
Andrew Adamatzky

Andy Adamatzky

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36EEAndrew Adamatzky: Physarum boats: If plasmodium sailed it would never leave a port CoRR abs/0901.4466: (2009)
35EEGenaro Juárez Martínez, Andrew Adamatzky, Harold V. McIntosh: On the Representation of Gliders in Rule 54 by De Bruijn and Cycle Diagrams. ACRI 2008: 83-91
34EEChristopher Stone, Rita Toth, Ben de Lacy Costello, Larry Bull, Andrew Adamatzky: Coevolving Cellular Automata with Memory for Chemical Computing: Boolean Logic Gates in the BZ Reaction. PPSN 2008: 579-588
33EELarry Bull, Adam Budd, Christopher Stone, Ivan S. Uroukov, Ben de Lacy Costello, Andrew Adamatzky: Towards Unconventional Computing through Simulated Evolution: Control of Nonlinear Media by a Learning Classifier System. Artificial Life 14(2): 203-222 (2008)
32EEAndrew Adamatzky, Larry Bull: Are complex systems hard to evolve? CoRR abs/0802.3875: (2008)
31EEAndrew Adamatzky: Towards Physarum robots: computing and manipulating on water surface CoRR abs/0804.2036: (2008)
30EERamón Alonso-Sanz, Andrew Adamatzky: On Memory and Structural Dynamism in Excitable Cellular Automata with Defensive Inhibition. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 18(2): 527-539 (2008)
29EEAndrew Adamatzky, Ben de Lacy Costello, Tomohiro Shirakawa: Universal Computation with Limited Resources: Belousov-zhabotinsky and Physarum Computers. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 18(8): 2373-2389 (2008)
28EEChristopher Stone, Rita Toth, Andrew Adamatzky, Ben de Lacy Costello, Larry Bull: Towards the coevolution of cellular automata controllers for chemical computing with the B-Z reaction. GECCO 2007: 472-478
27EEEmmanuel Sapin, Larry Bull, Andrew Adamatzky: A Genetic approach to search for glider guns in cellular automata. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 2456-2462
26EEAndrew Adamatzky: Encapsulating Reaction-Diffusion Computers. MCU 2007: 1-11
25EEAndrew Adamatzky, Larry Bull, Pierre Collet, Emmanuel Sapin: Evolving localizations in reaction-diffusion cellular automata CoRR abs/0712.0836: (2007)
24EEAndrew Adamatzky: Physarum machine: Implementation of Kolmogorov-Uspensky machine in biological substrat CoRR abs/cs/0703128: (2007)
23EEAndrew Adamatzky: Phenomenology of Retained Excitation. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(11): 3985-4014 (2007)
22EEAndrew Adamatzky, Christof Teuscher, Tetsuya Asai: Editorial. IJPEDS 22(2): 77-78 (2007)
21EEAndrew Adamatzky: Physarum Machine: Implementation of a Kolmogorov-Uspensky Machine on a Biological substrate. Parallel Processing Letters 17(4): 455-467 (2007)
20 Andrew Adamatzky: Reaction-Diffusion Intelligent Wetware. IAS 2006: 3-10
19EEAndrew Adamatzky, Genaro Juárez Martínez, Juan Carlos Seck Tuoh Mora: Phenomenology of Reaction-diffusion Binary-State Cellular Automata. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 16(10): 2985-3005 (2006)
18EESergey Skachek, Andrew Adamatzky, Chris Melhuish: Manipulating Planar Shapes with a Light-Sensitive Excitable Medium: Computational Studies of Closed-Loop Systems. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 16(8): 2333-2349 (2006)
17EESusan Stepney, Samuel L. Braunstein, John A. Clark, Andrew M. Tyrrell, Andrew Adamatzky, Robert E. Smith, Thomas R. Addis, Colin G. Johnson, Jonathan Timmis, Peter H. Welch, Robin Milner, Derek Partridge: Journeys in non-classical computation II: initial journeys and waypoints. IJPEDS 21(2): 97-125 (2006)
16EELarry Bull, I. Lawson, Andrew Adamatzky, Ben DeLacyCostello: Towards predicting spatial complexity: a learning classifier system approach to the identification of cellular automata. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 136-141
15EETetsuya Asai, Ben de Lacy Costello, Andrew Adamatzky: Silicon Implementation of a Chemical Reaction-diffusion Processor for Computation of Voronoi Diagram. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(10): 3307-3320 (2005)
14EESusan Stepney, Samuel L. Braunstein, John A. Clark, Andrew M. Tyrrell, Andrew Adamatzky, Robert E. Smith, Tom Addis, Colin G. Johnson, Jonathan Timmis, Peter H. Welch, Robin Milner, Derek Partridge: Journeys in non-classical computation I: A grand challenge for computing research. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 20(1): 5-19 (2005)
13EEAndrew Adamatzky: Programming Reaction-Diffusion Processors. UPP 2004: 33-46
12EEBen de Lacy Costello, Norman Ratcliffe, Andrew Adamatzky, Alexey L. Zanin, Andreas W. Liehr, Hans-Georg Purwins: The Formation of Voronoi Diagrams in Chemical and Physical Systems: Experimental Findings and Theoretical Models. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14(7): 2187-2210 (2004)
11EEHiroshi Yokoi, Andy Adamatzky, Ben de Lacy Costello, Chris Melhuish: Excitable Chemical Medium Controller for a Robotic Hand: Closed-Loop Experiments. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14(9): 3347-3354 (2004)
10EEBen de Lacy Costello, Andrew Adamatzky: On Multitasking in Parallel Chemical Processors: Experimental Findings. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 13(2): 521-533 (2003)
9EEAndrew Adamatzky, Ben de Lacy Costello, Chris Melhuish, Norman Ratcliffe: Experimental Reaction-Diffusion Chemical Processors for Robot Path Planning. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 37(3): 233-249 (2003)
8EEAndrew Adamatzky: Computing in Nonlinear Media: Make Waves, Study Collisions. ECAL 2001: 1-10
7EEJan Wessnitzer, Andrew Adamatzky, Chris Melhuish: Towards Self-Organising Structure Formations: A Decentralized Approach. ECAL 2001: 573-581
6 Andrew Adamatzky, Owen Holland: Physics of Collective Intelligence: Mass Flow and Smart Agents for Load Balancing in Communication Networks. CEEMAS 1999
5 Andrew Adamatzky, Owen Holland, Nikolay G. Rambidi, Alan F. T. Winfield: Wet Artificial Brains: Towards the Chemical Control of Robot Motion by Reaction-Diffusion and Excitable Media. ECAL 1999: 304-313
4 Andrew Adamatzky, Owen Holland, Chris Melhuish: Laziness + Sensitivity + Mobility = Structure. Emergence of Patterns in Lattice Swarms. ECAL 1999: 432-441
3 Andrew Adamatzky: Dynamical universal computation in excitable lattices. MCU (2) 1998: 194-213
2EEAndrew Adamatzky: Cellular automaton labyrinths and solution finding. Computers & Graphics 21(4): 519-522 (1997)
1 Andrew Adamatzky: Reaction-Diffusion Computer: Massively Parallel Chemical Computation. Parcella 1996: 287-290

Coauthor Index

1Thomas R. Addis [17]
2Tom Addis [14]
3Ramón Alonso-Sanz [30]
4Tetsuya Asai [15] [22]
5Samuel L. Braunstein [14] [17]
6Adam Budd [33]
7Larry Bull [16] [25] [27] [28] [32] [33] [34]
8John A. Clark (John Andrew Clark) [14] [17]
9Pierre Collet [25]
10Ben de Lacy Costello [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [28] [29] [33] [34]
11Ben DeLacyCostello [16]
12Owen Holland [4] [5] [6]
13Colin G. Johnson [14] [17]
14I. Lawson [16]
15Andreas W. Liehr [12]
16Genaro Juárez Martínez [19] [35]
17Harold V. McIntosh [35]
18Chris Melhuish [4] [7] [9] [11] [18]
19Robin Milner [14] [17]
20Juan Carlos Seck Tuoh Mora [19]
21Derek Partridge [14] [17]
22Hans-Georg Purwins [12]
23Nikolay G. Rambidi [5]
24Norman Ratcliffe [9] [12]
25Emmanuel Sapin [25] [27]
26Tomohiro Shirakawa [29]
27Sergey Skachek [18]
28Robert Elliott Smith (Robert E. Smith) [14] [17]
29Susan Stepney [14] [17]
30Christopher Stone [28] [33] [34]
31Christof Teuscher [22]
32Jonathan Timmis (Jon Timmis) [14] [17]
33Rita Toth [28] [34]
34Andrew M. Tyrrell (Andy M. Tyrrell) [14] [17]
35Ivan S. Uroukov [33]
36Peter H. Welch [14] [17]
37Jan Wessnitzer [7]
38Alan F. T. Winfield [5]
39Hiroshi Yokoi [11]
40Alexey L. Zanin [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)