
Chen-Yong Cher

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10EEEren Kursun, Chen-Yong Cher: Variation-aware thermal characterization and management of multi-core architectures. ICCD 2008: 280-285
9EECarlos Boneti, Francisco J. Cazorla, Roberto Gioiosa, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Chen-Yong Cher, Mateo Valero: Software-Controlled Priority Characterization of POWER5 Processor. ISCA 2008: 415-426
8EEChen-Yong Cher, Michael Gschwind: Cell GC: using the cell synergistic processor as a garbage collection coprocessor. VEE 2008: 141-150
7EEJeonghwan Choi, Chen-Yong Cher, Hubertus Franke, Henrdrik Hamann, Alan J. Weger, Pradip Bose: Thermal-aware task scheduling at the system software level. ISLPED 2007: 213-218
6EEChen-Yong Cher, Il Park, T. N. Vijaykumar: Do Trace Cache, Value Prediction and Prefetching Improve SMT Throughput?. ARCS 2006: 232-251
5EECanturk Isci, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Chen-Yong Cher, Pradip Bose, Margaret Martonosi: An Analysis of Efficient Multi-Core Global Power Management Policies: Maximizing Performance for a Given Power Budget. MICRO 2006: 347-358
4EEHai Li, Chen-Yong Cher, Kaushik Roy, T. N. Vijaykumar: Combined circuit and architectural level variable supply-voltage scaling for low power. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 13(5): 564-576 (2005)
3EEChen-Yong Cher, Antony L. Hosking, T. N. Vijaykumar: Software prefetching for mark-sweep garbage collection: hardware analysis and software redesign. ASPLOS 2004: 199-210
2EEHai Li, Chen-Yong Cher, T. N. Vijaykumar, Kaushik Roy: VSV: L2-Miss-Driven Variable Supply-Voltage Scaling for Low Power. MICRO 2003: 19-28
1EEChen-Yong Cher, T. N. Vijaykumar: Skipper: a microarchitecture for exploiting control-flow independence. MICRO 2001: 4-15

Coauthor Index

1Carlos Boneti [9]
2Pradip Bose [5] [7]
3Alper Buyuktosunoglu [5] [9]
4Francisco J. Cazorla [9]
5Jeonghwan Choi [7]
6Hubertus Franke [7]
7Roberto Gioiosa [9]
8Michael Gschwind [8]
9Henrdrik Hamann [7]
10Antony L. Hosking [3]
11Canturk Isci [5]
12Eren Kursun [10]
13Hai Li [2] [4]
14Margaret Martonosi [5]
15Il Park [6]
16Kaushik Roy [2] [4]
17Mateo Valero [9]
18T. N. Vijaykumar [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
19Alan J. Weger [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)