
Joan Batlle

Joan Batlle Grabulosa

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19EEMarc Carreras, Junku Yuh, Joan Batlle, Pere Ridao: Application of SONQL for real-time learning of robot behaviors. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(8): 628-642 (2007)
18EEViorela Ila, Rafael García, Xavier Cufí, Joan Batlle Grabulosa: Interest point characterisation through textural analysis for rejection of bad correspondences. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(10): 1587-1596 (2005)
17EEViorela Ila, Rafael García, François Charot, Joan Batlle: FPGA Implementation of a Vision-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for an Underwater Robot. FPL 2004: 1152-1154
16EEJoaquim Salvi, Jordi Pagès, Joan Batlle: Pattern codification strategies in structured light systems. Pattern Recognition 37(4): 827-849 (2004)
15EEMarc Carreras, Pere Ridao, Joan Batlle Grabulosa, David Ribas: High-Accuracy Localization of an Underwater Robot in a~Structured Environment Using Computer Vision. IbPRIA 2003: 150-157
14EEJoaquim Salvi, Xavier Armangué, Joan Batlle: A comparative review of camera calibrating methods with accuracy evaluation. Pattern Recognition 35(7): 1617-1635 (2002)
13EERafael García, Joan Batlle, Joaquim Salvi: A New Approach to Pose Detection using a Trinocular Stereovision System. Real-Time Imaging 8(2): 73-93 (2002)
12EEJoan Batlle, Joan Martí, Pere Ridao, Josep Amat: A New FPGA/DSP-Based Parallel Architecture for Real-Time Image Processing. Real-Time Imaging 8(5): 345-356 (2002)
11EERafael García, Xavier Cufí, Joan Batlle: Detection of matchings in a sequence of underwater images through texture analysis. ICIP (1) 2001: 361-364
10 Rafael García, Joan Batlle Grabulosa, Xavier Cufí, Josep Amat: Positioning an Underwater Vehicle through Image Mosaicking. ICRA 2001: 2779-2784
9 Pere Ridao, Joan Batlle Grabulosa, Josep Amat, Marc Carreras: A Distributed Environment for Virtual and/or Real Experiments for Underwater Robots. ICRA 2001: 3250-3255
8EEJoan Martí, Jordi Freixenet, Joan Batlle, Alicia Casals: A new approach to outdoor scene description based on learning and top-down segmentation. Image Vision Comput. 19(14): 1041-1055 (2001)
7EEJoan Batlle, Alicia Casals, Jordi Freixenet, Joan Martí: A review on strategies for recognizing natural objects in colour images of outdoor scenes. Image Vision Comput. 18(6-7): 515-530 (2000)
6EEPere Ridao, Joan Batlle, Josep Amat, G. N. Roberts: Recent trends in control architectures for autonomous underwater vehicles. Int. J. Systems Science 30(9): 1033-1056 (1999)
5EEJoan Batlle, El Mustapha Mouaddib, Joaquim Salvi: Recent progress in coded structured light as a technique to solve the correspondence problem: a survey. Pattern Recognition 31(7): 963-982 (1998)
4EEJoaquim Salvi, Joan Batlle, El Mustapha Mouaddib: A robust-coded pattern projection for dynamic 3D scene measurement. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(11): 1055-1065 (1998)
3 Jordi Regincós Isern, Joan Batlle Grabulosa: Contribution to the Colour Segmentation by Means of an Algorithm Which Reduces the CCDs Saturation Problems. ICIAP (1) 1997: 79-86
2EEXavier Cufí, Alicia Casals, Joan Batlle Grabulosa: A Method to Obtain the Integrated Contour Image in Colour Scenes. ICIP (2) 1997: 764-
1EEJoan Batlle Grabulosa, Antonio B. Martinez: Detection of Scene Changes for Efficient Image Transmission from a Moving Camera. MVA 1992: 541-544

Coauthor Index

1Josep Amat [6] [9] [10] [12]
2Xavier Armangué [14]
3Marc Carreras [9] [15] [19]
4Alicia Casals [2] [7] [8]
5François Charot [17]
6Xavier Cufí [2] [10] [11] [18]
7Jordi Freixenet [7] [8]
8Rafael García [10] [11] [13] [17] [18]
9Viorela Ila [17] [18]
10Jordi Regincós Isern [3]
11Joan Martí [7] [8] [12]
12Antonio B. Martinez [1]
13El Mustapha Mouaddib [4] [5]
14Jordi Pagès [16]
15David Ribas [15]
16Pere Ridao [6] [9] [12] [15] [19]
17G. N. Roberts [6]
18Joaquim Salvi [4] [5] [13] [14] [16]
19Junku Yuh [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)