
Gabriel Oksa

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11EEGabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Efficient pre-processing in the parallel block-Jacobi SVD algorithm. Parallel Computing 32(2): 166-176 (2006)
10EEGabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Preconditioned Parallel Block-jacobi Svd Algorithm. Parallel Processing Letters 16(3): 371-380 (2006)
9EEGabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Special Issue. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 18(1-2): 49-70 (2003)
8EEMartin Becka, Gabriel Oksa: On variable blocking factor in a parallel dynamic block--Jacobi SVD algorithm. Parallel Computing 29(9): 1153-1174 (2003)
7 Martin Becka, Gabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Dynamic ordering for a parallel block-Jacobi SVD algorithm. Parallel Computing 28(2): 243-262 (2002)
6 Gabriel Oksa, Vassil N. Alexandrov: Regular Array for the Solution of Toeplitz System of Linear Equations by Monte Carlo Method. PDPTA 2000
5EEGabriel Oksa: Combined Systolic Array for Matrix Portrait Computation. ACPC 1999: 58-67
4EEDavid J. Evans, Gabriel Oksa: Parallel Solution of Symmetric Positive Definite Toeplitz Systems. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 12(4): 297-303 (1997)
3 Gabriel Oksa: Fine Grained Systolic Toeplitz Solver. Parcella 1996: 195-205
2 Gabriel Oksa: Time-Minimal Linear Systolic Arrays for the Toeplitz System of Linear Equations. Parallel Processing Letters 5: 461-474 (1995)
1 Gabriel Oksa: A New Linear Systolic Array for A Toeplitz System of Linear Equations. Parcella 1994: 225-236

Coauthor Index

1Vassil N. Alexandrov [6]
2Martin Becka [7] [8]
3David J. Evans [4]
4Marián Vajtersic [7] [9] [10] [11]

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