
Sylvain Collange

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10EESylvain Collange, Yoginder S. Dandass, Marc Daumas, David Defour: Using Graphics Processors for Parallelizing Hash-Based Data Carving. HICSS 2009: 1-10
9EESylvain Collange, Yoginder S. Dandass, Marc Daumas, David Defour: Using Graphics Processors for Parallelizing Hash-based Data Carving CoRR abs/0901.1307: (2009)
8EESylvain Collange, Marc Daumas, David Defour: Line-by-line spectroscopic simulations on graphics processing units. Computer Physics Communications 178(2): 135-143 (2008)
7EESylvain Collange, Marc Daumas, David Defour: État de l'intégration de la virgule flottante dans les processeurs graphiques. Technique et Science Informatiques 27(6): 719-733 (2008)
6EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Sylvain Collange, Mark G. Arnold: LNS Subtraction Using Novel Cotransformation and/or Interpolation. ASAP 2007: 107-114
5EESylvain Collange, Marc Daumas, David Defour: Graphic processors to speed-up simulations for the design of high performance solar receptors. ASAP 2007: 377-382
4EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Sylvain Collange, Mark G. Arnold: Cotransformation Provides Area and Accuracy Improvement in an HDL Library for LNS Subtraction. DSD 2007: 85-93
3EEPanagiotis D. Vouzis, Sylvain Collange, Mark G. Arnold, Mayuresh V. Kothare: Monte Carlo Logarithmic Number System for Model Predictive Control. FPL 2007: 453-458
2EESylvain Collange, Marc Daumas, David Defour: Graphic processors to speed-up simulations for the design of high performance solar receptors CoRR abs/cs/0703028: (2007)
1EESylvain Collange, Jérémie Detrey, Florent de Dinechin: Floating Point or LNS: Choosing the Right Arithmetic on an Aapplication Basis. DSD 2006: 197-203

Coauthor Index

1Mark G. Arnold [3] [4] [6]
2Yoginder S. Dandass [9] [10]
3Marc Daumas [2] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4David Defour [2] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Jérémie Detrey [1]
6Florent de Dinechin [1]
7Mayuresh V. Kothare [3]
8Panagiotis D. Vouzis [3] [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)