
Juri Kanevski

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7EERoman Wyrzykowski, Norbert Sczygiol, Tomasz Olas, Juri Kanevski: Parallel Finite Element Modeling of Solidification Processes. ACPC 1999: 183-195
6EEAnatoli Sergyienko, Juri Kanevski, Oleg Maslennikov, Roman Wyrzykowski: A Method for Mapping DSP Algorithms into Application Specific Structures. EUROMICRO 1998: 10365-
5 Roman Wyrzykowski, Juri Kanevski: A Technique for Mapping Sparse Matrix Computations into Regular Processor Arrays. Euro-Par 1997: 310-317
4 Roman Wyrzykowski, Juri Kanevski, Oleg Maslennikov: A new orthogonal version of the Gauss-Jordan algorithm and its parallel implementation. PDP 1997: 445-452
3 Juri Kanevski, Oleg Maslennikov, Roman Wyrzykowski: Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerant Solution of Linear Systems on Processor Arrays. Parcella 1996: 165-173
2 Juri Kanevski, Oleg Maslennikov, Anatoli Sergyienko: Processor Array for Signal Computing and Numerical Applications. Parcella 1996: 47-58
1 Roman Wyrzykowski, Larisa Jelfimova, Juri Kanevski: A Fast Toroidal Systolic Array for Matrix Operation. Parcella 1994: 237-245

Coauthor Index

1Larisa Jelfimova [1]
2Oleg Maslennikov (Oleg Maslennikow) [2] [3] [4] [6]
3Tomasz Olas [7]
4Norbert Sczygiol [7]
5Anatoli Sergyienko [2] [6]
6Roman Wyrzykowski [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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