
John R. Cowles

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13EERuben Gamboa, John R. Cowles: Theory Extension in ACL2(r). J. Autom. Reasoning 38(4): 273-301 (2007)
12EEJohn R. Cowles, Ruben Gamboa: Unique factorization in ACL2: Euclidean domains. ACL2 2006: 21-27
11EERuben Gamboa, John R. Cowles: Implementing a cost-aware evaluator for ACL2 expressions. ACL2 2006: 71-80
10EERuben Gamboa, John R. Cowles: A Mechanical Proof of the Cook-Levin Theorem. TPHOLs 2004: 99-116
9EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles: Error Analysis of the Kmetz/Maenner Algorithm. VLSI Signal Processing 33(1-2): 37-53 (2003)
8EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Colin D. Walter: Fast Fourier Transforms Using the Complex Logarithmic Number System. VLSI Signal Processing 33(3): 325-335 (2003)
7 Rex E. Gantenbein, Thomas L. James, John R. Cowles, William H. Paloski: TELELAB: A virtual laboratory for scientific data distribution on the internet. Computers and Their Applications 1998: 89-92
6 Mark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Mark D. Winkel: Arithmetic Co-Transformations in the Real and Complex Logarithmic Number Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(7): 777-786 (1998)
5EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Mark D. Winkel: Arithmetic Co-transformations in the Real and Complex Logarithmic Number Systems. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1997: 190-199
4 Mark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Mark D. Winkel: Applying Features of IEEE 754 to Sign/Logarithm Arithmetic. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(8): 1040-1050 (1992)
3EEMark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Jerry J. Cupal: Initializing RAM-based logarithmic processors. VLSI Signal Processing 4(2-3): 243-252 (1992)
2 Mark G. Arnold, Thomas A. Bailey, John R. Cowles, Jerry J. Cupal: Redundant Logarithmic Arithmetic. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(8): 1077-1086 (1990)
1 John H. Rowland, John R. Cowles: Small Sample Algorithms for the Identification of Polynomials. J. ACM 33(4): 822-829 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Mark G. Arnold [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
2Thomas A. Bailey [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
3Jerry J. Cupal [2] [3]
4Ruben Gamboa [10] [11] [12] [13]
5Rex E. Gantenbein [7]
6Thomas L. James [7]
7William H. Paloski [7]
8John H. Rowland [1]
9Colin D. Walter [8]
10Mark D. Winkel [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)