
Stuart A. Sutton

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11EEJoseph T. Tennis, Stuart A. Sutton: Extending the simple knowledge organization system for concept management in vocabulary development applications. JASIST 59(1): 25-37 (2008)
10EEDiane Hillmann, Stuart A. Sutton, Jon Phipps, Ryan Laundry: A Metadata Registry from Vocabularies UP: The NSDL Registry Project CoRR abs/cs/0605111: (2006)
9EEStuart A. Sutton, Elizabeth D. Liddy, John Kendall: StandardConnection: correlating educational resources in digital libraries to content standards. JCDL 2002: 408
8EEElizabeth D. Liddy, Eileen Allen, Sarah Harwell, Susan Corieri, Ozgur Yilmazel, Necati Ercan Ozgencil, Anne Diekema, Nancy J. McCracken, Joanne Silverstein, Stuart A. Sutton: Automatic metadata generation & evaluation. SIGIR 2002: 401-402
7EEErik Duval, Wayne Hodgins, Stuart A. Sutton, Stuart Weibel: Metadata Principles and Practicalities. D-Lib Magazine 8(4): (2002)
6EEStuart A. Sutton, Jon Mason: The Dublin Core and Metadata for Educational Resources. Dublin Core Conference 2001: 25-31
5EEElizabeth D. Liddy, Stuart A. Sutton, Woojin Paik, Eileen Allen, Sarah Harwell, Michelle Monsour, Anne Turner, Jennifer Liddy: Breaking the metadata generation bottleneck: preliminary findings. JCDL 2001: 464
4 Stuart A. Sutton: Conceptual Design and Deployment of a Metadata Framework for Educational Resources on the Internet. JASIS 50(13): 1182-1192 (1999)
3EEStuart A. Sutton: Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM): Metadata for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 691-693 (1998)
2 Stuart A. Sutton: Planning for the Twenty-First Century: The California State University. JASIS 47(11): 821-825 (1996)
1 Stuart A. Sutton: The Role of Attorney Mental Models of Law in Case Relevance Determinations: An Exploratory Analysis. JASIS 45(3): 186-200 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Eileen Allen [5] [8]
2Susan Corieri [8]
3Anne Diekema [8]
4Erik Duval [7]
5Sarah Harwell [5] [8]
6Diane Hillmann [10]
7Wayne Hodgins [7]
8John Kendall [9]
9Ryan Laundry [10]
10Elizabeth D. Liddy (Liz Liddy) [5] [8] [9]
11Jennifer Liddy [5]
12Jon Mason [6]
13Nancy J. McCracken [8]
14Michelle Monsour [5]
15Necati Ercan Ozgencil [8]
16Woojin Paik [5]
17Jon Phipps [10]
18Joanne Silverstein [8]
19Joseph T. Tennis [11]
20Anne Turner [5]
21Stuart Weibel [7]
22Ozgur Yilmazel [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)