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Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Sean P. Engelson
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
43 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, James W. Pennebaker, Jonathan Schler: Automatically profiling the author of an anonymous text. Commun. ACM 52(2): 119-123 (2009) |
42 | EE | Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Schler, Shlomo Argamon: Computational methods in authorship attribution. JASIST 60(1): 9-26 (2009) |
2008 | ||
41 | Maojin Jiang, Shlomo Argamon: Political Leaning Categorization by Exploring Subjectivities in Political Blogs. DMIN 2008: 647-653 | |
40 | EE | Maojin Jiang, Shlomo Argamon: Exploiting subjectivity analysis in blogs to improve political leaning categorization. SIGIR 2008: 725-726 |
2007 | ||
39 | EE | Kenneth Bloom, Navendu Garg, Shlomo Argamon: Extracting Appraisal Expressions. HLT-NAACL 2007: 308-315 |
38 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, James W. Pennebaker, Jonathan Schler: Mining the Blogosphere: Age, gender and the varieties of self-expression. First Monday 12(9): (2007) |
37 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Casey Whitelaw, Paul J. Chase, Sobhan Raj Hota, Navendu Garg, Shlomo Levitan: Stylistic text classification using functional lexical features. JASIST 58(6): 802-822 (2007) |
2006 | ||
36 | EE | Maojin Jiang, Shlomo Argamon, Abdur Chowdhury, Kush Sidhu: ZED: Explaining Temporal Variations in Query Volume. ADMA 2006: 485-492 |
35 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Gady Agam, Ophir Frieder, David A. Grossman, David D. Lewis, G. Sohn, Ellen M. Voorhees: A complex document information processing prototype. SIGIR 2006: 599-600 |
34 | EE | Paul J. Chase, Shlomo Argamon: Stylistic text segmentation. SIGIR 2006: 633-634 |
33 | EE | Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Schler, Shlomo Argamon, Eran Messeri: Authorship attribution with thousands of candidate authors. SIGIR 2006: 659-660 |
32 | EE | David D. Lewis, Gady Agam, Shlomo Argamon, Ophir Frieder, David A. Grossman, Jefferson Heard: Building a test collection for complex document information processing. SIGIR 2006: 665-666 |
31 | EE | Sterling Stuart Stein, Shlomo Argamon, Ophir Frieder: The effect of OCR errors on stylistic text classification. SIGIR 2006: 701-702 |
30 | EE | Navendu Garg, Kenneth Bloom, Shlomo Argamon: Appraisal navigator. SIGIR 2006: 727 |
29 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Mark Olsen: Toward meaningful computing. Commun. ACM 49(4): 33-35 (2006) |
28 | EE | Shlomo Argamon: Introduction to the special topic section on the computational analysis of style. JASIST 57(11): 1503-1505 (2006) |
27 | EE | Özlem Uzuner, Shlomo Argamon, Jussi Karlgren: Stylistics for text retrieval in practice: SIGIR 2006 workshop, Seattle, August 10, 2006. SIGIR Forum 40(2): 49-51 (2006) |
2005 | ||
26 | EE | Casey Whitelaw, Navendu Garg, Shlomo Argamon: Using appraisal groups for sentiment analysis. CIKM 2005: 625-631 |
25 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Nazli Goharian, David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder, N. Raju: A Specialization in Information and Knowledge Management Systems for the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum. ITCC (1) 2005: 476-481 |
24 | Nicholas L. Cassimatis, Sean Luke, Simon D. Levy, Ross Gayler, Pentti Kanerva, Chris Eliasmith, Timothy W. Bickmore, Alan C. Schultz, Randall Davis, James A. Landay, Robert C. Miller, Eric Saund, Thomas F. Stahovich, Michael L. Littman, Satinder P. Singh, Shlomo Argamon, Shlomo Dubnov: Reports on the 2004 AAAI Fall Symposia. AI Magazine 26(1): 98-102 (2005) | |
23 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Jussi Karlgren, James G. Shanahan: Future short term goals of research in computational analysis of stylistics in text. SIGIR Forum 39(2): 17-18 (2005) |
2003 | ||
22 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Marin Saric, Sterling Stuart Stein: Style mining of electronic messages for multiple authorship discrimination: first results. KDD 2003: 475-480 |
2001 | ||
21 | EE | Julio Ortega, Moshe Koppel, Shlomo Argamon: Arbitrating Among Competing Classifiers Using Learned Referees. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 3(4): 470-490 (2001) |
2000 | ||
20 | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Moshe Koppel, Hillel Walters: Maximizing Theory Accuracy Through Selective Reinterpretation. Machine Learning 41(2): 123-152 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
19 | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Sarit Kraus, Sigalit Sina: Interleaved Versus A Priori Exploration for Repeated Navigation in a Partially-Known Graph. IJPRAI 13(7): 963-896 (1999) | |
18 | EE | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Ido Dagan: Committee-Based Sample Selection for Probabilistic Classifiers. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 11: 335-360 (1999) |
17 | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Ido Dagan, Yuval Krymolowski: A memory-based approach to learning shallow natural language patterns. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 11(3): 369-390 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
16 | Shlomo Argamon, Ido Dagan, Yuval Krymolowski: A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns. COLING-ACL 1998: 67-73 | |
15 | EE | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Sarit Kraus, Sigalit Sina: Utility-Based On-Line Exploration for Repeated Navigation in an Embedded Graph. Artif. Intell. 101(1-2): 267-284 (1998) |
14 | EE | Shlomo Argamon, Ido Dagan, Yuval Krymolowski: A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns CoRR cmp-lg/9806011: (1998) |
13 | EE | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Moshe Koppel: Tractability of Theory Patching CoRR cs.AI/9803103: (1998) |
12 | EE | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Moshe Koppel: Tractability of Theory Patching. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 8: 39-65 (1998) |
11 | EE | Shlomo Argamon-Engelson: Using image signatures for place recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(10): 941-951 (1998) |
1996 | ||
10 | Sean P. Engelson: Learning Robust Plans for Mobile Robots from a Single Trial. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 869-874 | |
9 | Sean P. Engelson, Ido Dagan: Minimizing Manual Annotation Cost in Supervised Training from Corpora. ACL 1996: 319-326 | |
8 | Sean P. Engelson, Moshe Koppel: Identifying the Information Contained in a Flawed Theory. ICML 1996: 131-138 | |
7 | EE | Sean P. Engelson, Ido Dagan: Minimizing Manual Annotation Cost In Supervised Training From Corpora CoRR cmp-lg/9606030: (1996) |
1995 | ||
6 | Ido Dagan, Sean P. Engelson: Committee-Based Sampling For Training Probabilistic Classifiers. ICML 1995: 150-157 | |
5 | Sean P. Engelson, Moshe Koppel: Distilling Reliable Information From Unreliable Theories. ICML 1995: 218-225 | |
4 | Sean P. Engelson, Ido Dagan: Sample selection in natural language learning. Learning for Natural Language Processing 1995: 230-245 | |
3 | Thomas Dean, Dana Angluin, Kenneth Basye, Sean P. Engelson, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Evangelos Kokkevis, Oded Maron: Inferring Finite Automata with Stochastic Output Functions and an Application to Map Learning. Machine Learning 18(1): 81-108 (1995) | |
1993 | ||
2 | Gregory D. Hager, Sean P. Engelson, Sami Atiya: On Comparing Statistical and Set-Based Methods in Sensor Data Fusion. ICRA (2) 1993: 352-358 | |
1992 | ||
1 | Thomas Dean, Dana Angluin, Kenneth Basye, Sean P. Engelson, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Evangelos Kokkevis, Oded Maron: Inferring Finite Automata with Stochastic Output Functions and an Application to Map Learning. AAAI 1992: 208-214 |