
Ignacio Soto

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18EEG. Ibáñez, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra, Ignacio Soto: ABridges: Scalable, self-configuring Ethernet campus networks. Computer Networks 52(3): 630-649 (2008)
17EEIván Vidal, Jaime García, Francisco Valera, Ignacio Soto, Arturo Azcorra: Integration of a QoS Aware End User Network within the TISPAN NGN Solutions. ECUMN 2007: 152-162
16EEIsaías Martinez-Yelmo, Ignacio Soto, David Larrabeiti, Carmen Guerrero: A Simulation-Based Study of TCP Performance over an Optical Burst Switched Backbone with 802.11 Access. EUNICE 2007: 120-127
15EEJulien Abeillé, Rui L. Aguiar, Joao Girão, Telemaco Melia, Ignacio Soto, Patrick Stupar: MobiSplit in a Virtualized, Multi-Device Environment. ICC 2007: 1839-1845
14EEAntonio de la Oliva, Marcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Ignacio Soto: Performance Analysis of the REAchability Protocol for IPv6 Multihoming. NEW2AN 2007: 443-454
13EECarlos Jesus Bernardos, Ignacio Soto, María Calderón, Fernando Boavida, Arturo Azcorra: VARON: Vehicular Ad hoc Route Optimisation for NEMO. Computer Communications 30(8): 1765-1784 (2007)
12EEPablo Vidales, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Ignacio Soto, David N. Cottingham, Javier Baliosian, Jon Crowcroft: MIPv6 experimental evaluation using overlay networks. Computer Networks 51(10): 2892-2915 (2007)
11EETelemaco Melia, Antonio de la Oliva, Albert Vidal, Ignacio Soto, Daniel Corujo, Rui L. Aguiar: Toward IP converged heterogeneous mobility: A network controlled approach. Computer Networks 51(17): 4849-4866 (2007)
10EEIván Vidal, Francisco Valera, Jaime García, Ignacio Soto, Arturo Azcorra: Signalling Cases and QoS Management within TISPAN NGN Residential Environments. Journal of Multimedia 2(2): 28-36 (2007)
9EEAntonio de la Oliva, Telemaco Melia, Albert Vidal, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Ignacio Soto, Albert Banchs: IEEE 802.21 enabled mobile terminals for optimized WLAN/3G handovers: a case study. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(2): 29-40 (2007)
8EETelemaco Melia, Antonio de la Oliva, Ignacio Soto, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Albert Vidal: Analysis of the Effect of Mobile Terminal Speed on WLAN/3G Vertical Handovers. GLOBECOM 2006
7EEIván Vidal, Jaime García, Francisco Valera, Ignacio Soto, Arturo Azcorra: Adaptive Quality of Service Management for Next Generation Residential Gateways. MMNS 2006: 183-194
6EEMaría Calderón, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Marcelo Bagnulo, Ignacio Soto, Antonio de la Oliva: Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Route Optimization Solution for NEMO. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(9): 1702-1716 (2006)
5EEMaría Calderón, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Marcelo Bagnulo, Ignacio Soto: Securing Route Optimisation in NEMO. WiOpt 2005: 248-254
4EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Ignacio Soto, Arturo Azcorra, Juan Fco. Rodríguez-Hervella: Preserving Established Communications in IPv6 Multi-homed Sites with MEX. MIPS 2003: 54-65
3EEChris Blondia, Nik Van den Wijngaert, Gert Willems, Olga Casals, Llorenç Cerdà, Marcelo Bagnulo, Ignacio Soto: Mobile Networking. QofIS Final Report 2003: 180-206
2EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Ignacio Soto, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra: Avoiding DAD for Improving Real-Time Communication in MIPv6 Environments. IDMS/PROMS 2002: 73-79
1EEIgnacio Soto, Mercedes Garijo, Carlos Angel Iglesias, Manuel Ramos: An agent architecture to fulfill real-time requirements. Agents 2000: 475-482

Coauthor Index

1Julien Abeillé [15]
2Rui L. Aguiar [11] [15]
3Arturo Azcorra [2] [4] [7] [10] [13] [17] [18]
4Marcelo Bagnulo [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [14]
5Javier Baliosian [12]
6Albert Banchs [9]
7Carlos Jesus Bernardos [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [13]
8Chris Blondia [3]
9Fernando Boavida [13]
10María Calderón [5] [6] [13]
11Olga Casals [3]
12Llorenç Cerdà [3]
13Daniel Corujo [11]
14David N. Cottingham [12]
15Jon Crowcroft [12]
16Jaime García [7] [10] [17]
17Alberto García-Martínez [2] [4] [14] [18]
18Mercedes Garijo [1]
19Joao Girão [15]
20Carmen Guerrero [16]
21G. Ibáñez [18]
22Carlos Angel Iglesias [1]
23David Larrabeiti [16]
24Isaías Martinez-Yelmo [16]
25Telemaco Melia [8] [9] [11] [15]
26Antonio de la Oliva [6] [8] [9] [11] [14]
27Manuel Ramos [1]
28Juan Fco. Rodríguez-Hervella [4]
29Patrick Stupar [15]
30Francisco Valera [7] [10] [17]
31Albert Vidal [8] [9] [11]
32Iván Vidal [7] [10] [17]
33Pablo Vidales [12]
34Nik Van den Wijngaert [3]
35Gert Willems [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)