
Shlomo Dubnov

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11EEShlomo Dubnov, Melvin J. Hinich: Analyzing several musical instrument tones using the randomly modulated periodicity model. Signal Processing 89(1): 24-30 (2009)
10EEShlomo Dubnov: Computer audition: an introduction and research survey. ACM Multimedia 2006: 9
9EEArshia Cont, Shlomo Dubnov, Gérard Assayag: Anticipatory Model of Musical Style Imitation Using Collaborative and Competitive Reinforcement Learning. SAB ABiALS 2006: 285-306
8EEShlomo Dubnov, Stephen McAdams, Roger Reynolds: Structural and affective aspects of music from statistical audio signal analysis. JASIST 57(11): 1526-536 (2006)
7 Nicholas L. Cassimatis, Sean Luke, Simon D. Levy, Ross Gayler, Pentti Kanerva, Chris Eliasmith, Timothy W. Bickmore, Alan C. Schultz, Randall Davis, James A. Landay, Robert C. Miller, Eric Saund, Thomas F. Stahovich, Michael L. Littman, Satinder P. Singh, Shlomo Argamon, Shlomo Dubnov: Reports on the 2004 AAAI Fall Symposia. AI Magazine 26(1): 98-102 (2005)
6EEGérard Assayag, Shlomo Dubnov: Using Factor Oracles for Machine Improvisation. Soft Comput. 8(9): 604-610 (2004)
5EEShlomo Dubnov, Gérard Assayag, Olivier Lartillot, Gill Bejerano: Using Machine-Learning Methods for Musical Style Modeling. IEEE Computer 36(10): 73-80 (2003)
4EEShai Shalev-Shwartz, Shlomo Dubnov, Nir Friedman, Yoram Singer: Robust temporal and spectral modeling for query By melody. SIGIR 2002: 331-338
3EEShlomo Dubnov, Ziv Bar-Joseph, Ran El-Yaniv, Dani Lischinski, Michael Werman: Synthesizing Sound Textures through Wavelet Tree Learning. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(4): 38-48 (2002)
2 Shlomo Dubnov, Ran El-Yaniv, Yoram Gdalyahu, Elad Schneidman, Naftali Tishby, Golan Yona: A New Nonparametric Pairwise Clustering Algorithm Based on Iterative Estimation of Distance Profiles. Machine Learning 47(1): 35-61 (2002)
1 Dalia Cohen, Shlomo Dubnov: Gestalt Phenomena in Musical Texture. Joint International Conference on Cognitive and Systematic Musicology 1996: 386-405

Coauthor Index

1Shlomo Argamon (Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Sean P. Engelson) [7]
2Gérard Assayag [5] [6] [9]
3Ziv Bar-Joseph [3]
4Gill Bejerano [5]
5Timothy W. Bickmore [7]
6Nicholas L. Cassimatis [7]
7Dalia Cohen [1]
8Arshia Cont [9]
9Randall Davis [7]
10Ran El-Yaniv [2] [3]
11Chris Eliasmith [7]
12Nir Friedman [4]
13Ross Gayler [7]
14Yoram Gdalyahu [2]
15Melvin J. Hinich [11]
16Pentti Kanerva [7]
17James A. Landay [7]
18Olivier Lartillot [5]
19Simon D. Levy [7]
20Dani Lischinski [3]
21Michael L. Littman [7]
22Sean Luke [7]
23Stephen McAdams [8]
24Rob Miller (Robert C. Miller) [7]
25Roger Reynolds [8]
26Eric Saund [7]
27Elad Schneidman [2]
28Alan C. Schultz [7]
29Shai Shalev-Shwartz [4]
30Yoram Singer [4]
31Satinder P. Singh [7]
32Thomas F. Stahovich [7]
33Naftali Tishby [2]
34Michael Werman [3]
35Golan Yona [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)