7. Parcella 1996:
Roland Vollmar, Werner Erhard, Vesselin Iossifov (Eds.):
Parcella 1996, VII. International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, Berlin, September 16-20, 1996, Proceedings.
Mathematical Research 96 Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-05-501750-1 BibTeX
Principles and Realisation of Parallel Architectures
Systems Software
- Vassil N. Alexandrov, Graham M. Megson:
Solving System of Linear Algebraic Equations by Monte Carlo Method on Regular Arrays.
137-146 BibTeX
- Octav Brudaru, Radu Silion:
Systolic Architectures for Fuzzy Arithmetic and Polynomials.
147-156 BibTeX
- Larisa Jelfimova:
A New Fast Systolic Array for the Modified Winograd Algorithm.
157-164 BibTeX
- Juri Kanevski, Oleg Maslennikov, Roman Wyrzykowski:
Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerant Solution of Linear Systems on Processor Arrays.
165-173 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Koch:
Efficient Reduce and Scan Functions for Mesh-Connected SIMD Computers.
174-183 BibTeX
- A. S. Nepomniaschaya:
Representations of the Prim-Dijkstra Algorithm on Associative Parallel Processors.
184-194 BibTeX
- Gabriel Oksa:
Fine Grained Systolic Toeplitz Solver.
195-205 BibTeX
- Todd E. Scheetz, Julie A. Gannon, Richard D. Dietz, Terry A. Braun, Thomas L. Casavant, Mark S. Andersland:
Accounting for Uncertainty in the Recovers of Traces for Parallel Computing Systems.
206-213 BibTeX
- Eugene V. Zima:
On Parallel Construction of Multidimensional Chains of Recurrences.
214-223 BibTeX
- Karl-Heinz Zimmermann, Wolfgang Achtziger:
Synthesizing Regular Arrays from Single Affine Recurrences via Quadratic and Branching Parametric Linear Programming.
224-231 BibTeX
- Rene Biewald:
Real-time Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance for Non-Holonomic Mobile Robots Using a Human-Like Conception and Neural Parallel Computing.
232-240 BibTeX
- Ute Gärtel, Reinhold Hess, Wolfgang Joppich, Hermann Mierendorff, Anton Schüller:
Activities on Weather and Climate Prediction on Highly Parallel Machines.
241-250 BibTeX
- Nadiya Gubareny, Aleksander Katkov:
Modelling of Distributed Processes for Image Reconstruction in Cellular Structure.
251-258 BibTeX
- R. Iliev, Vladimir Lazarov, Jon M. Kerridge, R. England, K. Boyanov:
Discrete-Event Simulation of a Parallel Database Machine.
259-268 BibTeX
- Jon M. Kerridge, R. England, S. Yanev, K. Boyanov, N. Sinyagina:
Speedup Image Processing.
269-278 BibTeX
- Ivan Lirkov, Svetozar Margenov:
Parallel Complexity of Conjugate Gradient Method with Circulant Preconditioners.
279-286 BibTeX
Poster Session
- Andrew Adamatzky:
Reaction-Diffusion Computer: Massively Parallel Chemical Computation.
287-290 BibTeX
- Yu. V. Bakalov, R. L. Smelianski:
A Language for Specifying Distributed Program Behavior.
291-292 BibTeX
- Heribert C. Burg:
Mapping Based on Combinatorial Designs.
293-294 BibTeX
- Salvatore Di Gregorio, Rocco Rongo, Roberto Serra, William Spataro, Giandomenico Spezzano, Domenico Talia, Marco Villani:
Parallel Simulation of Soil Contamination by Cellular Automata.
295-297 BibTeX
- Juan C. Fabero, Alfredo Bautista, Luis Casasús:
Cellular Automata in the Simulation of Wave Propagation in Solids.
298-299 BibTeX
- Damas P. Gruska:
Process Algebra for Shared Ressources.
300-301 BibTeX
- Christian Hochberger:
Automatic Generation of two Phased Models with CDL.
302-303 BibTeX
- I. A. Kaliaev:
Superperformance Homogeneous Neurolike Structures in Systems of Optimum Decision Selection.
304-305 BibTeX
- V. G. Khoroshevsky:
MICROS: Large-Scale Distributed Computer Systems with Programmable Structure.
306-308 BibTeX
- A. Lutsyk, V. Schmoylov, I. Zayats:
Programming Tools for Tuning Homogeneous Computing Structures.
309-311 BibTeX
- Valentina P. Markova:
3D Cellular Pipelined Algorithm for Many Number Pairs Multiplication.
312-314 BibTeX
- Simon C. Merrall:
Enhancing Data Parallel Programming with Active Data Structures.
315-316 BibTeX
- Roman M. Palenichka, Peter Zinterhof:
Recursive Algorithms for Low-Level Computer Vision Using Order Statistics.
317-319 BibTeX
- Peter Sanders:
Optimizing the Emulation of MIMD Behavior on SIMD Machines.
320-321 BibTeX
- Ralf Schneider, Rolf Hoffmann:
A Mapping Strategy for Cellular Models to Different Parallel Target Architectures.
322-323 BibTeX
- V. Schmoylov, I. Zayats, A. Lutsyk:
Fundamental Principles of Homogeneous Computing Structures.
324-326 BibTeX
- Miroslaw Thor:
Multi-Processor, Reconfigurable Architecture Increasing Perfomance of Distributed Object-Oriented Programs.
327-329 BibTeX
Invited Paper
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:32:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)