
Jeffrey J. Biesiadecki

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4EEWon S. Kim, Issa A. Nesnas, Max Bajracharya, Richard Madison, Adnan I. Ansar, Robert D. Steele, Jeffrey J. Biesiadecki, Khaled S. Ali: Targeted driving using visual tracking on Mars: From research to flight. J. Field Robotics 26(3): 243-263 (2009)
3EEAndres Castano, Alex Fukunaga, Jeffrey J. Biesiadecki, Lynn Neakrase, Patrick Whelley, Ronald Greeley, Mark Lemmon, Rebecca Castaño, Steve A. Chien: Automatic detection of dust devils and clouds on Mars. Mach. Vis. Appl. 19(5-6): 467-482 (2008)
2EEAndres Castano, Alex Fukunaga, Jeffrey J. Biesiadecki, Lynn Neakrase, Patrick Whelley, Ronald Greeley, Mark Lemmon, Rebecca Castaño, Steve A. Chien: Autonomous Detection of Dust Devils and Clouds on Mars. ICIP 2006: 2765-2768
1EEJeffrey J. Biesiadecki, Chris Leger, Mark W. Maimone: Tradeoffs Between Directed and Autonomous Driving on the Mars Exploration Rovers. ISRR 2005: 254-267

Coauthor Index

1Khaled S. Ali [4]
2Adnan I. Ansar [4]
3Max Bajracharya [4]
4Andres Castano [2] [3]
5Rebecca Castaño [2] [3]
6Steve A. Chien [2] [3]
7Alex Fukunaga [2] [3]
8Ronald Greeley [2] [3]
9Won S. Kim [4]
10Chris Leger [1]
11Mark Lemmon [2] [3]
12Richard Madison [4]
13Mark W. Maimone [1]
14Lynn Neakrase [2] [3]
15Issa A. Nesnas [4]
16Robert D. Steele [4]
17Patrick Whelley [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)