
Anton Schüller

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14 Erik Brakkee, Klaus Wolf, Dac Phuoc Ho, Anton Schüller: Coupling Industrial Simulation Codes on Parallel Computers using a Communications Library. PARCO 1997: 419-427
13 Erik Brakkee, Klaus Wolf, Dac Phuoc Ho, Anton Schüller: The COupled COmmunications LIBrary. PDP 1997: 155-162
12 Holger Holthoff, Wolfgang Rönsch, Hans Bleecke, Bernhard Eisfeld, Norbert Kroll, Hubert Ritzdorf, Anton Schüller, Petra Aumann, Klaus Becker: Parallelization of Large Scale Industrial Aerodynamic Applications on the IBM RS/6000 SP. HPCN Europe 1996: 901-904
11 Ute Gärtel, Reinhold Hess, Wolfgang Joppich, Hermann Mierendorff, Anton Schüller: Activities on Weather and Climate Prediction on Highly Parallel Machines. Parcella 1996: 241-250
10 Ute Gärtel, Wolfgang Joppich, Anton Schüller, Ulrich Trottenberg: Wetter- und Klimavorhersage auf hochgradig parallelen Rechnern. Informatik Spektrum 18(6): 335-339 (1995)
9 C. W. Oosterlee, Hubert Ritzdorf, Anton Schüller, Barbara Steckel: Parallel Multigrid Reesults for Euler Equations and Grid Partitioning into a Large Number of Blocks. HPCN 1994: 145-150
8 Ute Gärtel, Wolfgang Joppich, Anton Schüller: Parallel Computing for Weather Prediction. HPCN 1994: 305-310
7 Hubert Ritzdorf, Anton Schüller, Barbara Steckel, Klaus Stüben: Li SS - An Environment for the Parallel Multigrid Solution of Partial Differential Equations on General 2D Domains. Parallel Computing 20(10-11): 1559-1570 (1994)
6 Ortwin Pätzold, Anton Schüller, Horst Schwichtenberg: Parallel Applications and Performance Measurements on SUPRENUM. Parallel Computing 20(10-11): 1571-1582 (1994)
5 Guy Lonsdale, Anton Schüller: Multigrid Efficiency for Complex Flow Simulations on Distributed Memory Machines. Parallel Computing 19(1): 23-32 (1993)
4 Ute Gärtel, Wolfgang Joppich, Anton Schüller: Parallelizing the ECMWF's Weather Forecast Program: the 2D Case. Parallel Computing 19(12): 1413-1425 (1993)
3 Ute Gärtel, Wolfgang Joppich, Anton Schüller: First Results with a Parallelized 3D Weather Prediction Code. Parallel Computing 19(12): 1427-1429 (1993)
2EEOliver A. McBryan, Paul O. Frederickson, Johannes Linden, Anton Schüller, Karl Solchenbach, Klaus Stüben, Clemens-August Thole, Ulrich Trottenberg: Multigrid methods on parallel computers - A survey of recent developments. IMPACT Comput. Sci. Eng. 3(1): 1-75 (1991)
1 Max Lemke, Anton Schüller, Karl Solchenbach, Ulrich Trottenberg: Parallel Processing on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors. GI Jahrestagung (1) 1990: 15-34

Coauthor Index

1Petra Aumann [12]
2Klaus Becker [12]
3Hans Bleecke [12]
4Erik Brakkee [13] [14]
5Bernhard Eisfeld [12]
6Paul O. Frederickson [2]
7Ute Gärtel [3] [4] [8] [10] [11]
8Reinhold Hess [11]
9Dac Phuoc Ho [13] [14]
10Holger Holthoff [12]
11Wolfgang Joppich [3] [4] [8] [10] [11]
12Norbert Kroll [12]
13Max Lemke [1]
14Johannes Linden [2]
15Guy Lonsdale [5]
16Oliver A. McBryan [2]
17Hermann Mierendorff [11]
18Cornelis W. Oosterlee (C. W. Oosterlee) [9]
19Ortwin Pätzold [6]
20Hubert Ritzdorf [7] [9] [12]
21Wolfgang Rönsch [12]
22Horst Schwichtenberg [6]
23Karl Solchenbach [1] [2]
24Barbara Steckel [7] [9]
25Klaus Stüben [2] [7]
26Clemens-August Thole [2]
27Ulrich Trottenberg [1] [2] [10]
28Klaus Wolf [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)