
Glenford E. Mapp

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12EEEdson dos Santos Moreira, David N. Cottingham, Jon Crowcroft, Pan Hui, Glenford E. Mapp, Renata M. P. Vanni: Exploiting contextual handover information for versatile services in NGN environments. ICDIM 2007: 506-512
11EELeo Patanapongpibul, Glenford E. Mapp, Andy Hopper: An end-system approach to mobility management for 4G networks and its application to thin-client computing. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 10(3): 13-33 (2006)
10EEPablo Vidales, Glenford E. Mapp, Frank Stajano, Jon Crowcroft, Carlos Jesus Bernardos: A Practical Approach for 4G Systems: Deployment of Overlay Networks. TRIDENTCOM 2005: 172-181
9EEPablo Vidales, Javier Baliosian, Joan Serrat, Glenford E. Mapp, Frank Stajano, Andy Hopper: Autonomic system for mobility support in 4G networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(12): 2288-2304 (2005)
8EELeo Patanapongpibul, Glenford E. Mapp: A Client-based Handoff Mechanism for Mobile IPv6 Wireless Networks. ISCC 2003: 563-568
7EEJames Scott, Glenford E. Mapp: Link layer-based TCP optimisation for disconnecting networks. Computer Communication Review 33(5): 31-42 (2003)
6 James Scott, Frank Hoffmann, Mike Addlesee, Glenford E. Mapp, Andy Hopper: Networked Surfaces: A New Concept in Mobile Networking. MONET 7(5): 353-364 (2002)
5EEFrank Hoffmann, James Scott, Mike Addlesee, Glenford E. Mapp, Andy Hopper: Data Transport on the Networked Surface. LCN 2001: 269-277
4 David Riddoch, Steve Pope, Derek Roberts, Glenford E. Mapp, David Clarke, David Ingram, Kieran Mansley, Andy Hopper: Tripwire: A Synchronisation Primitive for Virtual Memory Mapped Communication. Journal of Interconnection Networks 2(3): 345-364 (2001)
3EEJames Scott, Frank Hoffmann, Mike Addlesee, Glenford E. Mapp, Andy Hopper: Networked surfaces: a new concept in mobile networking. WMCSA 2000: 11-
2EEFeng Huang, Jean Bacon, Glenford E. Mapp: Virtual memory support for distributed computing environments using a shared data object model. Distributed Systems Engineering 2(4): 202-211 (1995)
1 Glenford E. Mapp, David Manfield: Performance Analysis of Priority Polling Systems with Complex Cycles. ICCC 1986: 583-588

Coauthor Index

1Mike Addlesee [3] [5] [6]
2Jean Bacon [2]
3Javier Baliosian [9]
4Carlos Jesus Bernardos [10]
5David Clarke [4]
6David N. Cottingham [12]
7Jon Crowcroft [10] [12]
8Frank Hoffmann [3] [5] [6]
9Andy Hopper (Andrew Hopper) [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [11]
10Feng Huang [2]
11Pan Hui [12]
12David Ingram [4]
13David Manfield [1]
14Kieran Mansley [4]
15Edson dos Santos Moreira [12]
16Leo Patanapongpibul [8] [11]
17Steve Pope [4]
18David Riddoch [4]
19Derek Roberts [4]
20James Scott [3] [5] [6] [7]
21Joan Serrat [9]
22Frank Stajano [9] [10]
23Renata M. P. Vanni [12]
24Pablo Vidales [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)