
Boris Dragovic

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8EEIulia Ion, Boris Dragovic, Bruno Crispo: Extending the Java Virtual Machine to Enforce Fine-Grained Security Policies in Mobile Devices. ACSAC 2007: 233-242
7EEJames Scott, Boris Dragovic: Audio Location: Accurate Low-Cost Location Sensing. Pervasive 2005: 1-18
6EEBoris Dragovic, Calicrates Policroniades: Information SeeSaw: Availability vs. Security Management in the UbiComp World. Secure Data Management 2005: 200-216
5EEBoris Dragovic, Jon Crowcroft: Information exposure control through data manipulation for ubiquitous computing. NSPW 2004: 57-64
4EEAlberto Fernandes, Evangelos Kotsovinos, Sven Östring, Boris Dragovic: Pinocchio: Incentives for Honest Participation in Distributed Trust Management. iTrust 2004: 63-77
3EEBoris Dragovic, Evangelos Kotsovinos, Steven Hand, Peter R. Pietzuch: XenoTrust: Event-based distributed trust management. DEXA Workshops 2003: 410-414
2EEPaul Barham, Boris Dragovic, Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, Timothy L. Harris, Alex Ho, Rolf Neugebauer, Ian Pratt, Andrew Warfield: Xen and the art of virtualization. SOSP 2003: 164-177
1EEBoris Dragovic, Steven Hand, Timothy L. Harris, Evangelos Kotsovinos, Andrew Twigg: Managing Trust and Reputation in the XenoServer Open Platform. iTrust 2003: 59-74

Coauthor Index

1Paul Barham (Paul R. Barham) [2]
2Bruno Crispo [8]
3Jon Crowcroft [5]
4Alberto Fernandes [4]
5Keir Fraser [2]
6Steven Hand [1] [2] [3]
7Timothy L. Harris [1] [2]
8Alex Ho [2]
9Iulia Ion [8]
10Evangelos Kotsovinos [1] [3] [4]
11Rolf Neugebauer [2]
12Sven Östring [4]
13Peter R. Pietzuch [3]
14Calicrates Policroniades [6]
15Ian Pratt (Ian A. Pratt) [2]
16James Scott [7]
17Andrew Twigg [1]
18Andrew Warfield [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)