
Guido Van Hooydonk

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5EEJuan A. Araujo Ruiz, Guido Van Hooydonk, Raul G. Torricella Morales, Ricardo Arencibia Jorge: Cuban scientific articles in ISI Citation Indexes and CubaCiencias databases (1988-2003). Scientometrics 65(2): 161-171 (2005)
4 Leo Egghe, Ronald Rousseau, Guido Van Hooydonk: Methods for accrediting publications to authors or countries: Consequences for evaluation studies. JASIS 51(2): 145-157 (2000)
3 Guido Van Hooydonk: Standardizing Relative Impacts: Estimating the Quality of Research from Citation Counts. JASIS 49(10): 932-941 (1998)
2 Guido Van Hooydonk: Fractional Counting of Multiauthored Publications: Consequences for the Impact of Authors. JASIS 48(10): 944-945 (1997)
1 Ronald Rousseau, Guido Van Hooydonk: Journal Production and Journal Impact Factors. JASIS 47(10): 775-780 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Leo Egghe [4]
2Ricardo Arencibia Jorge [5]
3Raul G. Torricella Morales [5]
4Ronald Rousseau [1] [4]
5Juan A. Araujo Ruiz [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)