
Charles K. Nicholas

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32EEPaul McNamee, Charles K. Nicholas, James Mayfield: Don't have a stemmer?: be un+concern+ed. SIGIR 2008: 813-814
31EEJacob Kogan, Marc Teboulle, Charles K. Nicholas: Data Driven Similarity Measures for k-Means Like Clustering Algorithms. Inf. Retr. 8(2): 331-349 (2005)
30EEVinay Bhat, Tim Oates, Vishal Shanbhag, Charles K. Nicholas: Finding aliases on the web using latent semantic analysis. Data Knowl. Eng. 49(2): 129-143 (2004)
29EESrikanth Kallurkar, Yongmei Shi, R. Scott Cost, Charles K. Nicholas, Akshay Java, Christopher James, Sowjanya Rajavaram, Vishal Shanbhag, Sachin Bhatkar, Drew Ogle: UMBC at TREC 12. TREC 2003: 699-706
28EER. Scott Cost, Srikanth Kallurkar, Hemali Majithia, Charles K. Nicholas, Yongmei Shi: Integrating Distributed Information Sources with CARROT II. CIA 2002: 194-201
27EER. Scott Cost, Srikanth Kallurkar, Hemali Majithia, Charles K. Nicholas, Yongmei Shi: CARROTT 11 and the TREC 11 Web Track. TREC 2002
26EELalana Kagal, Filip Perich, Harry Chen, Sovrin Tolia, Youyong Zou, Timothy W. Finin, Anupam Joshi, Yun Peng, R. Scott Cost, Charles K. Nicholas: Agents Making Sense of the Semantic Web. WRAC 2002: 417-433
25EER. Scott Cost, Timothy W. Finin, Anupam Joshi, Yun Peng, Charles K. Nicholas, Ian Soboroff, Harry Chen, Lalana Kagal, Filip Perich, Youyong Zou, Sovrin Tolia: ITtalks: A Case Study in the Semantic Web and DAML+OIL. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(1): 40-47 (2002)
24 Ian Soboroff, Charles K. Nicholas: Related, but not Relevant: Content-Based Collaborative Filtering in TREC-8. Inf. Retr. 5(2-3): 189-208 (2002)
23EEFilip Perich, Lalana Kagal, Harry Chen, Sovrin Tolia, Youyong Zou, Timothy W. Finin, Anupam Joshi, Yun Peng, R. Scott Cost, Charles K. Nicholas: ITTALKS: An Application of Agents in the Semantic Web. ESAW 2001: 175-194
22 Ian Soboroff, Charles K. Nicholas, Patrick Cahan: Ranking Retrieval Systems without Relevance Judgments. SIGIR 2001: 66-73
21EER. Scott Cost, Timothy W. Finin, Anupam Joshi, Yun Peng, Charles K. Nicholas, Harry Chen, Lalana Kagal, Filip Perich, Youyong Zou, Sovrin Tolia: ITTALKS: A Case Study in the Semantic Web and DAML. SWWS 2001: 477-494
20EEIan Soboroff, Charles K. Nicholas: Collaborative filtering and the generalized vector space model. SIGIR 2000: 351-353
19 Ethan L. Miller, Dan Shen, Junli Liu, Charles K. Nicholas, Ting Chen: Techniques for Gigabyte-Scale N-gram Based Information Retrieval on Personal Computers. PDPTA 1999: 1410-1416
18EEChristopher D. Shaw, James M. Kukla, Ian Soboroff, David S. Ebert, Charles K. Nicholas, Amen Zwa, Ethan L. Miller, D. Aaron Roberts: Interactive Volumetric Information Visualization for Document Corpus Management. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 2(2-3): 144-156 (1999)
17EEIan Soboroff, Charles K. Nicholas, Michael J. Pazzani: Workshop on Recommender Systems: Algorithms and Evaluation. SIGIR Forum 33(1): 36-43 (1999)
16 Ethan V. Munson, Charles K. Nicholas, Derick Wood: Principles of Digital Document Processing, 4th International Workshop, PODDP'98, Saint Malo, France, March 29-30, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
15EECharles K. Nicholas, Randall Dahlberg: Spotting Topics with the Singular Value Decomposition. PODDP 1998: 82-91
14 Charles K. Nicholas, Derick Wood: Principles of Document Processing, Third International Workshop, PODP'96, Palo Alto, California, USA, September 23, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1997
13 Charles K. Nicholas, James Mayfield: Intelligent Hypertext: Advanced Techniques for the World Wide Web Springer 1997
12 R. Scott Cost, Ian Soboroff, Jeegar Lakhani, Timothy W. Finin, Ethan L. Miller, Charles K. Nicholas: TKQML: A Scripting Tool for Building Agents. ATAL 1997: 339-343
11EEIan Soboroff, Charles K. Nicholas, James M. Kukla, David S. Ebert: Visualizing Document Authorship Using n-grams and Latent Semantic Indexing. Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation 1997: 43-48
10 Claudia Pearce, Charles K. Nicholas: TELLTALE: Experiments in a Dynamic Hypertext Environment for Degraded and Multilingual Data. JASIS 47(4): 263-275 (1996)
9EEKenneth E. Rowe, Charles K. Nicholas: Reliability of WWW Name Servers. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(6): 773-780 (1995)
8 Timothy W. Finin, Charles K. Nicholas, Yelena Yesha: Information and Knowledge Management, Expanding the Definition of "Database", First International Conference, CIKM'92, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 8-11, 1992, Selected Papers Springer 1993
7EEClaudia Pearce, Charles K. Nicholas: Generating a Dynamic Hypertext Environment with n-gram Analysis. CIKM 1993: 148-153
6 Charles K. Nicholas, Linda H. Rosenberg: Canto: a Hypertext Data Model. Electronic Publishing 6(2): 93-113 (1993)
5 Charles K. Nicholas, Yelena Yesha: Information and Knowledge Management: Guest Editors' Introduction. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 2(2): 105-106 (1993)
4 James Mayfield, Charles K. Nicholas: Snitch: Augmenting Hypertext Documents with a Semantic Net. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 2(3): 335- (1993)
3 Charles K. Nicholas, Lawrence A. Welsch: On the Interchangeability of SGML and ODA. Electronic Publishing 5(3): 105-130 (1992)
2EESandra A. Mamrak, Michael J. Kaelbling, Charles K. Nicholas, Michael Share: Chameleon: A System for Solving the Data-Translation Problem. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(9): 1090-1108 (1989)
1 Sandra A. Mamrak, Michael J. Kaelbling, Charles K. Nicholas, Michael Share: A Software Architecture for Supporting the Exchange of Electronic Manuscripts. Commun. ACM 30(5): 408-414 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Vinay Bhat [30]
2Sachin Bhatkar [29]
3Patrick Cahan [22]
4Harry Chen [21] [23] [25] [26]
5Ting Chen [19]
6R. Scott Cost [12] [21] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]
7Randall Dahlberg [15]
8David S. Ebert [11] [18]
9Timothy W. Finin (Tim Finin) [8] [12] [21] [23] [25] [26]
10Christopher James [29]
11Akshay Java [29]
12Anupam Joshi [21] [23] [25] [26]
13Michael J. Kaelbling [1] [2]
14Lalana Kagal [21] [23] [25] [26]
15Srikanth Kallurkar [27] [28] [29]
16Jacob Kogan [31]
17James M. Kukla [11] [18]
18Jeegar Lakhani [12]
19Junli Liu [19]
20Hemali Majithia [27] [28]
21Sandra A. Mamrak [1] [2]
22James Mayfield [4] [13] [32]
23Paul McNamee [32]
24Ethan L. Miller [12] [18] [19]
25Ethan V. Munson [16]
26Tim Oates [30]
27Drew Ogle [29]
28Michael J. Pazzani [17]
29Claudia Pearce [7] [10]
30Yun Peng [21] [23] [25] [26]
31Filip Perich [21] [23] [25] [26]
32Sowjanya Rajavaram [29]
33D. Aaron Roberts [18]
34Linda H. Rosenberg [6]
35Kenneth E. Rowe [9]
36Vishal Shanbhag [29] [30]
37Michael Share [1] [2]
38Chris Shaw (Christopher D. Shaw) [18]
39Dan Shen [19]
40Yongmei Shi [27] [28] [29]
41Ian Soboroff [11] [12] [17] [18] [20] [22] [24] [25]
42Marc Teboulle [31]
43Sovrin Tolia [21] [23] [25] [26]
44Lawrence A. Welsch [3]
45Derick Wood [14] [16]
46Yelena Yesha [5] [8]
47Youyong Zou [21] [23] [25] [26]
48Amen Zwa [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)