
Chris D. Paice

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10EEMichael P. Oakes, Chris D. Paice: The Automatic Generation of Templates for Automatic Abstracting. BCS-IRSG Annual Colloquium on IR Research 1999
9 Michael Twidale, David M. Nichols, Chris D. Paice: Browsing is a collaborative process. Inf. Process. Manage. 33(6): 761-783 (1997)
8 Chris D. Paice: Method for Evaluation of Stemming Algorithms Based on Error Counting. JASIS 47(8): 632-649 (1996)
7EEChris D. Paice: An Evaluation Method for Stemming Algorithms. SIGIR 1994: 42-50
6EEChris D. Paice, Paul A. Jones: The Identification of Important Concepts in Highly Structured Technical Papers. SIGIR 1993: 69-78
5EEChris D. Paice: A thesaural model of information retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 27(5): 433-447 (1991)
4EEChris D. Paice: Constructing literature abstracts by computer: Techniques and prospects. Inf. Process. Manage. 26(1): 171-186 (1990)
3EEChris D. Paice: Another Stemmer. SIGIR Forum 24(3): 56-61 (1990)
2 Chris D. Paice, V. Aragón-Ramírez: The calculation of similarities between multi-word strings using a thesaurus. RIAO 1985: 293-319
1EEChris D. Paice: The Automatic Generation of Literature Abstracts: An Approach Based on the Identification of Self-Indicating Phrases. SIGIR 1980: 172-191

Coauthor Index

1V. Aragón-Ramírez [2]
2Paul A. Jones [6]
3David M. Nichols [9]
4Michael P. Oakes [10]
5Michael Twidale (Michael B. Twidale) [9]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)