
Alberto Allara

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5EEAlberto Allara, Massimo Bombana, William Fornaciari, Fabio Salice: A Case Study in Design Space Exploration: The Tosca Environment Applied to a Telecommunication Link Controller. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(2): 60-72 (2000)
4 Alberto Allara, Massimo Bombana, Patrizia Cavalloro, Wolfgang Nebel, Wolfram Putzke-Röming, Martin Radetzki: ATM Cell Modelling using Objective VHDL. ASP-DAC 1998: 261-264
3EEAlberto Allara, William Fornaciari, Fabio Salice, Donatella Sciuto: A Model for System-Level Timed Analysis and Profiling. DATE 1998: 204-210
2EEAlberto Allara, S. Filipponi, Fabio Salice, William Fornaciari, Donatella Sciuto: A Flexible Model for Evaluating the Behavior of Hardware/Software Systems. CODES 1997: 109-114
1 Alberto Allara, S. Filipponi, William Fornaciari, Fabio Salice, Donatella Sciuto: Improving Design Turnaround Time via Two-Levels Hw/Sw Co-Simulation. ICCD 1997: 400-405

Coauthor Index

1Massimo Bombana [4] [5]
2Patrizia Cavalloro [4]
3S. Filipponi [1] [2]
4William Fornaciari [1] [2] [3] [5]
5Wolfgang Nebel [4]
6Wolfram Putzke-Röming [4]
7Martin Radetzki [4]
8Fabio Salice [1] [2] [3] [5]
9Donatella Sciuto [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)