
Mirco Musolesi

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22 Minkyong Kim, Cecilia Mascolo, Mirco Musolesi: Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMOBILE workshop on Mobility Models, MobilityModels 2008, Hong Kong, China, May 26, 2008 ACM 2008
21EEEmiliano Miluzzo, Nicholas D. Lane, Kristof Fodor, Ronald A. Peterson, Hong Lu, Mirco Musolesi, Shane B. Eisenman, Xiao Zheng, Andrew T. Campbell: Sensing meets mobile social networks: the design, implementation and evaluation of the cenceme application. SenSys 2008: 337-350
20EEAndrew T. Campbell, Shane B. Eisenman, Kristof Fodor, Nicholas D. Lane, Hong Lu, Emiliano Miluzzo, Mirco Musolesi, Ronald A. Peterson, Xiao Zheng: Transforming the social networking experience with sensing presence from mobile phones. SenSys 2008: 367-368
19EEMirco Musolesi, Emiliano Miluzzo, Nicholas D. Lane, Shane B. Eisenman, T. Choudhury, Andrew T. Campbell: Integrating sensor presence into virtual worlds using mobile phones. SenSys 2008: 383-384
18EEMirco Musolesi, Pan Hui, Cecilia Mascolo, Jon Crowcroft: Writing on the clean slate: Implementing a socially-aware protocol in Haggle. WOWMOM 2008: 1-6
17EEMirco Musolesi, Cecilia Mascolo: A framework for multi-region delay tolerant networking. Wireless Networks and Systems for Developing Regions 2008: 37-42
16EEAndrew T. Campbell, Shane B. Eisenman, Nicholas D. Lane, Emiliano Miluzzo, Ronald A. Peterson, Hong Lu, Xiao Zheng, Mirco Musolesi, Kristof Fodor, Gahng-Seop Ahn: The Rise of People-Centric Sensing. IEEE Internet Computing 12(4): 12-21 (2008)
15EEPaolo Costa, Cecilia Mascolo, Mirco Musolesi, Gian Pietro Picco: Socially-aware routing for publish-subscribe in delay-tolerant mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(5): 748-760 (2008)
14EESalvatore Scellato, Cecilia Mascolo, Mirco Musolesi, Vito Latora: Epcast: Controlled Dissemination in Human-Based Wireless Networks Using Epidemic Spreading Models. BIOWIRE 2007: 295-306
13EERoberta Calegari, Mirco Musolesi, Franco Raimondi, Cecilia Mascolo: CTG: a connectivity trace generator for testing the performance of opportunistic mobile systems. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 415-424
12EEClovis Chapman, Mirco Musolesi, Wolfgang Emmerich, Cecilia Mascolo: Predictive Resource Scheduling in Computational Grids. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
11EESalvatore Scellato, Cecilia Mascolo, Mirco Musolesi, Vito Latora: Epcast: Controlled Dissemination in Human-based Wireless Networks by means of Epidemic Spreading Models CoRR abs/0711.2780: (2007)
10EEMirco Musolesi, Cecilia Mascolo: Designing mobility models based on social network theory. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(3): 59-70 (2007)
9EELicia Capra, Mirco Musolesi: Autonomic Trust Prediction for Pervasive Systems. AINA (2) 2006: 481-488
8EECecilia Mascolo, Mirco Musolesi: SCAR: context-aware adaptive routing in delay tolerant mobile sensor networks. IWCMC 2006: 533-538
7EECecilia Mascolo, Mirco Musolesi, Bence Pásztor: Data collection in delay tolerant mobile sensor networks using SCAR. SenSys 2006: 343-344
6EEMirco Musolesi, Cecilia Mascolo: Evaluating Context Information Predictability for Autonomic Communication. WOWMOM 2006: 495-499
5EEMirco Musolesi, Cecilia Mascolo, Stephen Hailes: EMMA: Epidemic Messaging Middleware for Ad hoc networks. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(1): 28-36 (2006)
4EEMirco Musolesi, Stephen Hailes, Cecilia Mascolo: Adaptive Routing for Intermittently Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. WOWMOM 2005: 183-189
3EEMirco Musolesi: Designing a context-aware middleware for asynchronous communication in mobile ad hoc environments. Doctoral Symposium on Middleware 2004: 304-308
2EEMirco Musolesi, Stephen Hailes, Cecilia Mascolo: An ad hoc mobility model founded on social network theory. MSWiM 2004: 20-24
1EEMirco Musolesi, Cecilia Mascolo, Stephen Hailes: Adapting asynchronous messaging middleware to ad hoc networking. Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-hoc Computing 2004: 121-126

Coauthor Index

1Gahng-Seop Ahn [16]
2Roberta Calegari [13]
3Andrew T. Campbell [16] [19] [20] [21]
4Licia Capra [9]
5Clovis Chapman [12]
6T. Choudhury [19]
7Paolo Costa [15]
8Jon Crowcroft [18]
9Shane B. Eisenman [16] [19] [20] [21]
10Wolfgang Emmerich [12]
11Kristof Fodor [16] [20] [21]
12Stephen Hailes [1] [2] [4] [5]
13Pan Hui [18]
14Minkyong Kim [22]
15Nicholas D. Lane [16] [19] [20] [21]
16Vito Latora [11] [14]
17Hong Lu [16] [20] [21]
18Cecilia Mascolo [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [22]
19Emiliano Miluzzo [16] [19] [20] [21]
20Bence Pásztor [7]
21Ronald A. Peterson [16] [20] [21]
22Gian Pietro Picco [15]
23Franco Raimondi [13]
24Salvatore Scellato [11] [14]
25Xiao Zheng [16] [20] [21]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)