Francesco: Data collection in sensor networks with data mules: An integrated simulation analysis. ISCC 2008: 1096-1102 |
121 | EE | Chiara Boldrini, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: ContentPlace: social-aware data dissemination in opportunistic networks. MSWiM 2008: 203-210 |
120 | EE | Emilio Ancillotti, Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti: Experimentation and performance evaluation of rate adaptation algorithms in wireless mesh networks. PE-WASUN 2008: 7-14 |
119 | EE | Chiara Boldrini, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: Context and resource awareness in opportunistic network data dissemination. WOWMOM 2008: 1-6 |
118 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Monica Castronuovo, Marco Conti, Mario Di Francesco: Experimental evaluation of an Adaptive Staggered Sleep Protocol for wireless sensor networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-6 |
117 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: An accurate closed-form formula for the throughput of long-lived TCP connections in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. Computer Networks 52(1): 199-212 (2008) |
116 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Throughput Analysis and Measurements in IEEE 802.11 WLANs with TCP and UDP Traffic Flows. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 7(2): 171-186 (2008) |
115 | EE | Sajal K. Das, Marco Conti: Editorial. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(1): 1-2 (2008) |
114 | EE | Franca Delmastro, Andrea Passarella, Marco Conti: P2P multicast for pervasive ad hoc networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(1): 62-91 (2008) |
113 | EE | Sajal K. Das, Marco Conti: Editorial. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(3): 277 (2008) |
112 | EE | Chiara Boldrini, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: Exploiting users' social relations to forward data in opportunistic networks: The HiBOp solution. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(5): 633-657 (2008) |
111 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: 802.11 power-saving mode for mobile computing in Wi-Fi hotspots: Limitations, enhancements and open issues. Wireless Networks 14(6): 745-768 (2008) |
2007 | ||
110 | EE | Chiara Boldrini, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: User-Centric Mobility Models for Opportunistic Networking. BIOWIRE 2007: 255-267 |
109 | EE | Marco Conti: Multi-hop ad hoc networking: from theory to reality. MSWiM 2007: 1 |
108 | EE | Chiara Boldrini, Marco Conti, Jacopo Jacopini, Andrea Passarella: HiBOp: a History Based Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Networks. WOWMOM 2007: 1-12 |
107 | EE | Chiara Boldrini, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: Impact of Social Mobility on Routing Protocols for Opportunistic Networks. WOWMOM 2007: 1-6 |
106 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Emmanuele Monaldi, Andrea Passarella: An Adaptive Data-transfer Protocol for Sensor Networks with Data Mules. WOWMOM 2007: 1-8 |
105 | EE | Xudong Wang, Edward W. Knightly, Marco Conti, Anthony Ephremides: A Special Issue on "Wireless Mesh Networks". Ad Hoc Networks 5(6): 649-651 (2007) |
104 | EE | Emilio Ancillotti, Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Antonio Pinizzotto: A Layer-2 Framework for Interconnecting Ad Hoc Networks to Fixed Internet: Test-bed Implementation and Experimental Evaluation. Comput. J. 50(4): 478-499 (2007) |
103 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Design of an enhanced access point to optimize TCP performance in Wi-Fi hotspot networks. Wireless Networks 13(2): 259-274 (2007) |
102 | EE | Archan Misra, Marco Conti: Guest editorial. Wireless Networks 13(4): 429-430 (2007) |
2006 | ||
101 | Sergio Palazzo, Marco Conti, Raghupathy Sivakumar: Proceedings of the 7th ACM Interational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, MobiHoc 2006, Florence, Italy, May 22-25, 2006 ACM 2006 | |
100 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Mario Di Francesco, Andrea Passarella: An adaptive and low-latency power management protocol for wireless sensor networks. MOBIWAC 2006: 67-74 |
99 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Performance modelling and measurements of TCP transfer throughput in 802.11-based WLAN. MSWiM 2006: 4-11 |
98 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Emilio Ancillotti, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: Experimental analysis of a transport protocol for ad hoc networks (TPA). PE-WASUN 2006: 9-16 |
97 | EE | Franca Delmastro, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: P2P Common API for Structured Overlay Networks: A Cross-Layer Extension. WOWMOM 2006: 593-597 |
96 | Marco Conti, Gaia Maselli, Giovanni Turi: A Flexible Cross-Layer Interface for Ad-Hoc Networks: Architectural Design and Implementation Issues. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 2(2): (2006) | |
95 | Marco Conti, Jon Crowcroft, Andrea Passarella: Editorial. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 2(4): (2006) | |
94 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Gaia Maselli: Reliable and efficient forwarding in ad hoc networks. Ad Hoc Networks 4(3): 398-415 (2006) |
93 | EE | Roberto Battiti, Marco Conti, Renato Lo Cigno: Internet Wireless Access: 802.11 and Beyond. MONET 11(2): 213-214 (2006) |
92 | EE | Marco Conti, Tamer Basar: Editorial. MONET 11(3): 315-316 (2006) |
91 | EE | Marco Conti, Chatschik Bisdikian, Jadwiga Indulska, Franco Zambonelli: PerCom 2006 special issue. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2(4): 369-371 (2006) |
2005 | ||
90 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Throughput Analysis of UDP and TCP Flows in IEEE 802.11b WLANs: A Simple Model and Its Validation. FIRB-Perf 2005: 54-63 |
89 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Mohan Kumar: Energy Management in Mobile and Pervasive Computing Systems. HICSS 2005 |
88 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Emilio Ancillotti, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella: TPA: A Transport Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. ISCC 2005: 51-56 |
87 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Giovanni Turi: A cross-layer optimization of gnutella for mobile ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2005: 343-354 |
86 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Distributed Contention Control in Heterogeneous 802.11b WLANs. WONS 2005: 190-199 |
85 | Eleonora Borgia, Marco Conti, Franca Delmastro, Luciana Pelusi: Lessons from an Ad hoc Network Test-Bed: Middleware and Routing Issues. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 1(1-2): (2005) | |
84 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Ad hoc networking for pervasive systems. Ad Hoc Networks 3(2): 115-117 (2005) |
83 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Willy Lapenna: Content Delivery Policies in Replicated Web Services: Client-Side vs. Server-Side. Cluster Computing 8(1): 47-60 (2005) |
82 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Guest Editorial on Networking Technologies, Services and Protocols. Cluster Computing 8(1): 5-6 (2005) |
81 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Eleonora Borgia, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: IEEE 802.11b Ad Hoc Networks: Performance Measurements. Cluster Computing 8(2-3): 135-145 (2005) |
80 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Willy Lapenna: Client-side content delivery policies in replicated web services: parallel access versus single server approach. Perform. Eval. 59: 137-157 (2005) |
79 | EE | Sajal K. Das, Marco Conti, Behrooz Shirazi: Editorial. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 1(2): (2005) |
78 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Eleonora Borgia, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: Understanding the real behavior of Mote and 802.11 ad hoc networks: an experimental approach. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 1(2): 237-256 (2005) |
77 | EE | Marco Conti, Sajal K. Das: Editorial. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 1(3): 277-278 (2005) |
2004 | ||
76 | Roberto Battiti, Marco Conti, Renato Lo Cigno: Wireless On-Demand Network Systems, First IFIP TC6 Working Conference, WONS 2004, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, January 21-23, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004 | |
75 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Gaia Maselli: Cooperation Issues in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 803-808 |
74 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: Experimental analysis of an application-independent energy management policy for Wi-Fi hotspots. ISCC 2004: 466-471 |
73 | EE | Davide Pagnin, Marina Buzzi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Comparison of Web Server Architectures: A Measurement Study. ISCIS 2004: 638-647 |
72 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, A. Falchi, Andrea Passarella, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Performance measurements of motes sensor networks. MSWiM 2004: 174-181 |
71 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Analytical Modeling of TCP Clients in Wi-Fi Hot Spot Networks. NETWORKING 2004: 626-637 |
70 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Eleonora Borgia, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Wi-Fi in Ad Hoc Mode: A Measurement Study. PerCom 2004: 145-154 |
69 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Giovanni Turi: Towards Scalable P2P Computing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PerCom Workshops 2004: 109-116 |
68 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Throughput Evaluation and Enhancement of TCP Clients in Wi-Fi Hot Spots. WONS 2004: 73-86 |
67 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: A performance study of power-saving polices for Wi-Fi hotspots. Computer Networks 45(3): 295-318 (2004) |
66 | EE | Marco Conti, Gaia Maselli, Giovanni Turi, Silvia Giordano: Cross-Layering in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Design. IEEE Computer 37(2): 48-51 (2004) |
65 | EE | Luciano Bononi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Runtime Optimization of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs Performance. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(1): 66-80 (2004) |
64 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Traffic and Interference Adaptive Scheduling for Internet Traffic in UMTS. MONET 9(4): 265-277 (2004) |
63 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Editorial. Wireless Networks 10(3): 221-222 (2004) |
2003 | ||
62 | Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano, Enrico Gregori, Stephan Olariu: Personal Wireless Communications, IFIP-TC6 8th International Conference, PWC 2003, Venice, Italy, September 23-25, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003 | |
61 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: Balancing Energy Saving and QoS in the Mobile Internet: An Application-Independent Approach. HICSS 2003: 305 |
60 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Renata Bandelloni, Marco Conti, Franca Delmastro, Enrico Gregori, Giovanni Mainetto: Experimenting an Indoor Bluetooth-Based Positioning Service. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 480-483 |
59 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Eleonora Borgia, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks: Performance Measurements. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 758-763 |
58 | EE | Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano, Gaia Maselli, Giovanni Turi: MobileMAN: Mobile Metropolitan Ad Hoc Networks. PWC 2003: 169-174 |
57 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: Power-Saving in Wi-Fi Hotspots: An Analytical Study. PWC 2003: 306-320 |
56 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Gaia Maselli: Towards Reliable Forwarding for Ad Hoc Networks. PWC 2003: 790-804 |
55 | EE | Imrich Chlamtac, Marco Conti, Jennifer J.-N. Liu: Mobile ad hoc networking: imperatives and challenges. Ad Hoc Networks 1(1): 13-64 (2003) |
54 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Willy Lapenna: A Power-Saving Network Architecture for Accessing the Internet from Mobile Computers: Design, Implementation and Measurements. Comput. J. 46(1): 3-15 (2003) |
53 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: Performance comparison of power-saving strategies for mobile Web access. Perform. Eval. 53(3-4): 273-294 (2003) |
2002 | ||
52 | Enrico Gregori, Marco Conti, Andrew T. Campbell, Cambyse Guy Omidyar, Moshe Zukerman: NETWORKING 2002, Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; and Mobile and Wireless Communications, Second International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, Pisa, Italy, May 19-24, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002 | |
51 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Traffic and interference adaptive scheduling for Internet traffic in UMTS. ISCC 2002: 391-396 |
50 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andrea Passarella: A Power Saving Architecture for Web Access from Mobile Computers. NETWORKING 2002: 240-251 |
49 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Willy Lapenna: Replicated Web Services: A Comparative Analysis of Client-Based Content Delivery Policies. NETWORKING Workshops 2002: 53-68 |
48 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Optimization of Bandwidth and Energy Consumption in Wireless Local Area Networks. Performance 2002: 435-462 |
47 | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Bluetooth: Architecture, Protocols and Scheduling Algorithms. Cluster Computing 5(2): 117-131 (2002) | |
46 | EE | Marco Conti, Mohan Kumar, Sajal K. Das, Behrooz Shirazi: Quality of Service Issues in Internet Web Services. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(6): 593-594 (2002) |
45 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Optimization of Efficiency and Energy Consumption in p-Persistent CSMA-Based Wireless LANs. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 1(1): 10-31 (2002) |
2001 | ||
44 | EE | Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano: Mobile Ad-hoc Networking - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001 |
43 | EE | Marco Conti, Mohan Kumar: Quality of Service in Web Services - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001 |
42 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: WLAN Technologies for Mobile ad hoc Networks. HICSS 2001 |
41 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Silvia Martelli: DNS-based Architectures for an efficient Management of Mobile Users in Internet. IPDPS 2001: 186 | |
40 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Wireless Access to Internet via IEEE 802.11: An Optimal Control Strategy for Minimizing the Energy Consumption. IWDC 2001: 120-138 |
39 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Wireless access to internet via Bluetooth: performance evaluation of the EDC scheduling algorithm. Wireless Mobile Internet 2001: 43-49 |
38 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Fabio Panzieri: QoS-based Architectures for Geographically Replicated Web Servers. Cluster Computing 4(2): 109-120 (2001) | |
37 | EE | Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: A simple protocol for the dynamic tuning of the backoff mechanism in IEEE 802.11 networks. Computer Networks 37(1): 33-44 (2001) |
36 | Luciano Bononi, Marco Conti, Lorenzo Donatiello: A Distributed Mechanism for Power Saving in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. MONET 6(3): 211-222 (2001) | |
35 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Modeling MPEG Scalable Sources. Multimedia Tools Appl. 13(2): 127-145 (2001) | |
34 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Bandwidth Allocation for the Transmission of Scalable MPEG Video Traffic with Deterministic Guarantees. Real-Time Imaging 7(3): 237-253 (2001) |
2000 | ||
33 | EE | Luciano Bononi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Design and Performance Evaluation of an Asymptotically Optimal Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. HICSS 2000 |
32 | EE | Marco Conti, Silvia Ghezzi, Enrico Gregori: Aggregation of Markovian Sources: Approximations with Error Control. NETWORKING 2000: 350-361 |
31 | EE | Federico Calì, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Dynamic IEEE 802.11: Design, Modeling and Performance Evaluation. NETWORKING 2000: 786-798 |
30 | EE | Federico Calì, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Dynamic tuning of the IEEE 802.11 protocol to achieve a theoretical throughput limit. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 8(6): 785-799 (2000) |
29 | Luciano Bononi, Marco Conti, Lorenzo Donatiello: Design and Performance Evaluation of a Distributed Contention Control (DCC) Mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 60(4): 407-430 (2000) | |
28 | EE | Antonio Chimienti, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Maurizio Lucenteforte, Romualdo Picco: MPEG-2 sources: exploiting source scalability for an efficient bandwidth allocation. Multimedia Syst. 8(3): 240-255 (2000) |
27 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Ioannis Stavrakakis: Large impact of temporal/spatial correlations on per-session performance measures: single and multiple node cases. Perform. Eval. 41(2-3): 83-116 (2000) | |
26 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Fabio Panzieri: Load distribution among replicated Web servers: a QoS-based approach. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 27(4): 12-19 (2000) |
1999 | ||
25 | Marco Conti, Silvia Ghezzi, Enrico Gregori: Characterization of MPEG Scalable Sources. IMSA 1999: 6-10 | |
1998 | ||
24 | Federico Calì, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN: Capacity Analysis and Protocol Enahncement. INFOCOM 1998: 142-149 | |
23 | EE | Luciano Bononi, Marco Conti, Lorenzo Donatiello: Design and Performance Evaluation of a Distributed Contention Control(DCC) Mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks. WOWMOM 1998: 59-67 |
1997 | ||
22 | Marco Conti, Claudio Demaria, Lorenzo Donatiello: Design and Performance Evaluation of a MAC Protocol for Wireless Local Area Networks. MONET 2(1): 69-87 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
21 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andreas Larsson: Study of the Impact of MPEG-1 Correlations on Video-Sources Statistical Multiplexing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(7): 1455-1471 (1996) | |
1995 | ||
20 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Ioannis Stavrakakis: Study of the Impact of Temporal/Spatial Correlations on a Tagged Traffic Stream. Data Communications and their Performance 1995: 194-208 | |
19 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: Validation and tuning of an MPEG-1 video model. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1995: 3-21 | |
18 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: Estimating the Quality of Service of Token Passing MAC Protocols. Computer Communications 18(1): 15-23 (1995) | |
17 | EE | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: Real-time applications in a CRMA network: a performance analysis. Computer Communications 18(12): 871-879 (1995) |
16 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: Influence of the BWB Mechanism on Some Performance Figures of a DQDB Subnetwork. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(7): 1137-1161 (1995) |
1994 | ||
15 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: E-DCP, an Extension of the Distributed-Control Polling MAC Protocol (DCP) for Integrated Services. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26(6-8): 711-719 (1994) | |
14 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini, Marcel F. Neuts: An M/G/1 Type Approach to the Approximation of the Slot-Occupancy Pattern in a DQDB Network. Perform. Eval. 21(1-2): 59-80 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
13 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori: VBR Video on the FODA Satellite Network. Data Communication Networks and their Performance 1993: 257-270 | |
12 | Marco Conti: Analysis of the Quality of Service in a MAN Environment. Decentralized and Distributed Systems 1993: 137-148 | |
11 | Giuseppe Anastasi, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: Service Integration in CRMA: A Simulative Analysis. INFOCOM 1993: 715-721 | |
10 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs): Protocols, Modeling and Performance Evaluation. Performance/SIGMETRICS Tutorials 1993: 81-120 | |
1992 | ||
9 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: A Model to Evaluate the Effects of the BWB Mechanism in a DQDB Network in Underload Conditions. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 395-405 |
8 | EE | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: A Vacation Model for Interconnected FDDI Networks. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 9-16 |
7 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: On the Approximation of the Slot Occupancy Pattern in a DQDB Network. INFOCOM 1992: 518-526 | |
6 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: On the Approximation of the Slot Occupancy Pattern in a DQDB Network. Perform. Eval. 16(1-3): 159-176 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
5 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: DQDB modeling: problem complexity reduction and solution via Markov chains. Performance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks 1991: 47-62 | |
4 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: A Methodological Approach to an Extensive Analysis of DQDB Performance and Fairness. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(1): 76-87 (1991) | |
3 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: DCP: A Distributed-Control Polling MAC Protocol: Specifications and Comparison with DQDB. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(2): 241-247 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
2 | Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini: DQDB Under Heavy Load: Performance Evaluation and Fairness Analysis. INFOCOM 1990: 313-320 | |
1989 | ||
1 | Andrea Bondavalli, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Luciano Lenzini, Lorenzo Strigini: MAC Protocols for High-Speed MANs: Performance Comparisons for a Family of Fasnet-Based Protocols. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 18(2): 97-113 (1989) |