
Max Bajracharya

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8EETim K. Marks, Andrew Howard, Max Bajracharya, Garrison W. Cottrell, Larry H. Matthies: Gamma-SLAM: Visual SLAM in unstructured environments using variance grid maps. J. Field Robotics 26(1): 26-51 (2009)
7EEMax Bajracharya, Andrew Howard, Larry H. Matthies, Benyang Tang, Michael Turmon: Autonomous off-road navigation with end-to-end learning for the LAGR program. J. Field Robotics 26(1): 3-25 (2009)
6EEWon S. Kim, Issa A. Nesnas, Max Bajracharya, Richard Madison, Adnan I. Ansar, Robert D. Steele, Jeffrey J. Biesiadecki, Khaled S. Ali: Targeted driving using visual tracking on Mars: From research to flight. J. Field Robotics 26(3): 243-263 (2009)
5EETim K. Marks, Andrew Howard, Max Bajracharya, Garrison W. Cottrell, Larry Matthies: Gamma-SLAM: Using stereo vision and variance grid maps for SLAM in unstructured environments. ICRA 2008: 3717-3724
4EEMax Bajracharya, Benyang Tang, Andrew Howard, Michael Turmon, Larry Matthies: Learning long-range terrain classification for autonomous navigation. ICRA 2008: 4018-4024
3EEMax Bajracharya, Matthew DiCicco, Paul Backes, Kevin Nickels: Visual end-effector position error compensation for planetary robotics. J. Field Robotics 24(5): 399-420 (2007)
2EEDaniel M. Helmick, Stergios I. Roumeliotis, Yang Cheng, Daniel S. Clouse, Max Bajracharya, Larry H. Matthies: Slip-compensated path following for planetary exploration rovers. Advanced Robotics 20(11): 1257-1280 (2006)
1EELuca Iocchi, Kurt Konolige, Max Bajracharya: Visually Realistic Mapping of a Planar Environment with Stereo. ISER 2000: 521-532

Coauthor Index

1Khaled S. Ali [6]
2Adnan I. Ansar [6]
3Paul Backes [3]
4Jeffrey J. Biesiadecki [6]
5Yang Cheng [2]
6Daniel S. Clouse [2]
7Garrison W. Cottrell [5] [8]
8Matthew DiCicco [3]
9Daniel M. Helmick [2]
10Andrew Howard [4] [5] [7] [8]
11Luca Iocchi [1]
12Won S. Kim [6]
13Kurt Konolige [1]
14Richard Madison [6]
15Tim K. Marks [5] [8]
16Larry Matthies (Larry H. Matthies) [2] [4] [5] [7] [8]
17Issa A. Nesnas [6]
18Kevin Nickels [3]
19Stergios I. Roumeliotis [2]
20Robert D. Steele [6]
21Benyang Tang [4] [7]
22Michael Turmon [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)