
Lois F. Lunin

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11 Mark E. Rorvig, Lois F. Lunin: Introduction and Overview: Visualization, Retrieval, and Knowledge. JASIS 50(9): 790-793 (1999)
10 Lois F. Lunin: The Big Picture: Selection and Design Issues for Image Information Systems. Data Processing Clinic 1996: 0-
9 Eileen G. Abels, Lois F. Lunin: Introduction and Overview. JASIS 47(3): 208-209 (1996)
8 William R. Hersh, Lois F. Lunin: Introduction and Overview. JASIS 46(10): 726-728 (1995)
7 Lois F. Lunin, George D'Elia: Introduction and overview. JASIS 42(2): 116-119 (1991)
6 Lois F. Lunin, Clifford A. Lynch: Introduction and overview. JASIS 42(8): 575-577 (1991)
5 Lois F. Lunin, Susan Crawford: Introduction and overview. JASIS 41(3): 213-215 (1990)
4 Lois F. Lunin, Howard D. White: Introduction and overview. JASIS 41(6): 429-432 (1990)
3 Lois F. Lunin, Roy Rada: Introduction and overview. JASIS 40(3): 158-163 (1989)
2 Lois F. Lunin, Marion J. Ball: Introduction and overview. JASIS 40(5): 364-366 (1989)
1 Marion J. Ball, Judith V. Douglas, John L. Zimmerman, Lois F. Lunin: Informatics education and the professions. JASIS 40(5): 368-377 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Eileen G. Abels [9]
2Marion J. Ball [1] [2]
3Susan Crawford [5]
4George D'Elia [7]
5Judith V. Douglas [1]
6William R. Hersh [8]
7Clifford A. Lynch [6]
8Roy Rada [3]
9Mark E. Rorvig [11]
10Howard D. White [4]
11John L. Zimmerman [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)