Volume 47,
Number 1,
January 1996
Special Topic Issue:
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems
- Jean Tague-Sutcliffe:
Some Perspectives on the Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems.
1-3 BibTeX
- David C. Blair:
STAIRS Redux: Thoughts on the STAIRS Evaluation, Ten Years after.
4-22 BibTeX
- David Ellis:
The Dilemma of Measurement in Information Retrieval Research.
23-36 BibTeX
- Stephen P. Harter:
Variations in Relevance Assessments and the Measurement of Retrieval Effectiveness.
37-49 BibTeX
- William R. Hersh, Jeffrey Pentecost, David H. Hickam:
A Task-Oriented Approach to Information Retrieval Evaluation.
50-56 BibTeX
- F. W. Lancaster, Jacob W. Ulvila, Susanne M. Humphrey, Linda C. Smith, Bryce Allen, Saul Herner:
Evaluation of Interactive Knowledge-Based Systems: Overview and Design for Empirical Testing.
57-69 BibTeX
- David A. Hull:
Stemming Algorithms: A Case Study for Detailed Evaluation.
70-84 BibTeX
- Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu, Stephen E. Robertson, Edie M. Rasmussen:
Evaluating Interactive Systems in TREC.
85-94 BibTeX
- Robert M. Losee:
Evaluating Retrieval Performance Given Database and Query Characteristics: Analytic Determination of Performance Surfaces.
95-105 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 2,
February 1996
In Memoriam
Brief Communications
Book Reviews
- Bernd Frohmann:
In-Depth Review: The Jobless Future: Sci-Tech and the Dogma of Work, by Stanley Aronowitz and William DiFazio.
177-179 BibTeX
- Peter Liebscher:
The Myth of the Electronic Library, by William F. Birdsall.
179-181 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 3,
March 1996
Perspectives on ... Costs and Pricing of Library and Information Services in Transition
Book Reviews
- Bella Hass Weinberg:
In-Depth Review: Computational Linguistics in Information Science, by Conrad F. Sabourin.
247-249 BibTeX
- Susan Dunman:
Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and Information Services, by Carol Collier Kuhlthau.
249-250 BibTeX
- Leah A. Lievrouw:
The Information Society: A Study of Continuity and Change, by John Feather.
250-251 BibTeX
- Pamela Cobbs:
The Cult of Information: A Neo-Luddite Treatise on High-Tech, Artificial Intelligence, and the True Art of Thinking, Second Edition, by Theodore Roszak.
251-252 BibTeX
- Stephanie W. Haas:
The Creative Process: A Computer Model of Storytelling and Creativity, by Scott R. Turner.
252-254 BibTeX
- Sara Tompson:
Managing Internet Information Services, by Cricket Liu, Jerry Peek, Russ Jones, Bryan Buus, and Adrian Nye.
254-255 BibTeX
- Donald Owen Case:
The Trouble with Computers: Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity, by Thomas K. Landauer.
255-256 BibTeX
- Stan Hannah:
Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and Its Technology, by Emerson W. Pugh.
256-257 BibTeX
- Vijay V. Raghavan:
Measurement in Information Science, by Bert R. Boyce, Charles T. Meadow, and Donald H. Kraft.
257-258 BibTeX
- Debora Shaw:
Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests, by Jeffrey Rubin.
258-259 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 4,
April 1996
Special Topic Issue:
Full-Text Retrieval
Book Reviews
- Michael Lesk:
The Future of Software, edited by Derek Leebaert.
326-327 BibTeX
- Mary Ellen Soper:
A Library Manager's Guide to the Physical Processing of Nonbook Materials, by Karen C. Driessen and Sheila A. Smyth.
327-328 BibTeX
- Rebecca Green:
Typologies and Taxonomies: An Introduction to Classification Techniques, by Kennet D. Bailey.
328-329 BibTeX
- Herbert J. Lidstone:
Computational Organization Theory, edited by Kathleen M. Carley and Michael J. Prietula.
329-330 BibTeX
- William E. McGrath:
Chaos and Catastrophe Theories, by Courtney Brown.
330-332 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 5,
May 1996
Book Reviews
- Robin Peek:
Detour: The Truth about the Information Superhighway, by Michael Sullivan-Trainor.
399 BibTeX
- V. Marielle McFarland, Hermann L. Totten:
Out in the Cold - Academic Boycotts and the Isolation of South Africa, by Lorraine J. Haricombe and F. W. Lancaster.
399-401 BibTeX
- Tina C. Fu:
Academic Libraries as High-Tech Gateways: A Guide to Design and Space Decisions, by Richard J. Bazillion and Connie Braun.
401-402 BibTeX
- Jamshid Beheshti:
Sociomedia: Multimedia, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Knowledge, edited by Edward Barrett.
402-403 BibTeX
- Charles Cole:
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought, by Douglas Hofstadter.
403-404 BibTeX
- Lynne McKechnie:
Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction, by Diana Tixier Herald.
404-405 BibTeX
- Janette R. Hill:
Information Seeking in Electronic Environments, by Gari Marchionini.
405-406 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 6,
June 1996
In Memoriam
Book Reviews
- Bandula W. Abeysundara:
Video Dialtone Technology: Digital Video over ADSL, HFC, FTTC, and ATM, by Daniel Minoli.
477-478 BibTeX
- Mary Ellen Litzinger:
Designing and Writing Online Documentation: Hypermedia for Self-Supporting Products, Second Edition, by William Horton.
478 BibTeX
- Alan T. Schroeder Jr.:
Innovation the Library: The Adoption of New Ideas in Public Libraries, by Verna L. Pungitore.
479 BibTeX
- Alfred T. Lee:
Global Perspectives on the Ecology of Human-Machine Systems, edited by John M. Flach, Peter A. Hancock, Jeff Caird, and Kim J. Vicente.
479 BibTeX
- Alfred T. Lee:
Local Applications of the Ecological Approach to Human-Machine Systems, edited by Peter A. Hancock, John M. Flach, Jeff Caird, and Kim J. Vicente.
480 BibTeX
- Darlene E. Weingand:
Software and Intellectual Property Protection: Copyright and Patent Issues for Computer and Legal Professionals, by Bernard A. Galler.
480-482 BibTeX
- Alan MacLennan:
The Artificial Life Route to Artificial Intelligence: Building Embodied, Situated Agents, edited by Luc Steels and Rodney Brooks.
482-483 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 7,
July 1996
In Memoriam
Special Topic Issue:
Current Research in Online Public Access Systems
Volume 47,
Number 8,
August 1996
In Memoriam
Brief Communication
Book Reviews
- Alice Robbin:
Telecommunications Politics: Ownership and Control of the Information Highway in Developing Countries, edited by Bella Mody, Johannes M. Bauer, and Joseph D. Staubhaar.
653-654 BibTeX
- Donald R. Smith:
The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Reference Service and Bibliographic Instruction, edited by Gary M. Pitkin.
654-655 BibTeX
- Thomas A. Peters:
Human Factors in Information Systems: Emerging Theoretical Bases, edited by Jane M. Carey.
655-656 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 9,
September 1996
In Memoriam
Special Topic Issue:
Electronic Publishing
Book Reviews
- Katherine W. McCain:
Dictionary of Bibliometrics, by Virgil Diodato.
716-717 BibTeX
- Peter G. Underwood:
Critical Issues in Systems Theory and Practice, edited by Keith Ellis, Amanda Gregory, Bridget R. Mears-Young, and Gillian Ragsdell.
717-719 BibTeX
- Terrence A. Brooks:
Designing Information Technology in the Postmodern Age: From Method to Metaphor, by Richard Coyne.
719-720 BibTeX
- Alison M. Keyes:
Beyond the Information Systems Outsourcing Bandwagon: s The Insourcing Response, by Mary Celia Lacity and Rudy Hirschheim.
720-722 BibTeX
- Stephen Marvin:
Library Patrons and the Law, by Arlene Bielefield and Lawrence Cheeseman.
722 BibTeX
- Melanie J. Norton:
Expertise and Technology, Cognition and Human-Computer Cooperation, edited by Jean-Michel Hoc, Pietro C. Cacciabue, and Erik Hollnagel.
722-725 BibTeX
- Donna Zoccola Soultoukis:
The Internet Access Cookbook: A Librarian's Commonsense Guide to Low-Cost Connections, by Karen G. Schneider.
725 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 10,
October 1996
Brief Communications
Book Reviews
- Charles H. Davis:
At the Crossroads: Librarians on the Information Superhighway, by Herbert S. White.
789-790 BibTeX
- Nikola K. Kasabov:
Fril - Fuzzy and Evidential Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence, by J. F. Baldwin, T. P. Martin, and B. W. Pilsworth.
790-791 BibTeX
- Julian Warner:
Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers, and Meanings, by Yorick A. Wilks, Brian M. Slator, and Louise M. Guthrie.
791-792 BibTeX
- Doborah Hunt:
Finding Government Information on the Internet, edited by John Maxymuk.
792-794 BibTeX
- Robert M. Losee:
Measuring Information: An Information Services Persepective, by Jean Tague-Sutcliffe.
794-795 BibTeX
- Kenneth G. Madden:
Information Management for the Intelligent Organization: The Art of Scanning the Environment, by Chun Wei Choo.
795-796 BibTeX
- Julia Gelfand:
Contextual Media: Multimedia and Interpretation, edited by Edward Barrett and Marie Redmond.
796-797 BibTeX
- Robert Wittorf:
Learning Networks: A Field Guide to Teaching and Learning Online, by Linda Harasim, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Lucio Teles, and Murray Turoff.
797-798 BibTeX
Volume 47,
Number 11,
November 1996
Perspectives on ... Distance Independent Education
Historical Perspective
- Daniel D. Barron:
Distance Education in North American Library and Information Science Education: Applications of Technology and Commitment.
805-810 BibTeX
- Judith M. Roberts:
The Story of Distance Education: A Practitioner's Perspective.
811-816 BibTeX
Discussion of Methods
Instances of Distance Learning
Examples of Classes Using Technological Advances for Media Distribution and Collaboration
Development of Modular Curricular Materials
Programs and Resources
Effectiveness of Distance Education
Volume 47,
Number 12,
December 1996
Book Reviews
- J. R. Jackson:
The Internet Compendium: Subject Guides to Health and Science Resources, by Louis Rosenfeld, Joseph Janes, and Martha Vander Kolk.
953 BibTeX
- Thomas A. Peters:
Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices (2nd Ed.), edited by Rob Kling.
953-955 BibTeX
- Linda S. Bixler:
Educational Services in Health Sciences Libraries. Volume 2: Current Practise in Health Sciences Librarianship, edited by Francesca Allegri.
955-956 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:06:30 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)