
Mark G. Arnold

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32EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Sylvain Collange, Mark G. Arnold: LNS Subtraction Using Novel Cotransformation and/or Interpolation. ASAP 2007: 107-114
31EEMark G. Arnold, Panagiotis D. Vouzis: A Serial Logarithmic Number System ALU. DSD 2007: 151-156
30EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Sylvain Collange, Mark G. Arnold: Cotransformation Provides Area and Accuracy Improvement in an HDL Library for LNS Subtraction. DSD 2007: 85-93
29EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Sylvain Collange, Mark G. Arnold, Mayuresh V. Kothare: Monte Carlo Logarithmic Number System for Model Predictive Control. FPL 2007: 453-458
28EEMark G. Arnold: A RISC Processor with Redundant LNS Instructions. DSD 2006: 475-482
27EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Mark G. Arnold: A parallel search algorithm for CLNS addition optimization. ISCAS 2006
26EEMustafa Gök, Michael J. Schulte, Mark G. Arnold: Integer Multipliers with Overflow Detection. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(8): 1062-1066 (2006)
25EEMark G. Arnold: Approximating Trigonometric Functions with the Laws of Sines and Cosines using the Logarithmic Number System. DSD 2005: 48-55
24EEMark G. Arnold: The Residue Logarithmic Number System: Theory and Implementation. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2005: 196-205
23EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Mark G. Arnold, Vassilis Paliouras: Using CLNS for FFTs in OFDM demodulation of UWB receivers. ISCAS (4) 2005: 3954-3957
22EEFaisal M. Khan, Mark G. Arnold, William M. Pottenger: Hardware-based support vector machine classification in logarithmic number systems. ISCAS (5) 2005: 5154-5157
21EEJesus Garcia, Mark G. Arnold, Leonidas L. Bleris, Mayuresh V. Kothare: LNS architectures for embedded model predictive control processors. CASES 2004: 79-84
20EEFaisal M. Khan, Mark G. Arnold, William M. Pottenger: Finite Precision Analysis of Support Vector Machine Classification in Logarithmic Number Systems. DSD 2004: 254-261
19 Mark G. Arnold: Geometric-mean interpolation for logarithmic number systems. ISCAS (2) 2004: 433-436
18EEJie Ruan, Mark G. Arnold: Threshold Mean Larger Ratio Motion Estimation in MPEG Encoding Using LNS. PATMOS 2004: 208-217
17EEMark G. Arnold: LPVIP: A Low-Power ROM-Less ALU for Low-Precision LNS. PATMOS 2004: 675-684
16EEMark G. Arnold: Iterative Methods for Logarithmic Subtraction. ASAP 2003: 315-525
15EEMark G. Arnold: A VLIW Architecture for Logarithmic Arithmetic. DSD 2003: 294-303
14 Jie Ruan, Mark G. Arnold: Combined LNS Adder/Subtractors for DCT Hardware. ESTImedia 2003: 118-123
13EEMark G. Arnold, Jesus Garcia, Michael J. Schulte: The Interval Logarithmic Number System. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2003: 253-261
12EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles: Error Analysis of the Kmetz/Maenner Algorithm. VLSI Signal Processing 33(1-2): 37-53 (2003)
11EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Colin D. Walter: Fast Fourier Transforms Using the Complex Logarithmic Number System. VLSI Signal Processing 33(3): 325-335 (2003)
10EEMark G. Arnold: Reduced Power Consumption for MPEG Decoding with LNS. ASAP 2002: 65-75
9 Mark G. Arnold: Avoiding oddification to simplify MPEG-1 decoding with LNS. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing 2002: 125-129
8EEMark G. Arnold: Design of a Faithful LNS Interpolator. DSD 2001: 336-345
7 Mark G. Arnold, Mark D. Winkel: A Single-Multiplier Quadratic Interpolator for LNS Arithmetic. ICCD 2001: 178-185
6EEMark G. Arnold, Colin D. Walter: Unrestricted Faithful Rounding is Good Enough for Some LNS Applications. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2001: 237-246
5 Mark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Mark D. Winkel: Arithmetic Co-Transformations in the Real and Complex Logarithmic Number Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(7): 777-786 (1998)
4EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Mark D. Winkel: Arithmetic Co-transformations in the Real and Complex Logarithmic Number Systems. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1997: 190-199
3 Mark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Mark D. Winkel: Applying Features of IEEE 754 to Sign/Logarithm Arithmetic. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(8): 1040-1050 (1992)
2EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Jerry J. Cupal: Initializing RAM-based logarithmic processors. VLSI Signal Processing 4(2-3): 243-252 (1992)
1 Mark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Jerry J. Cupal: Redundant Logarithmic Arithmetic. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(8): 1077-1086 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas A. Bailey [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [11] [12]
2Leonidas L. Bleris [21]
3Sylvain Collange [29] [30] [32]
4John R. Cowles [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [11] [12]
5Jerry J. Cupal [1] [2]
6Jesus Garcia [13] [21]
7Mustafa Gök [26]
8Faisal M. Khan [20] [22]
9Mayuresh V. Kothare [21] [29]
10Vassilis Paliouras [23]
11William M. Pottenger [20] [22]
12Jie Ruan [14] [18]
13Michael J. Schulte [13] [26]
14Panagiotis D. Vouzis [23] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32]
15Colin D. Walter [6] [11]
16Mark D. Winkel [3] [4] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)