
Hans-Christian Hoppe

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12EEThomas Brandes, Helmut Schwamborn, Michael Gerndt, Jürgen Jeitner, Edmond Kereku, Martin Schulz, Holger Brunst, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Reinhard Neumann, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Bernd Trenkler, Wolfgang Karl, Jie Tao, Hans-Christian Hoppe: Monitoring cache behavior on parallel SMP architectures and related programming tools. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1298-1311 (2005)
11EESeon Wook Kim, Michael Voss, Bob Kuhn, Hans-Christian Hoppe, Wolfgang E. Nagel: VGV: Supporting Performance Analysis of Object-Oriented Mixed MPI/OpenMP Parallel Applications. IPDPS 2002
10EEGeorg Bißeling, Hans-Christian Hoppe, Alexander V. Supalov, Pierre Lagier, Jean Latour: Fujitsu MPI-2: Fast Locally, Reaching Globally. PVM/MPI 2002: 401-409
9 David F. Snelling, Sven van den Berghe, Gregor von Laszewski, Philipp Wieder, Dirk Breuer, Jon MacLaren, Denis A. Nicole, Hans-Christian Hoppe: A UNICORE Globus Interoperability Layer. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 21(4): (2002)
8EEHolger Brunst, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Hans-Christian Hoppe: Group-Based Performance Analysis for Multithreaded SMP Cluster Applications. Euro-Par 2001: 148-153
7EEHolger Brunst, Hans-Christian Hoppe, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Manuela Winkler: Performance Optimization for Large Scale Computing: The Scalable VAMPIR Approach. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2001: 751-760
6 Werner Krotz-Vogel, Hans-Christian Hoppe: PALLAS Parallel Tools - A Uniform Programming Environment from Workstations to Teraflop Computers. PARCO 1997: 349-358
5 Werner Krotz-Vogel, Hans-Christian Hoppe: The PALLAS Parallel Programming Environment. PVM/MPI 1997: 257-266
4 Werner Krotz-Vogel, Hans-Christian Hoppe: The PALLAS Portable Parallel Programming Environment. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 899-903
3 Hans-Christian Hoppe: The Message-Passing Interface - Design, Status and Perspective. Parcella 1996: 330-341
2 Hans-Christian Hoppe: Portable Parallele Applikationsprogrammierung mit PARMACS. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen 1992: 93-100
1EEHans-Christian Hoppe, Heinz Mühlenbein: Parallel adaptive full-multigrid methods on message-based multiprocessors. Parallel Computing 3(4): 269-287 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Sven van den Berghe [9]
2Georg Bißeling [10]
3Thomas Brandes [12]
4Dirk Breuer [9]
5Holger Brunst [7] [8] [12]
6Michael Gerndt [12]
7Jürgen Jeitner [12]
8Wolfgang Karl [12]
9Edmond Kereku [12]
10Seon Wook Kim [11]
11Werner Krotz-Vogel [4] [5] [6]
12Bob Kuhn [11]
13Pierre Lagier [10]
14Gregor von Laszewski [9]
15Jean Latour [10]
16Jon MacLaren [9]
17Heinz Mühlenbein [1]
18Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn [12]
19Wolfgang E. Nagel [7] [8] [11] [12]
20Reinhard Neumann [12]
21Denis A. Nicole [9]
22Martin Schulz [12]
23Helmut Schwamborn [12]
24David F. Snelling [9]
25Alexander V. Supalov [10]
26Jie Tao [12]
27Bernd Trenkler [12]
28Michael Voss [11]
29Philipp Wieder [9]
30Manuela Winkler [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)