
Michael McGill

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12 Carolyn J. Crouch, Michael McGill, Michael Lesk, Karen Sparck Jones, Edward A. Fox, Donna Harman, Donald H. Kraft: Gerald Salton, March 8, 1927 - August 28, 1995. JASIS 47(2): 108-115 (1996)
11EEMichael McGill, Martin Dillon: Library Research Activities at OCLC Online Computer Library Center. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 13(1): 48-55 (1990)
10 Gerard Salton, Michael McGill: Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval. McGraw-Hill Book Company 1984
9EETerry Noreault, Michael McGill, Matthew B. Koll: A Performance Evaluation of Similarity Measures, Document Term Weighting Schemes and Representations in a Boolean Environment. SIGIR 1980: 57-76
8EEMichael McGill: Information Retrieval Activities at the School of Information Studies Syracuse University. SIGIR Forum 14(4): 13-16 (1980)
7EEMichael McGill: From the Editor. SIGIR Forum 13(4): 1 (1979)
6 Michael McGill: The Papers of the Fourth Workshop on Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing, Blue Mountain Lake, NY, August 1-4, 1978 ACM 1978
5EEMichael McGill: Editor's Notes. SIGIR Forum 12(4): 2 (1978)
4 Michael McGill: SIGIR-SIGARCH-SIGMOD Third Workshop on Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing, Blue Mountain Lake, Syracuse, NY, May 17-18, 1977 ACM 1977
3EEMichael McGill: Eidtor's Note. SIGIR Forum 11(4): 2 (1977)
2EEMichael McGill, Linda C. Smith, Stuart Davidson, Terry Noreault: Syracure Information Retrieval Experiment (SIRE): Design of an On-Line Bibliographic System. SIGIR Forum 10(4): 37-44 (1976)
1EEMichael McGill: Publication Chairman's Message. SIGIR Forum 11(2): 2-3 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Carolyn J. Crouch [12]
2Stuart Davidson [2]
3Martin Dillon [11]
4Edward A. Fox [12]
5Donna Harman [12]
6Karen Sparck Jones (Karen Spärck Jones) [12]
7Matthew B. Koll [9]
8Donald H. Kraft [12]
9Michael E. Lesk (Michael Lesk) [12]
10Terry Noreault [2] [9]
11Gerard Salton [10]
12Linda C. Smith [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)