
Katherine W. McCain

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22EEFarideh Osareh, Katherine W. McCain: The structure of Iranian chemistry research, 1990-2006: An author cocitation analysis. JASIST 59(13): 2146-2155 (2008)
21EEKatherine W. McCain: Assessing an author's influence using time series historiographic mapping: The oeuvre of conrad hal waddington (1905-1975). JASIST 59(4): 510-525 (2008)
20EEPalakorn Achananuparp, Katherine W. McCain, Robert B. Allen: Supporting Student Collaboration for Image Indexing. ICADL 2007: 24-34
19EEChristine E. Wania, Michael E. Atwood, Katherine W. McCain: How do design and evaluation interrelate in HCI research? Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006: 90-98
18EEPalakorn Achananuparp, Katherine W. McCain, Robert B. Allen: A tool for teaching principles of image metadata generation. JCDL 2006: 341
17EEKatherine W. McCain, June M. Verner, Gregory W. Hislop, William M. Evanco, Vera J. Cole: The use of bibliometric and knowledge elicitation techniques to map a knowledge domain: Software Engineering in the 1990s. Scientometrics 65(1): 131-144 (2005)
16EEKatherine W. McCain, William E. Snizek: Guest Editorial. Scientometrics 60(1): 11-18 (2004)
15EEMichael E. Atwood, Katherine W. McCain, Jodi C. Williams: How does the design community think about design? Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 125-132
14 Abby Goodrum, Katherine W. McCain, Steve Lawrence, C. Lee Giles: Scholarly publishing in the Internet age: a citation analysis of computer science literature. Inf. Process. Manage. 37(5): 661-675 (2001)
13 Linda S. Marion, Katherine W. McCain: Contrasting views of software engineering journals: Author cocitation choices and indexer vocabulary assignments. JASIST 52(4): 297-308 (2001)
12EEJune M. Verner, William M. Evanco, Katherine W. McCain, Gregory W. Hislop, Vera J. Cole: The determinants of visibility of software engineering researchers. Journal of Systems and Software 59(1): 99-106 (2001)
11 Howard D. White, Katherine W. McCain: In memory of Belver C. Griffith. JASIS 51(10): 959-962 (2000)
10 Katherine W. McCain: Sharing digitized research-related information on the World Wide Web. JASIS 51(14): 1321-1327 (2000)
9 Howard D. White, Katherine W. McCain: Rejoinder: Authors of information science. JASIS 51(9): 882-883 (2000)
8EEJune M. Verner, Scott P. Overmyer, Katherine W. McCain: In the 25 years since The Mythical Man-Month what have we learned about project management? Information & Software Technology 41(14): 1021-1026 (1999)
7 Howard D. White, Katherine W. McCain: Visualizing a Discipline: An Author Co-Citation Analysis of Information Science, 1972-1995. JASIS 49(4): 327-355 (1998)
6 Katherine W. McCain: Dictionary of Bibliometrics, by Virgil Diodato. JASIS 47(9): 716-717 (1996)
5 Katherine W. McCain: Biotechnology in Context: A Database-Filtering Approach to Identifying Core and Productive Non-Core Journals Supporting Multidisciplinary R. & D. JASIS 46(4): 306-317 (1995)
4 Katherine W. McCain: Mapping economics through the journal literature: An experiment in journal cocitation analysis. JASIS 42(4): 290-296 (1991)
3 Katherine W. McCain: Mapping authors in intellectual space: A technical overview. JASIS 41(6): 433-443 (1990)
2EEKatherine W. McCain, Howard D. White, Belver C. Griffith: Comparing retrieval performance in online data bases. Inf. Process. Manage. 23(6): 539-553 (1987)
1EEElliot Cole, Katherine W. McCain: Adoption and adaptation in the use of transaction processing systems: The case of OCLC software. Inf. Process. Manage. 21(1): 27-34 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Palakorn Achananuparp [18] [20]
2Robert B. Allen [18] [20]
3Michael E. Atwood [15] [19]
4Elliot Cole [1]
5Vera J. Cole [12] [17]
6William M. Evanco [12] [17]
7C. Lee Giles (Clyde Lee Giles) [14]
8Abby Goodrum [14]
9Belver C. Griffith [2]
10Gregory W. Hislop [12] [17]
11Steve Lawrence [14]
12Linda S. Marion [13]
13Farideh Osareh [22]
14Scott P. Overmyer [8]
15William E. Snizek [16]
16June M. Verner [8] [12] [17]
17Christine E. Wania [19]
18Howard D. White [2] [7] [9] [11]
19Jodi C. Williams [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)