
A. S. Nepomniaschaya

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14EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya: Associative Parallel Algorithm for Dynamic Reconstruction of a Minimum Spanning Tree After Deletion of a Vertex. PaCT 2005: 159-173
13EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya, Zbigniew Kokosinski: Associative Graph Processor and Its Properties. PARELEC 2004: 297-302
12EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya: Associative Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic Edge Update of Minimum Spanning Trees. PaCT 2003: 141-159
11EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya: Associative Parallel Algorithms for Computing Functions Defined on Paths in Trees. PARELEC 2002: 399-404
10 A. S. Nepomniaschaya: Efficient Implementation of Edmond's Algorithm for Finding Optimum Branchings on Associative Parallel Processors. ICPADS 2001: 3-8
9EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya: An Associative Version of the Bellman-Ford Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs. PaCT 2001: 285-292
8EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya: Representation of Edmonds' Algorithm for Finding Optimum Graph Branching on Associative Parallel Processors. Programming and Computer Software 27(4): 200-206 (2001)
7EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya: An Associative Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Critical Cycle in Directed Graphs. ICPADS 2000: 455-462
6 A. S. Nepomniaschaya, Maria A. Dvoskina: A Simple Implementation of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm on Associative Parallel Processors. Fundam. Inform. 43(1-4): 227-243 (2000)
5EEA. S. Nepomniaschaya: Solution of Path Problems Using Associative Parallel Processors. ICPADS 1997: 610-617
4 A. S. Nepomniaschaya: An Associative Version of the Prim-Dijkstra Algorithm and Its Application to Some Graph Problems. Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 203-213
3 A. S. Nepomniaschaya: Representation of the Gabow Algorithm for Finding Smallest Trees with a Degree Constraint on Associative Parallel Processors. Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 813-817
2 A. S. Nepomniaschaya: Representations of the Prim-Dijkstra Algorithm on Associative Parallel Processors. Parcella 1996: 184-194
1 A. S. Nepomniaschaya: Comparison of Two MST Algorithms for Associative Parallel Processors. PaCT 1995: 85-93

Coauthor Index

1Maria A. Dvoskina [6]
2Zbigniew Kokosinski [13]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)