
Hao Yan

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15EEHao Yan, Shuai Ding, Torsten Suel: Inverted index compression and query processing with optimized document ordering. WWW 2009: 401-410
14EEShuai Ding, Jinru He, Hao Yan, Torsten Suel: Using graphics processors for high performance IR query processing. WWW 2009: 421-430
13 Max H. Garzon, Hao Yan: DNA Computing, 13th International Meeting on DNA Computing, DNA13, Memphis, TN, USA, June 4-8, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
12EEHao Yan, Utku Irmak, Torsten Suel: Algorithms for Low-Latency Remote File Synchronization. INFOCOM 2008: 156-160
11EEShuai Ding, Jinru He, Hao Yan, Torsten Suel: Using graphics processors for high-performance IR query processing. WWW 2008: 1213-1214
10EEMax H. Garzon, Hao Yan: Preface. Natural Computing 7(3): 299-301 (2008)
9EEHao Yan, Junwei Han, Zhizhong Tong, Hongren Li: Hybrid Realtime Simulation of the Space Docking Process. ICAT Workshops 2006: 323-327
8EEHao Yan, Yan Liu: DNA Nanotechnology: an Evolving Field. Nanotechnology: Science and Computation 2006: 35-53
7EERuojie Sha, Xiaoping Zhang, Shiping Liao, Pamela E. Constantinou, Baoquan Ding, Tong Wang, Alejandra V. Garibotti, Hong Zhong, Lisa B. Israel, Xing Wang, Gang Wu, Banani Chakraborty, Junghuei Chen, Yuwen Zhang, Hao Yan, Zhiyong Shen, Wanqiu Shen, Phiset Sa-Ardyen, Jens Kopatsch, Jiwen Zheng, Philip S. Lukeman, William B. Sherman, Chengde Mao, Natasa Jonoska, Nadrian C. Seeman: Structural DNA Nanotechnology: Molecular Construction and Computation. UC 2005: 20-31
6EEJohn H. Reif, Thomas H. LaBean, Sudheer Sahu, Hao Yan, Peng Yin: Design, Simulation, and Experimental Demonstration of Self-assembled DNA Nanostructures and Motors. UPP 2004: 173-187
5EEHao Yan, Yi Zhang, Zeng-Guang Hou, Min Tan: Automatic Text Detection In Video Frames Based on Bootstrap Artificial Neural Network and CED. WSCG 2003
4EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore, Lee Campbell, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Hao Yan: More than just a pretty face: conversational protocols and the affordances of embodiment. Knowl.-Based Syst. 14(1-2): 55-64 (2001)
3EEHao Yan, Ted Selker: Context-aware office assistant. IUI 2000: 276-279
2EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Hao Yan: More than just a pretty face: affordances of embodiment. IUI 2000: 52-59
1EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore, Mark Billinghurst, Lee Campbell, K. Chang, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Hao Yan: Embodiment in Conversational Interfaces: Rea. CHI 1999: 520-527

Coauthor Index

1Timothy W. Bickmore [1] [2] [4]
2Mark Billinghurst [1]
3Lee Campbell [1] [4]
4Justine Cassell [1] [2] [4]
5Banani Chakraborty [7]
6K. Chang [1]
7Junghuei Chen [7]
8Pamela E. Constantinou [7]
9Baoquan Ding [7]
10Shuai Ding [11] [14] [15]
11Alejandra V. Garibotti [7]
12Max H. Garzon [10] [13]
13Junwei Han [9]
14Jinru He [11] [14]
15Zeng-Guang Hou [5]
16Utku Irmak [12]
17Lisa B. Israel [7]
18Natasa Jonoska (Natasha Jonoska) [7]
19Jens Kopatsch [7]
20Thomas H. LaBean [6]
21Hongren Li [9]
22Shiping Liao [7]
23Yan Liu (Yan (Jenny) Liu) [8]
24Philip S. Lukeman [7]
25Chengde Mao [7]
26John H. Reif [6]
27Phiset Sa-Ardyen [7]
28Sudheer Sahu [6]
29Nadrian C. Seeman [7]
30Ted Selker [3]
31Ruojie Sha [7]
32Wanqiu Shen [7]
33Zhiyong Shen [7]
34William B. Sherman [7]
35Torsten Suel [11] [12] [14] [15]
36Min Tan [5]
37Zhizhong Tong [9]
38Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson [1] [2] [4]
39Tong Wang [7]
40Xing Wang [7]
41Gang Wu [7]
42Peng Yin [6]
43Xiaoping Zhang [7]
44Yi Zhang [5]
45Yuwen Zhang [7]
46Jiwen Zheng [7]
47Hong Zhong [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)