
Massimo Bombana

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10EEFrancesco Bruschi, Massimo Bombana: A Design Methodology for the Exploitation of High Level Communication Synthesis. DATE 2004: 180-185
9EEMassimo Bombana, Francesco Bruschi: SystemC-VHDL Co-Simulation and Synthesis in the HW Domain. DATE 2003: 20101-20105
8EEAlberto Allara, Massimo Bombana, William Fornaciari, Fabio Salice: A Case Study in Design Space Exploration: The Tosca Environment Applied to a Telecommunication Link Controller. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(2): 60-72 (2000)
7 Alberto Allara, Massimo Bombana, Patrizia Cavalloro, Wolfgang Nebel, Wolfram Putzke-Röming, Martin Radetzki: ATM Cell Modelling using Objective VHDL. ASP-DAC 1998: 261-264
6EEMassimo Bombana, Patrizia Cavalloro, Salvatore Conigliaro, Roger B. Hughes, Gerry Musgrave, Giuseppe Zaza: Design-Flow and Synthesis for ASICs: A Case Study. DAC 1995: 292-297
5 G. Bezzi, Massimo Bombana, Patrizia Cavalloro, Salvatore Conigliaro, Giuseppe Zaza: Quantitative Evaluation of Formal Based Synthesis in ASIC Design. TPCD 1994: 286-291
4EEMassimo Bombana, Giacomo Buonanno, Patrizia Cavalloro, Fabrizio Ferrandi, Donatella Sciuto, Giuseppe Zaza: ALADIN: a multilevel testability analyzer for VLSI system design. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 2(2): 157-171 (1994)
3 Massimo Bombana, Giacomo Buonanno, Patrizia Cavalloro, Fabrizio Ferrandi, Donatella Sciuto, Giuseppe Zaza: Reduction of Fault Detection Costs through Testable Design of Sequential Architectures with Signal Feedbacks. DFT 1993: 223-230
2 Massimo Bombana, Giacomo Buonanno, Patrizia Cavalloro, Fabrizio Ferrandi, Donatella Sciuto, Giuseppe Zaza: An Expert Solution to Functional Testability Analysis of VLSI Circuits. SEKE 1993: 263-265
1 Massimo Bombana, Patrizia Cavalloro, Giuseppe Zaza: Specification and Formal Synthesis of Digital Circuits. TPHOLs 1992: 475-484

Coauthor Index

1Alberto Allara [7] [8]
2G. Bezzi [5]
3Francesco Bruschi [9] [10]
4Giacomo Buonanno [2] [3] [4]
5Patrizia Cavalloro [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Salvatore Conigliaro [5] [6]
7Fabrizio Ferrandi [2] [3] [4]
8William Fornaciari [8]
9Roger B. Hughes [6]
10Gerry Musgrave [6]
11Wolfgang Nebel [7]
12Wolfram Putzke-Röming [7]
13Martin Radetzki [7]
14Fabio Salice [8]
15Donatella Sciuto [2] [3] [4]
16Giuseppe Zaza [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)