
Seungmoon Choi

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28EESeokhee Jeon, Seungmoon Choi: Modulating Real Object Stiffness for Haptic Augmented Reality. EuroHaptics 2008: 609-618
27EEJaebong Lee, Gabjong Han, Seungmoon Choi: Haptic Pottery Modeling Using Circular Sector Element Method. EuroHaptics 2008: 668-674
26EEJonghyun Ryu, Seungmoon Choi: Benefits of Perceptually Transparent Vibration Rendering in Mobile Device. EuroHaptics 2008: 706-711
25EEJongwon Lee, Keehoon Kim, Wan Kyun Chung, Seungmoon Choi, Young Soo Kim: Human-guided surgical robot system for spinal fusion surgery: CoRASS. ICRA 2008: 3881-3887
24EESungkil Lee, Gerard Jounghyun Kim, Seungmoon Choi: Real-Time Depth-of-Field Rendering Using Point Splatting on Per-Pixel Layers. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(7): 1955-1962 (2008)
23EEIn Lee, Seungmoon Choi: Discrimination of Virtual Environments Under Visual and Haptic Rendering Delays. FBIT 2007: 554-562
22EEGabjong Han, Jane Hwang, Seungmoon Choi, Gerard Jounghyun Kim: AR Pottery: Experiencing Pottery Making in the Augmented Space. HCI (14) 2007: 642-650
21EEJaehoon Jung, Seungmoon Choi: Perceived Magnitude and Power Consumption of Vibration Feedback in Mobile Devices. HCI (2) 2007: 354-363
20EEKeehoon Kim, Jongwon Lee, Wan Kyun Chung, Seungmoon Choi, Young Soo Kim, Il Hong Suh: A Noble Bilateral Teleoperation System for Human Guided Spinal Fusion. ICRA 2007: 940-946
19EESunghoon Yim, Jane Hwang, Seungmoon Choi, Gerard Jounghyun Kim: Image Browsing in Mobile Device Using User Motion Tracking. ISUVR 2007
18EESungkil Lee, Gerard Jounghyun Kim, Seungmoon Choi: Real-time tracking of visually attended objects in interactive virtual environments. VRST 2007: 29-38
17EEAli Israr, Seungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: Mechanical Impedance of the Hand Holding a Spherical Tool at Threshold and Suprathreshold Stimulation Levels. WHC 2007: 56-60
16EEJaeyoung Cheon, Seungmoon Choi: Haptizing a Surface Height Change with Varying Stiffness Based on Force Constancy: Effect of Surface Normal Render. WHC 2007: 84-89
15EESeungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: Perceived Instability of Virtual Haptic Texture: III. Effect of Update Rate. Presence 16(3): 263-278 (2007)
14EEEnkhtuvshin Dorjgotov, Seungmoon Choi, Steven R. Dunlop, Gary R. Bertoline: Portable Haptic Display for Large Immersive Virtual Environments. HAPTICS 2006: 48
13EEJaeyoung Cheon, Seungmoon Choi: Perceptualizing a "Haptic Edge" with Varying Stiffness Based on Force Constancy. ICAT 2006: 392-405
12EEAli Israr, Seungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: Detection Threshold and Mechanical Impedance of the Hand in a Pen-Hold Posture. IROS 2006: 472-477
11EEJane Hwang, Jaehoon Jung, Sunghoon Yim, Jaeyoung Cheon, Sungkil Lee, Seungmoon Choi, Gerard Jounghyun Kim: Requirements, Implementation and Applications of Hand-held Virtual Reality. IJVR 5(2): 59-66 (2006)
10EESeungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: Discrimination of Virtual Haptic Textures Rendered with Different Update Rates. WHC 2005: 114-119
9EEDomenico Prattichizzo, Mauro Barni, Hong Z. Tan, Seungmoon Choi: Perceptibility of Haptic Digital Watermarking of Virtual Textures. WHC 2005: 50-55
8EERoss Maciejewski, Seungmoon Choi, David S. Ebert, Hong Z. Tan: Multi-Modal Perceptualization of Volumetric Data and Its Application to Molecular Docking. WHC 2005: 511-514
7 Seungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: Perceived Instability of Virtual Haptic Texture. II. Effect of Collision-Detection Algorithm. Presence 14(4): 463-481 (2005)
6EESeungmoon Choi, Laron Walker, Hong Z. Tan, Scott Crittenden, Ron Reifenberger: Force constancy and its effect on haptic perception of virtual surfaces. TAP 2(2): 89-105 (2005)
5EESeungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: Toward Realistic Haptic Rendering of Surface Textures. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(2): 40-47 (2004)
4 Seungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: Perceived Instability of Virtual Haptic Texture. I. Experimental Studies. Presence 13(4): 395-415 (2004)
3EESeungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: An Experimental Study of Perceived Instability During Haptic Texture Rendering: Effects of Collision Detection Algorithm. HAPTICS 2003: 197-204
2 Seungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: A Study on the Sources of Perceptual Instability during Haptic Texture Rendering. ICRA 2002: 1261-1268
1EESeungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan: An Analysis of Perceptual Instability during Haptic Texture Rendering. Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 2002: 129-136

Coauthor Index

1Mauro Barni [9]
2Gary R. Bertoline [14]
3Jaeyoung Cheon [11] [13] [16]
4Wan Kyun Chung [20] [25]
5Scott Crittenden [6]
6Enkhtuvshin Dorjgotov [14]
7Steven R. Dunlop [14]
8David S. Ebert [8]
9Gabjong Han [22] [27]
10Jane Hwang [11] [19] [22]
11Ali Israr [12] [17]
12Seokhee Jeon [28]
13Jaehoon Jung [11] [21]
14Gerard Jounghyun Kim [11] [18] [19] [22] [24]
15Keehoon Kim [20] [25]
16Young Soo Kim [20] [25]
17In Lee [23]
18Jaebong Lee [27]
19Jongwon Lee [20] [25]
20Sungkil Lee [11] [18] [24]
21Ross Maciejewski [8]
22Domenico Prattichizzo [9]
23Ron Reifenberger [6]
24Jonghyun Ryu [26]
25Il Hong Suh [20]
26Hong Z. Tan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [15] [17]
27Laron Walker [6]
28Sunghoon Yim [11] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)